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28-Sep-2010 1:40 PM EDT
For First Time, Monkeys Recognize Themselves in the Mirror, Indicating Self-Awareness
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Typically, monkeys don’t know what to make of a mirror. They may ignore it or interpret their reflection as another, invading monkey, but they don’t recognize the reflection as their own image. Chimpanzees and people pass this “mark” test — they obviously recognize their own reflection and make funny faces, look at a temporary mark that the scientists have placed on their face or wonder how they got so old and grey.

24-Sep-2010 11:45 AM EDT
Report Casts World’s Rivers in ‘Crisis State’
University of Wisconsin–Madison

The world’s rivers, the single largest renewable water resource for humans and a crucible of aquatic biodiversity, are in a crisis of ominous proportions, according to a new global analysis.

Released: 28-Sep-2010 1:00 PM EDT
Potential Climate Change Side Effect: More Parasites on South American Birds
Wildlife Conservation Society

A Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) study on nesting birds in Argentina finds that increasing temperatures and rainfall—both side effects of climate change in some parts of the world—could be bad for birds of South America, but great for some of their parasites which thrive in warmer and wetter conditions.

Released: 28-Sep-2010 7:00 AM EDT
Democracy in Action: Dancing Honeybees Practice What We Preach
Cornell University

When honeybees seek a new home, they choose the best site through a democratic process that humans would do well to emulate, according to Thomas Seeley, a professor of neurobiology and behavior at Cornell University, in his new book, “Honeybee Democracy."

Released: 23-Sep-2010 12:35 PM EDT
More Predators Doesn't Equal More Danger for Urban Bird Nests
Ohio State University

While birds living in urban areas face more predators than do those in rural areas, that doesn’t mean urban birds face more danger from nest robbers.

Released: 21-Sep-2010 2:40 PM EDT
Genetically Engineered Salmon Safe to Eat, but a Threat to Wild Stocks
Cornell University

Craig Altier, a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee and an associate professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, comments on potential FDA approval of the first genetically engineered animal for use as food.

Released: 15-Sep-2010 2:00 PM EDT
50 Million Year Old Fossil Snake Scanned at the Methodist Hospital in Houston
Houston Methodist

A 50 million old snake undergoes a CT scan at The Methodist Hospital in Houston. Paleontologist Hussam Zaher from Brazil wants to determine where the snake fits in to the evolution of snakes in North America.

8-Sep-2010 4:00 PM EDT
Fossil of Giant Bony-Toothed Bird from Chile Sets Wingspan Record
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology

A newly discovered skeleton of an ancient seabird from northern Chile provides evidence that giant birds were soaring the skies there 5-10 million years ago. The wing bones of the animal exceed those of all other birds in length; its wingspan would have been at least 5.2 m (17 ft.). This is the largest safely established wingspan for a bird.

14-Sep-2010 1:00 PM EDT
New Study IDs Last Strongholds for Tigers
Wildlife Conservation Society

A new peer-reviewed paper by the Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups reveals an ominous finding: most of the world’s last remaining tigers—long decimated by overhunting, logging, and wildlife trade—are now clustered in just six percent of their available habitat.

Released: 14-Sep-2010 10:00 AM EDT
Weather Key to Economic Certainty of Livestock Management Strategies
Allen Press Publishing

The only things certain in life are death and taxes, the saying goes. The corollary could be that the only things ranchers can depend on to be uncertain are weather and prices. These uncertainties are the major risks for rangeland livestock producers in maintaining a profitable operation. Climate variations can bring about fluctuations in forage production that impact grazing and herd sustainability.

Released: 14-Sep-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Bird Vomit, Feathers Serve as Environmental Indicators
University of Virginia

Charles Clarkson is conducting a comparative study of bird populations on Virginia's Eastern Shore and in New York Harbor. He collects bird vomit and feathers from nestlings as a way to compare the diets of birds from each location and to see how the local environments affect the overall health of bird populations.

Released: 13-Sep-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Book Ruminates on Evolution of Mammal Teeth
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Few people think about the 400 million years of evolution that took place before they could chomp on a carrot, but University of Arkansas anthropologist Peter Ungar does, and he’s written a book about it.

Released: 7-Sep-2010 2:20 PM EDT
Architect Creates ‘Bat Tower’ at Local Sculpture Park
University at Buffalo

A University at Buffalo architect’s new project -- a twisted tower designed to house bats at Griffis Sculpture Park -- is raising awareness about the animals and a fatal disease threatening their population in the Northeast.

