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BIMM University chooses Figshare to showcase its non-traditional research and creative practitioner outputs

Figshare is pleased to announce that BIMM University has chosen Figshare to support the sharing, showcasing and management of its non-traditional research outputs (NTROs).
25-Apr-2024 4:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Open principles reaffirm Digital Science’s commitment to open research

Digital Science has launched its Open Principles, a new initiative that commits its research information solutions to open science now and into the future.
16-Apr-2024 9:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Metaphacts and Dimensions launch the Dimensions Knowledge Graph, powered by metaphactory

Digital Science solutions metaphacts and Dimensions announce the launch of the Dimensions Knowledge Graph, a large ready-made knowledge graph powering AI solutions in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.
15-Apr-2024 11:45 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Enhanced AI tool TeXGPT powers up academic writing

Digital Science is further broadening its range of AI innovations in a major new release from AI-based academic language service Writefull, which is to be used in the collaborative authoring tool Overleaf.
11-Apr-2024 10:30 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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University College London uses Symplectic Elements to showcase research profiles

Digital Science, a technology company serving stakeholders across the research ecosystem, is pleased to share the news that University College London (UCL) has launched a new public profiles system, UCL Profiles, powered by Symplectic Elements.
10-Apr-2024 9:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Digital Science announces new campaign to celebrate and understand ‘Research Transformation’

A new campaign entitled ‘Research Transformation’ is being launched by Digital Science to celebrate the art of change within the research sector.
3-Apr-2024 10:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Research integrity experts call for new forensics discipline

A new field of forensics is being proposed by research integrity experts to recognize their investigations into unscrupulous research behavior and misuse of scholarship: Forensic Scientometrics.
2-Apr-2024 9:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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São Paulo State University chooses Digital Science to help realize its potential for global and regional impact

São Paulo State University (UNESP) has chosen Dimensions and Altmetric from Digital Science’s flagship products to advance its world-class research program.
12-Mar-2024 10:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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We’re a pioneering technology company.

Our vision is of a future where a trusted and collaborative research ecosystem drives progress for all. We believe in better, open, collaborative, and inclusive research.

In creating the next generation of tools and working in partnership with the community, we tackle some of the biggest challenges to research.


David Ellis
Press, PR and Social Manager


Simon Linacre
Head of Content, Brand and Press


