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Released: 27-Aug-2014 4:00 PM EDT
NATO Summit’s Agenda Bigger Than Anticipated; Resurgent Russia, ISIS Add Complexities
American University

American University School of International Service experts are available to discuss the Wales NATO summit.

Released: 19-Aug-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Kurdistan: Time to Make Good on a 95-Year Old Promise
Creighton University

The US has a long-standing obligation to protect the Kurds, and it will not allow the Kurdish capital to fall to ISIS. Ever since the US encouraged the Kurdish uprising of 1991, but then failed to support it, American foreign policy has been geared to protect Iraq's Kurds.

Released: 2-Jul-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Iraq Veterans with Muscle, Bone Injuries and Mental Health Conditions More Likely to End Service
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Sixty percent of U.S. Army soldiers who were unable to return to a military career after an Iraq deployment couldn’t do so because of a muscle, bone or joint injury.

Released: 17-Jun-2014 6:00 PM EDT
Iran and the United States Must Cooperate — Now — Against Advancing Islamic Militants in Iraq, Says Baylor Expert on Religious Wars
Baylor University

Secretary of State John Kerry’s “no hurry” approach to United States-Iranian cooperation to combat advancing Islamic militants in Iraq is a “sensible, diplomatic one” – and the wrong one, says a Baylor University expert on religious wars.

Released: 4-Dec-2013 8:00 AM EST
U.S.-Iran Nuclear Agreement Could Help with Problems in Syria and Iraq
Dick Jones Communications

The U.S. stands at the brink of its best chance for better relations with Iran than it has had in 34 years—a prospect that would avoid another Persian Gulf conflict. But the agreement with Iran on its nuclear program also could pay dividends in terms of the Syrian crisis and possible enlisting of Iranian support to stabilize Iraq and Afghanistan as the US draws down its military presence in the region.

Released: 3-Sep-2013 11:00 AM EDT
RTI International Report Describes Lessons Learned from U.S.-Financed Local Governance Program in Post-War Iraq
RTI International

Recognizing widespread criticism that the U.S. mishandled reconstruction in post-war Iraq, a new report from researchers at RTI International explores the progress made in establishing basic public administration practices and political processes to better serve citizens in a post-conflict society, an area that has mostly gone unnoticed by the media.

13-May-2013 9:05 AM EDT
Repeat Brain Injury Raises Soldiers' Suicide Risk
University of Utah

Suicide risk is higher among military personnel with more lifetime TBIs, even after controlling for clinical symptom severity. Results of the study show that multiple TBIs, which are common among military personnel, may contribute to increased risk for suicide.

Released: 19-Feb-2013 1:00 PM EST
Report Argues for a National Veterans Strategy
Institute for Veterans and Military Families

Policy recommendations build from examination of more than 1,300 federal and state policies, executive orders and agency directives impacting veterans and their families; highlights benefits of a coordinated national approach.

Released: 7-Feb-2013 3:00 PM EST
"From War to Home: Through the Veteran’s Lens"
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

In a unique photography exhibit at Penn Nursing, 40 veterans turn cameras on their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Released: 7-Feb-2013 10:00 AM EST
Veterans with Mild TBI Have Brain Abnormalities
University of Iowa

A study by psychiatrists with University of Iowa Health Care finds that soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) have measurable abnormalities in the white matter of their brains when compared to returning veterans who have not experienced TBI.

Released: 8-Nov-2012 3:40 PM EST
War’s Impact Can Haunt Veterans Long After Combat, Mayo Clinic Expert Says
Mayo Clinic

As the nation marks Veteran’s Day to honor those who have served their country, it’s important to remember that many soldiers battle mental health conditions such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression long after they return from combat.

5-Oct-2012 3:40 PM EDT
Despite Access to Care, Male Veterans in Poorer Health Than Civilian Men
Health Behavior News Service

Even with access to health care, male military veterans are in poorer health than men in active military duty, men in the National Guard and Reserves, and civilian men, finds a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Released: 18-Sep-2012 11:00 AM EDT
A Survivor Remembers: A Mass Murder on the Iraqi Front Lines; A Fellow Soldier Accused
Weekly Scientist

In 2009, U.S. Army sergeant John Russell killed five fellow soldiers at a clinic in Iraq. His defense team has been telling his story ever since. Now, an exclusive interview presents the other side.

Released: 10-Sep-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Suicide Prevention Expert Outlines New Steps to Tackle Military Suicide
Mayo Clinic

The suicide rate in the U.S. Army now exceeds the rate in the general population, and psychiatric admission is now the most common reason for hospitalization in the Army. These concerning trends are described by Timothy Lineberry, M.D., a Mayo Clinic psychiatrist and suicide expert for the Army, in the September edition of Mayo Clinic Proceedings. In the article, he also outlines steps to assess and address military suicide -- an issue he calls a major public health concern. Dr. Lineberry proposes greater use of gun locks, improving primary care for depression, and better monitoring for sleep disturbances, among other steps.

Released: 27-Aug-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Study Explores Injury Risk in Military Humvee Crashes
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new report examines the risk factors for injuries to U.S. military personnel from crashes involving highly mobile multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWVs), more commonly known as Humvees. According to the study, involvement in combat and serving as the vehicle’s operator or gunner posed the greatest risk for injury. It is the first published analysis of factors associated with Humvee injury risk in a deployed setting.

Released: 4-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Students Assemble Care Packages for Nurses in Iraq, Afghanistan
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

Students at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing again worked together to acknowledge the important contributions made by nurses serving in Iraq and Afghanistan with the U.S. armed forces.

Released: 2-May-2012 12:50 PM EDT
“Mistake to Say Afghanistan War Ending,” Says American University Expert
American University

While the U.S. is drawing down significantly and turning over operations to the Afghans, it’s a mistake to say the war is ending. The war will continue beyond 2014 for the Afghans as well as for those U.S. service men and women who comprise the residual force that remains in country.

Released: 23-Apr-2012 12:55 PM EDT
Robots Fighting Wars Could Be Blamed for Mistakes on the Battlefield
University of Washington

Humans apply a moderate amount of morality and other human characteristics to robots that are equipped with social capabilities and are capable of harming humans, new findings show.