Released: 7-Sep-2010 1:30 PM EDT
Quagga Mussel is Eating the Great Lakes "Doughnut"
Michigan Technological University

Something has been gobbling up a "doughnut" of phytoplankton in southern Lake Michigan, and it looks as though the culprit is the quagga mussel, a European mollusk about the size of a fat lima bean.

Released: 2-Sep-2010 11:45 AM EDT
Most Penguin Populations Continue to Decline
New England Aquarium

Penguin biologists from around the world, who are gathered in Boston this week, warn that ten of the planet’s eighteen penguin species have experienced further serious population declines. The effects of climate change, overfishing, chronic oil pollution and predation by introduced mammals are among the major factors cited repeatedly by penguin scientists as contributing to these population drops.

Released: 1-Sep-2010 12:35 PM EDT
NY Sharks to Benefit form New Scientific Initiative
Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium announced today the launch of the New York Seascape initiative—a conservation program designed to restore healthy populations of local marine species—many of them threatened—and to protect New York City and area waters, which are vital to wildlife and key to economic and cultural vitality.

Released: 31-Aug-2010 2:30 PM EDT
American Physiological Society (APS) Announces New Position Statements on Animals in Research
American Physiological Society (APS)

The American Physiological Society (APS; www.the-aps.org) announced today the adoption of two new position statements on animals in research.

Released: 31-Aug-2010 12:45 PM EDT
Photo Album Tells Story of Wildlife Decline
Wildlife Conservation Society

With a simple click of the camera, scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society and Zoological Society of London have developed a new way to accurately monitor long-term trends in rare and vanishing species over large landscapes.

Released: 31-Aug-2010 9:30 AM EDT
The Bright Red of Cardinals Means Less in Urban Areas
Ohio State University

Normally, the brilliant red of a male cardinal signals to females that he is a high-quality mate. But that may not be true of cardinals living in urban areas, a new study suggests.

Released: 26-Aug-2010 1:00 PM EDT
Ant Colonies Shed Light on Metabolism
American Physiological Society (APS)

Because ant colonies behave metabolically like individual organisms, studying how a colony’s size changes its metabolism could offer useful insight for developing theories about medication dosage in humans.

19-Aug-2010 10:00 AM EDT
Frog Skin May Provide “Kiss of Death” for Antibiotic-Resistant Germs
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Kissing a frog won’t turn it into a prince — except in fairy-tales ― but frogs may be hopping toward a real-world transformation into princely allies in humanity’s battle with antibiotic-resistant infections that threaten millions of people. Scientists reported that frog skin contains substances that could be the basis for a new genre of antibiotics. Their study is scheduled for presentation in August at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Boston.

Released: 25-Aug-2010 2:15 PM EDT
Scientists Bring New Species of Turtle Out of Its Shell
Northern Arizona University

Discovery of a new species of turtle in the southeastern United States brings the number of the country's endemic species to 57, with approximately 320 species of turtle documented worldwide.

Released: 25-Aug-2010 2:15 PM EDT
Wildlife Conservation Society & Zoological Society of London Oppose Serengeti Highway
Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) are requesting that the Government of Tanzania reconsider the proposed construction of a commercial road through the world’s best known wildlife sanctuary—Serengeti National Park—and recommend that alternative routes be used that can meet the transportation needs of the region without disrupting the greatest remaining migration of large land animals in the world.

24-Aug-2010 11:00 AM EDT
Whale Sharks May Produce Many Litters from One Mating, Paternity Test Shows
University of Illinois Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago biologist Jennifer Schmidt analyzed genetic information from preserved whale shark embryos taken from a female caught off the coast of Taiwan 15 years ago. She found all offspring to have the same father -- an unusual reproduction characteristic for sharks. Schmidt cautions that more study is needed to learn more about where and how these giant fish mate.

Released: 24-Aug-2010 11:00 AM EDT
Does Size Matter? for Female Tree Frogs, the Size of the Mating Call Says All
Allen Press Publishing

Herpetologica – For female red-eyed tree frogs, size does seem to matter—and the mating call of the male tells them everything they need to know. A study of the mating calls of male Morelett’s tree frogs in Belize found that larger frogs more readily find a mate. The rate, frequency, and duration of the male’s calls carry this vital information to the listening females.

Released: 23-Aug-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Warbler Fight Songs Can Change; Love Songs Stay Classic
University of Massachusetts Amherst

A team of researchers has found that chestnut-sided warblers have two distinct cultural traditions in song variants that evolve independently – one, used for territorial disputes that changes frequently, and another, used for romance that relies on a small unchanging sampling of classics.

