Dr. Laura McNeal, Harvard Law Fellow and Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Louisville is available to provide insight of proper police training techniques,as well as what the South Carolina police officer could have done differently to arrest the non-compliant student in a less violent manner. McNeal has offered appeared on CNN and MSNBC and is available to media for in person, satellite, and phone interviews. A sample of her on air appearances are below.

She is the co-author of law enforcement/youth training techniques currently being used by the Los Angeles, Milwaukee and San Francisco police departments.

Quick facts:• According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1998 and 2008 youth ages 16-18 comprised 7.6% of the U.S. population, yet the same group were involved in 30.1% of police uses of force.• The overwhelming majority of police officer training does not include training on how police can effectively interact with youth.• Training methods recently used in Boston reduced youth arrests in Boston area from 646 a year to 74.