Latest News from: University of Alabama Huntsville

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7-Apr-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Commercially Viable Proposals Win UAH Innovation Awards
University of Alabama Huntsville

Three commercially viable proposals that resulted from research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) have been awarded over $43,000 from the Charger Innovation Fund (CIF).

Released: 6-Apr-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Solar Expert Gets National Academyof Sciences Committee Chair Nod
University of Alabama Huntsville

The founder of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research has been named U.S. national representative / coordinating group chair of the Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 6-Apr-2015 1:05 PM EDT
UAH a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense
University of Alabama Huntsville

The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Research (CAE - R) through academic year 2021.

Released: 3-Apr-2015 9:05 AM EDT
UAH Seeks New Insights to Study Lightning
University of Alabama Huntsville

UAH’s Dr. Philip Bitzer will spend the next two years studying 17 years of data from NASA’s Lightning Imaging Sensor, and breaking lightning flashes into their smallest pieces.

Released: 23-Mar-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Ultra-Thin Silicon Films Create Vibrant Optical Colors
University of Alabama Huntsville

A new technology, which creates a rainbow of optical colors with ultra-thin layers of silicon, has been recently demonstrated by a research group at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

Released: 16-Mar-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Morning Is the Time for Powerful Lightning
University of Alabama Huntsville

Wherever you are, if it's 8 a.m. it’s time for the kids to be in school, time perhaps for a second cup of coffee, and time for the most powerful lightning strokes of the day. Not the largest number of lightning flashes, just the most powerful.

27-Feb-2015 11:05 AM EST
Borrowing From Whales to Engineer a New Fluid Sensor
University of Alabama Huntsville

UAH researchers borrowed from biological structures called tubercles that humpback whales use to maneuver in the ocean to make a piezoelectric energy harvester for use as an airflow or fluid speed and direction-sensing device.

17-Feb-2015 2:50 PM EST
UAH Lecturer and NASA Nuclear Propulsion Engineer Is AIAA Engineer of the Year
University of Alabama Huntsville

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) selected a part-time lecturer at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) who is a NASA engineer as its 2015 Engineer of the Year for work in Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR) propulsion.

10-Feb-2015 5:00 PM EST
UAH Scientists Ship Instrument ThatWill Expand View of Global Lightning
University of Alabama Huntsville

An expanded view of lightning around the globe is coming closer for scientists at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), thanks to a repurposed measuring instrument.

Released: 4-Feb-2015 11:00 AM EST
UAH Research May Create Better Electric Car Batteries
University of Alabama Huntsville

Smaller, lighter electric car batteries that don’t have to sacrifice longevity to be petite could be one benefit of basic research into lithium-ion battery nanomaterials at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

26-Jan-2015 11:45 AM EST
$400,000 DOD Grant Propels UAHGraduate Student's Laser Research
University of Alabama Huntsville

A University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) student landed a $400,000 competitive grant from the Dept. of Defense High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office (JTO) for a team effort to develop diode-pumped xenon laser technology for the U.S. military.

Released: 13-Jan-2015 1:00 PM EST
UAH Partners in Integrated Photonics Institute Effort
University of Alabama Huntsville

The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has partnered with four other research universities and a consortium of photonics industry leaders in an effort to win a $110 million federal contract for an integrated photonics institute in Florida.

Released: 7-Jan-2015 10:00 AM EST
Sudden Jump in a Storm's LightningMight Warn a Supercell Is Forming
University of Alabama Huntsville

A sudden jump in the number of lightning strikes inside a thunderstorm might give forecasters a new severe weather prediction toolPHOENIX (Jan. 7, 2015) — A sudden jump in the number of lightning strikes inside a garden-variety thunderstorm might soon give forecasters a new tool for predicting severe weather and issuing timely warnings, according to research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

Released: 6-Jan-2015 2:00 PM EST
2014 Was Third Warmest, but Barely
University of Alabama Huntsville

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.14 C per decade

Released: 18-Dec-2014 2:00 PM EST
The Dust Devil and the Details: Spinning Up a Storm on Mars
University of Alabama Huntsville

Spinning up a dust devil in the thin air of Mars requires a stronger updraft than is needed to create a similar vortex on Earth, according to research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). Early results from this research in UAH’s Atmospheric Science Department are scheduled for presentation today at the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting in San Francisco. “To start a dust devil on Mars you need convection, a strong updraft,” said Bryce Williams, an atmospheric science graduate student at UAH. “We looked at the ratio between convection and surface turbulence to find the sweet spot where there is enough updraft to overcome the low level wind and turbulence. And on Mars, where we think the process that creates a vortex is more easily disrupted by frictional dissipation – turbulence and wind at the surface – you need twice as much convective updraft as you do on Earth.” Williams and UAH’s Dr. Udaysankar Nair looked for the dust devil sweet spot by combining dat

16-Dec-2014 10:00 AM EST
New UAH Center Consolidates Use ofSimulators to Train Student Nurses
University of Alabama Huntsville

The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) College of Nursing's new Learning and Technology Resource Center (LTRC) consolidates its use of technology and lifelike patient simulators to train student nurses.

16-Dec-2014 10:00 AM EST
Professor’s Weather Nowcasting Company Advances in Launchpad Competition
University of Alabama Huntsville

NextStorm Inc., a University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) professor’s startup weather nowcasting company, has advanced to the second round of Alabama Launchpad startup business competition.

Released: 10-Dec-2014 10:00 AM EST
Female Smokeless Tobacco UseIs Largely Unknown by Physicians
University of Alabama Huntsville

Medical professionals should be more aware and inquire more specifically about smokeless tobacco use by their rural female patients, according to new research among a population of rural women in North Alabama.

