Feature Channels: Social Media

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Newswise: New Social Media Tools Help Public Assess Viral Posts, Check for Bots
Released: 28-Jul-2022 3:45 PM EDT
New Social Media Tools Help Public Assess Viral Posts, Check for Bots
Indiana University

The Observatory on Social Media has released new or updated versions of three no-cost tools to offer insights into social media, including how posts go viral and what accounts are sharing them.

Newswise: How to Effectively Market Influencers “Kollective”: An Innovation that Responds to Business Needs by Chula’s Start-Up
Released: 27-Jul-2022 8:55 AM EDT
How to Effectively Market Influencers “Kollective”: An Innovation that Responds to Business Needs by Chula’s Start-Up
Chulalongkorn University

Chula alumni team in cooperation with the CU Innovation Hub has come up with the idea of “Kollective” a new start-up that provides the tools and services for full-scale marketing of influencers. With the analysis using big data, the best influencers are chosen to increase sales volumes in your business.

Released: 26-Jul-2022 5:15 PM EDT
Tweets suggest people consumed healthier foods during the pandemic
Boston University School of Public Health

More salad and apples, less McDonalds and KFC. Those are just a couple of the dietary changes that people appeared to make during the first year of the pandemic, according to a new study led by School of Public Health researchers.

Released: 26-Jul-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Unhealthy food and beverage brands encouraging TikTok users to market their products for them

Unhealthy food and beverage brands are encouraging TikTok users to market their products for them—effectively turning them into ‘brand ambassadors’—as well as using their own accounts for promotional activity, finds an assessment of video content posted on the social media platform and published in the open access journal BMJ Global Health.

Released: 21-Jul-2022 11:55 AM EDT
1 in 2 Black Adolescents Faced Online Racial Discrimination at Least Once in 2020: Study
University of Pittsburgh

Against the backdrop of racial tensions across America in late 2020, online platforms became a place of discussion, discourse and even protest. Through this time period, Black adolescents experienced a different effect than their white peers; they more distinctly suffered mental health issues after being confronted with online racial discrimination, according to a University of Pittsburgh study.

Released: 20-Jul-2022 1:30 PM EDT
Preventing Scrollers’ Remorse: How to Know What Users Want
Cornell University

Researchers have created a new model that can help online media companies figure out what gives users long-term satisfaction – not just the instant gratification of continual scrolling – which may result in less time spent on the platform, but fewer users who quit entirely.

Released: 14-Jul-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Study Finds Plus Size Models Rising Presence on Social Media
Boston University School of Medicine

With the changing societal body image in America, plus size models have gained in popularity and positively impacted a body inclusive model of beauty.

Released: 13-Jul-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Elon Musk’s Irony: Bots, the Impetus to Abandon His Twitter Deal, Have Propelled Tesla
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Maryland Smith’s David Kirsch, who is researching pro-Tesla Twitter bots, describes the irony in Elon Musk’s stated reason for moving to abandon his $44 billion Twitter purchase agreement.

Released: 13-Jul-2022 12:50 PM EDT
Rutgers Report Finds Increase in Anti-Hindu Disinformation
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Members of the Network Contagion Lab at Rutgers University-New Brunswick (NC Lab), found evidence of a sharp rise and evolving patterns of hate speech directed toward the Hindu community across numerous social media platforms, according to a new report.

Released: 13-Jul-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Gender Plays Key Role in Influencer Call-Outs
Cornell University

Social media influencers stake their claim in the pop culture landscape by crafting aspirational personas and sharing intimate details of their lives with online audiences. In some cases, their followers number in the tens of millions.

Released: 12-Jul-2022 3:50 PM EDT
Musk’s Buyer’s Remorse and Potential Deal Outcomes
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Elon Musk’s move to abandon his $44 billion offer to buy Twitter is less about bot traffic and more about Musk’s buyer’s remorse for agreeing to too high a purchase price, explains Maryland Smith finance expert David Kass

Released: 12-Jul-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Vaccine Attitudes Detected in Tweets by AI Model
University of Warwick

An intelligent AI model developed by the University of Warwick can detect social media users’ stances and concerns towards vaccinations.

Released: 11-Jul-2022 3:30 PM EDT
The 4 bases of anti-science beliefs – and what to do about them
Ohio State University

The same four factors that explain how people change their beliefs on a variety of issues can account for the recent rise in anti-science attitudes, a new review suggests.

Newswise: Mass shootings: Conservative, liberal social media users starting to agree — enough is enough, says @UNLV researcher
Released: 8-Jul-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Mass shootings: Conservative, liberal social media users starting to agree — enough is enough, says @UNLV researcher
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

Schoolchildren huddled in Uvalde, Tex. classrooms as classmates and teachers are cut down by a rogue gunman. A peaceful weekend afternoon at a Buffalo, N.Y. grocery store interrupted by a white supremacist who sprays the aisles of elderly, predominantly African American weekend shoppers with an AR-15 style rifle. Only five months into the year, these attacks tallied as the 198th and 214th U.