18-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Paper Wasps Punish Peers for Misrepresenting Their Might
University of Michigan

Falsely advertising one's fighting ability might seem like a good strategy for a wimp who wants to come off as a toughie, but in paper wasp societies, such deception is discouraged through punishment, experiments at the University of Michigan suggest.

Released: 19-Aug-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Nutritional Supplements: What You Should Know
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

UT MD Anderson Cancer Center experts discourage supplement use for cancer prevention.

Released: 19-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Professor's New Book, 'Zoo Story,' Takes Readers Behind the Scenes to Meet the Animals and the Keepers
Indiana University

An IU journalism professor's new book takes readers inside the cages, fences and walls of a zoo to reveal the lives of the animals and their keepers and to tell the story of their ambitions.

Released: 17-Aug-2010 10:50 AM EDT
Kihansi Spray Toads Make Historic Return to Tanzania
Wildlife Conservation Society

In a bold effort to save one of the world’s rarest amphibians from extinction, one hundred Kihansi spray toads have been flown home to Tanzania after being painstakingly reared at the Bronx Zoo and The Toledo Zoo working in close partnership with the Tanzanian government and the World Bank.

11-Aug-2010 11:30 AM EDT
Dogs' Family Status Depends on Family's Locale
American Sociological Association (ASA)

Man's best friend might just be treated like any other animal depending on where the owners live. A study by David Blouin, of Indiana University South Bend, found that people who think of animals as children tend to have a city background.

Released: 13-Aug-2010 1:00 PM EDT
Bear Bones: A Blueprint for Preventing Osteoporosis
Michigan Technological University

Bears have bones that stay strong even when they hibernate. If humans are bedridden or wrestling with the low-to-no gravity of outer space, their bones grow brittle and crumble. What do the bears know that we don't?

Released: 13-Aug-2010 11:00 AM EDT
Student ‘Cephalover,’ Blogs About Tentacled Species
University at Buffalo

Mike Lisieski, a University at Buffalo psychology major, plans to earn an MD/PhD in neuroscience but for now he appears to be the web’s chief “cephalover,” using his blog cephalove (www.cephalove.southernfriedscience.com) to carefully analyze research about octopuses and related animals and post stunning photographs of them.

9-Aug-2010 1:00 PM EDT
Rain Contributes to Cycling Patterns of Clouds
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Like shifting sand dunes, some clouds disappear in one place and reappear in another. New work this week in Nature shows why: Air movement due to rain forms patterns in low clouds that remain cohesive structures even while appearing to shift about the sky, due to a principle called self-organization. These clouds cover much of the open ocean. Understanding how their patterns evolve will eventually help scientists build better models for predicting climate change. This is the first time researchers have shown the patterns cycle regularly and why.

Released: 11-Aug-2010 9:55 AM EDT
WIU Students' Jurassic Journeys are DINOmite
Western Illinois University

Matthew Bonnan, one of the world's most noted paleobiologists and a sauropod dinosaur expert, took seven Western Illinois University students on a 13-day field course to Utah, where he taught the hands-on how-to's of excavating and shared the students' excitement of discovering Jurassic Period dinosaur bones.

6-Aug-2010 4:00 PM EDT
The Salp: Nature’s Near-Perfect Little Engine Just Got Better
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

What if trains, planes, and automobiles all were powered simply by the air through which they move? Moreover, what if their exhaust and byproducts helped the environment? Well, such an energy-efficient, self-propelling mechanism already exists in nature. The salp, a smallish, barrel-shaped organism that resembles a kind of streamlined jellyfish, gets everything it needs from the ocean waters to feed and propel itself.

Released: 9-Aug-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Evidence Early Reptiles Were First Vertebrates to Live on Dry River Plains
Dalhousie University

It has long been suspected by scientists that reptiles were the first to make the continental interiors their home. A new discovery of trackways proves this theory.

5-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Coastal Creatures May Have Reduced Ability to Fight Off Infections in Acidified Oceans
American Physiological Society (APS)

Human impact is causing lower oxygen and higher carbon dioxide levels in coastal water bodies. Increased levels of carbon dioxide cause the water to become more acidic, having dramatic effects on the lifestyles of the wildlife that call these regions home. The problems are expected to worsen if steps aren’t taken to reduce greenhouse emissions and minimize nutrient-rich run-off from developed areas along our coastlines.

5-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
A “Crystal Ball” for Predicting the Effects Of Global Climate Change
American Physiological Society (APS)

In trying to predict how species will respond to climate change caused by global warming, researchers and scientists are turning to comparative physiology, a sub-discipline of physiology that studies how different organisms function and adapt to diverse and changing environments. By comparing different species to each other, as well as to members within a species that live in different environments, researchers are learning which physiologic features establish environmental optima and tolerance limits. This approach gives the scientific community a “crystal ball” for predicting the effects of global warming, according to George N. Somero, Associate Director of Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station.

