Clint Springer, Ph.D., associate professor of biology at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, is available to comment on Pope Francis’s anticipated climate change encyclical, “Laudato si,” (Praised Be). Springer studies the effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on the growth and development of plants. His comment about the social justice aspect of climate change, and the responsibility of all peoples to address its challenges, appears below.

“Human-induced climate change is one of the most pressing challenges that society has faced. Scientific evidence strongly suggests that the effects of climate change will impair the ability of natural and agricultural ecosystems to provide the services that are necessary to sustain healthy lives for all people globally. This makes climate change not only a scientific, economic and political issue, but also a moral one. His Holiness Pope Francis's imminent encyclical could frame climate change as a social justice issue that requires the response of all people. Considering the long history of Catholic social teaching and its effect as a force for societal change, it is my hope that this encyclical will be a call to action for the world's more than 1 billion Catholics and all people of good will to make the changes needed to create an environment that will sustain current and future generations, in both the developing and developed world.”

Springer can be reached for comment at 610-660-3432, at [email protected], or by calling the Office of University Communications at 610-660-3240.