4-Dec-2014 8:00 AM EST
Physicist Presents New Observational Solar Weather Model
University of Alabama Huntsville

Scientists now have an observational framework to help predict solar weather, says physicist Dr. S.T. Wu, distinguished professor emeritus of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Released: 3-Dec-2014 4:10 PM EST
36 Years of Data Show Regional Warming
University of Alabama Huntsville

Global Temperature Report: November 2014

24-Nov-2014 3:00 PM EST
Ideals May Play Role in KnowledgeFormation, Professor’s Research Says
University of Alabama Huntsville

Research by a University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) professor of philosophy indicates that having an ideal can play a role in acquiring new information that makes our beliefs valuable.

6-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
UAH Professor Watching GalaxyHe Discovered Collide with Cluster
University of Alabama Huntsville

A University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) assistant physics professor is on the first scientific team to use new observation equipment to observe the collision of a galaxy he discovered with a galaxy cluster – a kind of slow-motion cosmic car wreck.

Released: 27-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Student's Research on Hail 'Scars'to Be Presented at Suomi Event
University of Alabama Huntsville

Using data from an instrument aboard a 3-year-old satellite, a University of Alabama in Huntsville graduate student hopes to develop a system that will automatically detect and measure crop damage caused by hail storms anywhere in the U.S.

16-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
NSF Cybersecurity Scholarships Give Students an Edge in Employment
University of Alabama Huntsville

Students will get a foot in the cybersecurity employment door from a five-year, $4.2 million National Science Foundation-funded full cybersecurity scholarship program at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), officials say.

Released: 15-Oct-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Undue Influence: How Can We Be Effectively Warned Not to Give Away Our Information Online?
University of Alabama Huntsville

Two University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) professors are figuring out the most effective ways we’re influenced to give away personal information online and what warnings would be most effective to get us to stop.

29-Sep-2014 7:00 AM EDT
New Weather Research Facility BoostsUAH’s Severe Weather Capabilities
University of Alabama Huntsville

The University of Alabama in Huntsville’s newly opened Severe Weather Institute – Radar and Lightning Laboratories (SWIRLL) facility is reinforcing the university’s increasing severe weather and lightning research prominence.

26-Sep-2014 6:00 AM EDT
Supersensitive Nanodevice Can Detect Extremely Early Cancers
University of Alabama Huntsville

Extremely early detection of cancers and diseases is on the horizon with a supersensitive nanodevice being developed at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) with The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) in Greensboro, NC.

24-Sep-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Dr. Emil Jovanov is AlabamaLaunchpad Inventor of the Year
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dr. Emil Jovanov, an associate professor at The University of Alabama (UAH), is the Alabama Launchpad Inventor of the Year. His most successful patent is a pill bottle that notifies you to take your medication and can alert your doctor if you miss doses.

Released: 2-Sep-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Scientists’ Work May Lead to Missionto Find Out What’s Inside Asteroids
University of Alabama Huntsville

Future asteroid mining operations and how we deal with an impending strike could be influenced by research on a potential NASA mission that’s being done by team that includes a University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) scientist.

Released: 27-Aug-2014 9:40 AM EDT
Shy People Use Facebook Longer butDisclose Less, Research Reveals
University of Alabama Huntsville

It’s not the person posting 10,000 pictures a week of their cat who’s the big-time Facebook user. Instead, it’s the quiet ones who are logging in longer, says research from The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).

Released: 19-Aug-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Wildland Fire Modeling Can Lead to Better Predictions
University of Alabama Huntsville

If we can better understand scientifically how wildland fires behave, we’ll have a better chance to accurately predict their evolution.

Released: 11-Aug-2014 10:15 AM EDT
Scientists to Track and Calibrate EUSO Telescope Prototype in Canada
University of Alabama Huntsville

A graduate student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and also a scientist and an engineer from UAH are on the way to Canada to help calibrate a prototype cosmic ray telescope that has a 2017 International Space Station flight goal.

Released: 30-Jun-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Now in Use, UAH-Invented Smart Pill Bottle Gets Second Patent
University of Alabama Huntsville

AdhereTech and The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) have been awarded a second U.S. patent for a smart pill bottle invented at UAH that automatically measures if patients have taken their medication.

Released: 2-Jun-2014 11:50 AM EDT
Scientists Probe Solar Wind withBlue Waters Supercomputer
University of Alabama Huntsville

A scalable computer code developed at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) was used to run complex equations on a blisteringly fast supercomputer, resulting in advances in understanding solar wind and the heliosphere.

Released: 28-May-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Lowly Control Systems Vulnerable to Hacks, According to UAH Expert
University of Alabama Huntsville

Industrial systems that control heating and cooling, water treatment plants, etc. are a low priority. That’s why they are so vulnerable to hackers, says Dr. Ray Vaughn, vice president for research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

28-Apr-2014 2:00 PM EDT
How Do We Clean Up the Junkyard Orbiting Earth?
University of Alabama Huntsville

The biggest-sized junkyard in the world orbits it, and a University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) aerospace systems engineering graduate student says it’s time to get active about reducing the debris field before we reach a tipping point beyond which we may not be able to do much.

11-Apr-2014 9:00 AM EDT
UAH Professor’s Protein Crystal Experiment Set to Fly to ISS
University of Alabama Huntsville

A University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) biology professor’s experiment that is set to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) could shed new light on the roles enzymes play in biological processes.

Released: 24-Mar-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Alabama Launchpad Awards $35,000to UAH Search Engine Developers
University of Alabama Huntsville

An Internet search engine developed specifically for use in schools by two University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) professors has received $35,000 from Alabama Launchpad, the largest award received in this round.

Released: 14-Mar-2014 2:00 PM EDT
UAH Developing System to Predict Lightning
University of Alabama Huntsville

Millions of people who work or play outdoors might one day soon have a new tool to help them reduce the risk of being struck by lightning.