5-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Butterflies Shed Light on How Some Species Respond to Global Warming
American Physiological Society (APS)

With global warming and climate change making headlines nearly every day, it could be reassuring to know that some creatures might cope by gradually moving to new areas as their current ones become less hospitable. Nevertheless, natural relocation of species is not something that can be taken for granted, according to Jessica Hellmann, Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame Department of Biological Science in Notre Dame, Ind. By studying two species of butterfly, she and her team have found evidence suggesting that a number of genetic variables affect whether and how well a species will relocate.

5-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
High Levels of Carbon Dioxide Threaten Oyster Survival
American Physiological Society (APS)

It has been widely reported that the build up of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, which is caused by human behavior, will likely lead to climate change and have major implications for life on earth. But less focus has been given to global warming’s evil twin, ocean acidification, which occurs when CO2 lowers the pH of water bodies, thus making them more acidic. This lesser known phenomenon may have catastrophic effects on all sea life.

2-Aug-2010 11:40 AM EDT
Mammal-Like Crocodile Fossil Found in East Africa
Ohio University Office of Research Communications

Fossils of an ancient crocodile with mammal-like teeth have been discovered in the Rukwa Rift Basin of Tanzania, scientists report in this week’s issue of the journal Nature. The unusual creature is changing the picture of animal life at 100 million years ago in what is now sub-Saharan Africa.

Released: 4-Aug-2010 1:00 PM EDT
Mammal-Like Crocodile Fossil Found in East Africa Changes Picture of Animal Life 100 Million Years Ago
Stony Brook Medicine

Fossils of an ancient crocodile with mammal-like teeth discovered in the Rukwa Rift Basin of Tanzania is changing the picture of animal life at 100 million years in what is now sub-Saharan Africa.

Released: 2-Aug-2010 10:40 AM EDT
It's Shark Week! Find Out More from NSU's Shark Expert
Nova Southeastern University

Sharks have captivated humans since we began exploring the oceans. They have been featured in countless publications and movies. Nova Southeastern University has a shark expert on hand to separate fact from fiction in regards to these fascinating creatures.

Released: 30-Jul-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Wildlife Conservation Society Applauds Senate for Giving “Stamp” of Approval to New Wildlife Legislation
Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society applauded today’s Senate passage of H.R. 1454, the Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Act. Its passage has been a major legislative objective of WCS and represents a victory for supporters of wildlife and fiscally responsible governance.

Released: 29-Jul-2010 12:05 PM EDT
Ear Bones Reveal Spawning Secrets of Lake Erie Walleye
Ohio State University

Ecologists have long believed that fish tend to return to the same river where they hatched in order to spawn. But researchers have determined that the old rule doesn’t always apply -- not for Lake Erie walleye, at least.

Released: 29-Jul-2010 11:15 AM EDT
Scientists Uncover Global Distribution of Marine Biodiversity
Dalhousie University

In an unprecedented effort that will be published online on the 28th of July by the international journal Nature, a team of scientists mapped and analyzed global biodiversity patterns for over 11,000 marine species ranging from tiny zooplankton to sharks and whales. The researchers found striking similarities among the distribution patterns, with temperature strongly linked to biodiversity for all thirteen groups studied.

Released: 23-Jul-2010 4:00 PM EDT
Separate Studies Inventory Bees of the Black Hills and South Dakota Badlands
South Dakota State University

South Dakota State University Department of Plant Science is carrying out fieldwork for the first major inventory of the native bees in the Black Hills. Biologists know that at least 100 species of bees are found in the region. But there’s a possibility that perhaps 80 or more additional species could be found there which will help determine the health of the region.

16-Jul-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Unique Means of Animal Locomotion Reported for First Time
Tufts University

Biologists studying caterpillars reported a unique two-body locomotion system never previously reported in any animal. The Tufts-led team found the gut of the crawling caterpillar moved forward independently and in advance of the surrounding body wall and legs, not with them. Understanding this motion may impact robotics and human biomechanics.

Released: 21-Jul-2010 1:00 PM EDT
High-Res Imaging Expands Vision Research of Live Birds of Prey: Study Produces First-Time Images of Retinal Structure of Hawks and Owls
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)

Bird observatories all over the world may benefit from a newly designed high-resolution imaging system used to study the retinal structure of live birds of prey. In a recently published Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science article, researchers reveal unprecedented three-dimensional information about the retina of four species of raptors — two hawks and two owls — using the non-invasive, powerful imaging tool.