Released: 29-Jun-2022 11:10 AM EDT
Study Finds Toxicity in the Open-Source Community Varies From Other Internet Forums
Carnegie Mellon University

Trolls, haters, flamers and other ugly characters are, unfortunately, a fact of life across much of the internet. Their ugliness ruins social media networks and sites like Reddit and Wikipedia.

Released: 28-Jun-2022 7:05 PM EDT
These Red Flags Can Let You Know When You’re in an Online Echo Chamber
University of California, Santa Cruz

Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have identified specific elements of tone and style in online speech that are linked to hyperpartisan echo chambers. These language markers could also prove useful for flagging spaces where disinformation may be likely to emerge.

Released: 28-Jun-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Hate Sites Using the Wider Abortion Argument to Spread Racism and Extremism
Taylor & Francis

White supremacists are using the debate around women’s reproductive rights to promote racist and extremist agendas, finds a new study released today – following news on Friday that millions of women in the US will lose the constitutional right to abortion.

Released: 27-Jun-2022 1:45 PM EDT
The latest expert commentary on SCOTUS decisions, including the overturn of Roe v. Wade

The latest expert commentary and research on SCOTUS decisions, including the overturn of Roe v. Wade

23-Jun-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Study Shows Link Between Cyberbullying and Suicidality in Early Adolescence
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Young adolescents who are targets of cyberbullying are more likely to report suicidal thoughts and attempts, an association that goes above and beyond the link between suicidality and traditional offline bullying.

Released: 17-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Spending Time Online Can Boost Children’s Well-Being – Depending on Their Social Framework
University of Oslo

Contrary to what many fear, the time Norwegian children spend in front of a screen is associated with a good quality of life.

Released: 14-Jun-2022 2:55 PM EDT
TikTok’s Alternative Soda Trend Could Be Tough on Teeth
American Dental Association (ADA)

New research finds acids in sugar-free beverages could erode tooth enamel, as a recipe mixing flavored sparkling water with balsamic vinegar to create a so-called “healthier” alternative to soda goes viral on TikTok.

7-Jun-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Scientists Warn of Misleading Nutrition Advice on TikTok
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

A new study reveals that people browsing the popular social media platform TikTok for information about the diet are likely to find advice that is neither aligned with the Mediterranean diet nor particularly healthful.

Released: 13-Jun-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Using Social Media for Clinical Research: Recommendations and Examples From the Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Social media integration into research has increased, and 92% of American social media participants state they would share their data with researchers. Yet, the potential of these data to transform health outcomes has not been fully realized, and the...

Released: 10-Jun-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Rising temperatures may cause a rise in carbon dioxide, but this does not refute human-caused climate change

The rise in temperature before a rise in carbon dioxide has led some to conclude that carbon dioxide simply cannot be responsible for current global warming. We find this claim to be misleading because it fails to tell the whole story. Increasing CO2 levels can be the cause AND effect of further warming.

Released: 9-Jun-2022 3:00 PM EDT
The Effect of Fear of Infection and Sufficient Vaccine Reservation Information on Rapid COVID-19 Vaccination in Japan: Evidence From a Retrospective Twitter Analysis
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: The global public health and socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been substantial, rendering herd immunity by COVID-19 vaccination an important factor for protecting people and retrieving the economy. Amon...

Released: 2-Jun-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Rutgers Gun Violence Research Center Hosts a Twitter Space Discussion on How to Change the Way We Respond to Mass Shootings
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers Gun Violence Research Center Hosts a Twitter Space Discussion on How to Change the Way We Respond to Mass Shootings

Released: 27-May-2022 11:05 AM EDT
No 'Echo Chambers' in Reddit Climate Debate
University of Exeter

Climate change debates on Reddit don't happen in polarised "echo chambers", new research suggests.

Newswise: Spatial distribution of anti-Asian hate tweets during COVID-19
Released: 24-May-2022 5:50 PM EDT
Spatial distribution of anti-Asian hate tweets during COVID-19
University of Utah

Anti-Asian hate language surged between January and March of 2020 with clusters of hateful tweets spread across the contiguous U.S. that varied in size, strength distribution and location. This is the first step towards helping officials predict where online racism may spill over to the streets as a public health threat.

Released: 23-May-2022 5:40 PM EDT
Reducing screen time increases physical activity in children
University of Southern Denmark

Many young people spend much of their time using digital screens which may reduce their engagement in physical activity.

