TRIUMF is pleased to announce that Dr. Wolfgang Rau will join the Physical Sciences Division as a senior researcher, effective September 1st, 2018. 

Through CFREF (Canada First Research Excellence Fund) and the CPARC (Canadian Particle Astrophysics Research Centre) program, Rau joins the TRIUMF community as a joint Queen's University faculty-TRIUMF research scientist. He is an accomplished experimental physicist and has devoted decades of his career to searching for the elusive substance that makes up nearly 80% of matter in the observable universe: dark matter. Rau currently leads the Canadian involvement at SuperCDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search) at SNOLAB, the most advanced iteration of the CDMS effort yet undertaken.

Rau’s appointment will serve to further strengthen TRIUMF’s collaborative bonds with SNOLAB and CPARC, ties already established via TRIUMF’s contributions on other SNOLAB-based experiments (including EXOHALO, and DEAP-3600). Rau is the second CPARC Queen's-TRIUMF joint appointee, alongside Dr. Ken Clark.

For a Q&A with Rau, please click here.