In view of the migrant crisis in Europe, Prof. Arnon Soffer, Head of the Chaiklin Chair in Geostrategy at the University of Haifa, says that what's happening in Europe right now is the beginning of a Tsunami. It is not a short affair that will pass quickly – we are witnessing the beginning of a mass migration, such as the incursions of the peoples of the sea or the Huns.

He claims that the Middle East is deteriorating, Africa's population growth is too fast for the continent to support, water is becoming scarce and climate change is ruthless. "It's obvious that millions of migrants will head toward Europe: there is no other continent in the area that is rich on one hand and has a need of young manpower on the other. In addition, Europe is tired of wars and is captive to slogans it made up such as democracy, liberalism, peace among nations, breaking walls, European Union, etc" says Prof. Soffer. According to him, if this situation continues you can expect Pakistani migrants as well.

"These mottos are hard to stand behind once put to the test; therefore I expect to see a rise of the political right, and a radical attitude towards migrants in Europe in the next years", summarizes Prof. Soffer.