Newswise: ‘I Don’t Even Remember What I Read’: People Enter a ‘Dissociative State’ When Using Social Media
Released: 23-May-2022 1:05 PM EDT
‘I Don’t Even Remember What I Read’: People Enter a ‘Dissociative State’ When Using Social Media
University of Washington

Researchers at the University of Washington found that people might not be 'addicted' to social media. Instead they get stuck in a state of dissociation, like what happens when you are reading a good book.

Newswise: University of Minnesota Student Uses Tiktok Dance Videos to Solve Problems in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Released: 20-May-2022 9:00 AM EDT
University of Minnesota Student Uses Tiktok Dance Videos to Solve Problems in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering

What if we used TikTok as a tool to further scientific research? University of Minnesota computer science Ph.D. student Yasamin Jafarian is doing just that, using data from the app to create more realistic 3D digital avatars.

Newswise: Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Released: 19-May-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Stony Brook University

In a newly published study, co-author H. Andrew Schwartz, PhD, of the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, and colleagues determined that the language people used in Facebook posts can identify those at risk for hazardous drinking habits and alcohol use disorders.

Released: 19-May-2022 2:55 PM EDT
Official measures of research ‘impact’ are failing to keep pace with socially-networked academics
University of Cambridge

A survey of how academics use social media to encourage people to interact with their research argues that much of the public value of their work is probably being overlooked in official ‘impact’ assessments.

Released: 19-May-2022 2:30 PM EDT
The Use of Social Media as a Persuasive Platform to Facilitate Nutrition and Health Behavior Change in Young Adults: Web-Based Conversation Study
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Globally, suboptimal dietary choices are a leading cause of noncommunicable diseases. Evidence for effective interventions to address these behaviors, particularly in young adults, is limited. Given the substantial time y...

Released: 19-May-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Characterization of False or Misleading Fluoride Content on Instagram: Infodemiology Study
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Online false or misleading oral health–related content has been propagated on social media to deceive people against fluoride’s economic and health benefits to prevent dental caries. Objective: The ai...

Released: 18-May-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Harness the power of social media through appropriate strategies – engagement is a key performance indicator
University of Vaasa

The explosive growth of social media during the last decade has dramatically changed the dynamics of business-customer interactions.

Newswise: UA Little Rock Awarded $165K Grant to Support Research Efforts to Monitor Cyber Warfare Tactics on Social Media
Released: 18-May-2022 10:05 AM EDT
UA Little Rock Awarded $165K Grant to Support Research Efforts to Monitor Cyber Warfare Tactics on Social Media
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Dr. Nitin Agarwal, Jerry L. Maulden-Entergy endowed chair and distinguished professor of information science at UA Little Rock, has received a grant for $165,540 that will support research efforts to monitor cyber warfare tactics through social media.

Released: 17-May-2022 9:05 AM EDT
How Social Media Posts Could Affect Credit Scores
University of Georgia

Systems developing alternative credit scores can be like a black box, according to University of Georgia financial regulation researcher Lindsay Sain Jones. With the pool of personal data available growing, it’s time to take a second look at how the American credit scoring system works and is regulated.

12-May-2022 6:05 AM EDT
Facebook Users’ Language Predicts Who’s at Risk for Dangerous Drinking
Research Society on Alcoholism

The language used in Facebook posts can identify people at risk of hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders (AUDs), according to a new study. Social media platforms are a “low-cost treasure trove” of data, researchers claim, expanding the options for studying, screening, and helping people at risk. Social media content in recent years has been used to explore various public health phenomena. For example, language and “likes” have predicted depression, hospital visits, low birthweight, obesity, and life expectancy. Social media language has also been linked to patterns of alcohol consumption and related problems. For the study in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, investigators explored how convincingly the language of Facebook could be used to identify risky drinking. They compared the accuracy of multiple predictive tools, including a new technique for processing language that has rarely been applied to health research.

Released: 13-May-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Monitoring User Opinions and Side Effects on COVID-19 Vaccines in the Twittersphere: Infodemiology Study of Tweets
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: In the current phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are witnessing the most massive vaccine rollout in human history. Like any other drug, vaccines may cause unexpected side effects, which need to be investigated in a timel...

Released: 13-May-2022 1:30 PM EDT
Bill Gates-backed artificial breast milk company is not responsible for the baby formula shortage

There’s no evidence that an investment in BIOMILQ – a startup that makes artificial breast milk has anything to do with the baby formula shortage. The shortage is caused by supply chain problems and a recall of formula owned by Abbott Nutrition.

Released: 10-May-2022 2:45 PM EDT
What Spotify and Tinder aren't telling us
University of Auckland

Our online and real-world lives are increasingly influenced by algorithmic recommendations based on data gathered about our behavior by companies that are often reluctant to tell us what data they’re gathering how they are using it.
