Newswise — The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), with funding from the National Science Foundation, seeks proposals from higher education institutions to participate in a four-year project that will create cohesive, research-based undergraduate curricula in biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology. Twelve institutions and 24 departments will conduct fundamental research on student, faculty, departmental, and disciplinary influences on the process of integrating and scaffolding undergraduate research experiences throughout the curriculum.Departmental and school/college-wide transformations in student learning and the learning environment also will be pursued at the 12 partner institutions.

To achieve a well-balanced and diverse group of participating institutions, a three-stage application process will be used with (1) a preproposal stage, (2) an invited full-proposal stage, and (3) an invited interview stage. Preproposals are due March 1, 2017.

For further information on the CUR Transformations project and the application process, visit the project web page, Integrating and Scaffolding Research into Undergraduate STEM Curricula: Probing Faculty, Student, Disciplinary, and Institutional Influences.