Newswise — It’s not necessarily a new idea, but the patient-centered medical home has suddenly become a popular phrase within the health care industry. However, the terminology is like a foreign word to the general public.

In the changing world of patient care, primarily driven by health care reform, physician offices across Pennsylvania and other states are rethinking the way they practice medicine. Simply asked, how can quality and value be maximized in health care?

The answer for many is the patient-centered medical home. And, according to The Patient Poll, a survey of Pennsylvania adults conducted by the Institute for Good Medicine at the Pennsylvania Medical Society, the public isn’t exactly sure what this means.

In the poll, only 9.6 percent said they have ever heard of the term.

So, what exactly is it?

Again, it’s a new way of thinking about health care. For starters, a medical home isn’t necessarily a physical structure like a building or a house.

A patient-centered medical home typically offers

• One-stop shopping for medical needs

• Continuous care with a personal physician who knows them well

• Easy access to your physician and his or her team of caregivers

• Continuity of care between office visits and across dimensions of health care

• Behind-the-scenes care

• Access to improved technological management of care

Most importantly, a patient-centered medical home is a partnership for better health between you and your physician who oversees a team to take care of you and your needs. Your team will depend upon your health care needs.

For those participating in The Patient Poll, this sounds quite attractive. In fact, more than 91 percent of participants say that having their own team of health professionals is either very appealing or somewhat appealing to them. The majority – 90 percent – also like the idea of teams being led by physicians.

An important factor to remember about a patient-centered medical home is that all patients need to be active participants in their care and medical home. It doesn’t matter if you suffer from a chronic disease or if you’re totally healthy. Being an active participant enhances the value and quality in your health care.

When searching for a medical home, the Institute for Good Medicine at the Pennsylvania Medical Society and the PAMED Better Health Network™ offer the following advice.

1. Understand that 24/7 care doesn’t mean that everything has to be done by one person. You’ll be working with a team.2. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions about their experience as well as the experience of those on your team.3. Feel OK about needing advice in between your appointments.4. Communications is key. Before a visit to a member of your health care team, write down questions ahead of time. Take good notes during a visit. And consider starting a care book.5. Take advantage of Internet that can serve as a tool to access your care plan, treatment options, and other medical information.6. Let your health care team know values, beliefs, and practices that are common in your community and important to your family.

Remember, everyone is on the same team. Each person plays a role whether you are the physician, nurse, pharmacist, nutritionist … or the patient

Pennsylvania ranks second in the nation for entities recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) as patient-centered medical homes. It is also one of the few states that can provide solid statistics that demonstrate care improvement for patients as a result of this new way of thinking about quality and value in health care.

The Pennsylvania Medical Society supports the concept of the patient-centered medical home, especially in relation to chronic disease management, while acknowledging that there may be other appropriate models of patient-centeredness.

The patient-doctor relationship has been the priority of the Pennsylvania Medical Society since its founding in 1848. Today, the physician members continue to focus on better health for all Pennsylvanians. To learn more about the Pennsylvania Medical Society, visit the web site at or its patient website at The Institute for Good Medicine at PAMED can be found The Pennsylvania Medical Society is a proud sponsor of the PAMED Better Health Network,

The Patient PollSponsored by the Institute for Good Medicine at the Pennsylvania Medical SocietyConducted online through the Toluna Group and Taylor Brand GroupFebruary 4 – 7, 20115.67% Margin of Error

QuestionHave you ever heard of the term “Patient Centered Medical Home” or “Patient Centered Health Home” before today?

Yes = 9.6%No = 83.0%Not sure = 7.4%

QuestionBased on your own personal health needs, please rate the following elements of the patient centered medical home concept.

Having my own team of health professionals Not at all appealing to me = 8.7% Somewhat appealing to me = 55.8% Very appealing to me = 35.6%

Having my physician leading the team Not at all appealing to me = 7.1% Somewhat appealing to me = 50.0% Very appealing to me = 40.7%

Better communications and access via phone, email, and extended hours Not at all appealing to me = 7.1% Somewhat appealing to me = 36.9% Very appealing to me = 56.1%

Attention to my future health needs Not at all appealing to me = 7.1% Somewhat appealing to me = 42.9% Very appealing to me = 50.0%

Attention to wellness issues Not at all appealing to me = 8.7% Somewhat appealing to me = 45.5% Very appealing to me = 45.8%

Improved quality of my health Not at all appealing to me = 6.1% Somewhat appealing to me = 37.8% Very appealing to me = 56.1%

Other sources

VIDEO: Institute for Good Medicine at PAMED --

National Committee for Quality Assurance –

American College of Physicians –

American Academy of Pediatrics –

Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians –