Latest News from: Stony Brook University

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Released: 16-Jun-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Leading Experts, Officials to Discuss Threats and Solutions for Clean Water
Stony Brook University

A full day of dialogue and scientific presentations by national experts concerning problems and solutions associated with wastewater, nitrogen pollution, PFAS forever chemicals, treatment of drinking water, next generation clean water technologies and other topics will take place during the Clean Water Symposium.

Newswise: Helping Others Breaks the Isolation and Fatigue of Pandemic Times
Released: 19-Nov-2021 4:05 PM EST
Helping Others Breaks the Isolation and Fatigue of Pandemic Times
Stony Brook University

We have heard the message that giving is good for us, adds to our well-being and health, and our understanding of gratitude. Bioethicist, author and Stony Brook University Professor Stephen Post, PhD, heightens this message as we embark on the second holiday season during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Released: 22-Feb-2021 2:10 PM EST
Seeking History of Life on Mars: 2020 Perseverance Rover Experts Available
Stony Brook University

The new era of space exploration features two Stony Brook University faculty members as part of the development of NASA’s Mars2020 Perseverance rover that recently landed. Distinguished Professor Scott McLennan and Associate Professor Joel Hurowitz worked on the PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry) that is attached to the arm of the rover. Professor Hurowitz also serves as the deputy principal investigator for the PIXL and is part of the scientific leadership of the mission.
