Feature Channels: Pain

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Released: 16-Nov-2022 7:50 PM EST
Corporal punishment affects brain activity, anxiety, and depression

Don’t spank your kids. That’s the conventional wisdom that has emerged from decades of research linking corporal punishment to a decline in adolescent health and negative effects on behavior, including an increased risk for anxiety and depression.

16-Nov-2022 2:00 PM EST
MD Anderson Research Highlights for November 16, 2022
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Research Highlights provides a glimpse into recent basic, translational and clinical cancer research from MD Anderson experts. Current advances include a promising targeted therapy combination for patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a link between the gut microbiome and therapy-related neutropenic fever, a novel therapeutic target for immunotherapy-related colitis, a telementoring model for training providers on cervical cancer prevention in limited-resource areas, a new understanding of the prognostic value of RUNX1 mutations in AML, and insights into the effects of opioid use on the pain sensitivity pathway.

14-Nov-2022 9:00 AM EST
Mast Cell Levels May Explain Sex Differences in Osteoarthritis Pain
Hospital for Special Surgery

Investigators at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) have discovered that at the time of total knee replacement, women have significantly increased levels of immune cells called mast cells in synovial tissue surrounding the knee joint than men. Their findings, presented today at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, ACR Convergence 2022, may help future research explore why women with knee osteoarthritis report worse pain than men.

Newswise:Video Embedded spinal-stimulation-device-successfully-treats-chronic-low-back-pain-for-three-years-according-to-study
11-Nov-2022 8:00 AM EST
Spinal Stimulation Device Successfully Treats Chronic Low-Back Pain for Three Years, According to Study
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

A study has found that restorative neurostimulation continues to be effective in treating low-back pain caused by multifidus dysfunction after three years.

11-Nov-2022 8:00 AM EST
Low-Dose Naltrexone Shows Promise in Treating Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia, Crohn’s Disease, Low Back Pain, and Other Chronic Conditions
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

Naltrexone was originally used to help treat alcohol and opioid abuse. However, at lose doses, naltrexone has been found to help with chronic pain stemming from various conditions including fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, diabetic neuropathy, axial low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and complex region pain syndrome.

11-Nov-2022 8:00 AM EST
Better Tools Needed to Determine Which Patients Will Benefit from Spinal Cord Stimulation Treatment
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an effective and proven treatment for chronic nerve pain, and it is often used to treat persistent pain after previous back surgery. However, before SCS can be implemented, physicians are required to conduct a prognostic “trial,” which carries an average price tag of $10,000.

Newswise: Wrist-Worn Device Potentially Offers Objective Measure of the Impact of Chronic Pain on Function
11-Nov-2022 8:00 AM EST
Wrist-Worn Device Potentially Offers Objective Measure of the Impact of Chronic Pain on Function
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

Effectively treating chronic pain is challenging because pain experiences are highly subjective. To select the best treatments, physicians rely on patient perceptions, costly tests, and lengthy examinations.

11-Nov-2022 8:00 AM EST
Physicians Cautioned About Using Certain Radiocontrast Agents with Interventional Pain Medicine Procedures
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

Epidural steroid injections and epidural blood patches are procedures performed by pain medicine physicians to deliver medication into the spine to provide quick pain relief to patients. During these procedures, a small amount of dye is injected to identify the epidural space, a small space in the spine.

11-Nov-2022 8:00 AM EST
Researchers Call for More Studies on the Use of Steroids to Treat Pinched Nerves
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

Stanford University researchers recently conducted a systematic review of studies on cervical radiculopathy, commonly referred to as “pinched nerve,” to determine if steroids are a safe and effective treatment.

Newswise: Researchers Receive $3.2 Million to Study Efficacy of Mind-body Practices in Improving Pain, Surgical Outcomes
Released: 10-Nov-2022 8:05 AM EST
Researchers Receive $3.2 Million to Study Efficacy of Mind-body Practices in Improving Pain, Surgical Outcomes
Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Can mind-body practices such as gentle yoga or self-reflection benefit patients undergoing surgery? It’s a question that researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine are examining with the support of a five-year, $3.2 million grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Released: 9-Nov-2022 3:15 PM EST
Knowledge is power. The latest research on arthritis is right at your fingertips

Here are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Arthritis channel on Newswise.

Released: 8-Nov-2022 10:05 PM EST
Stem cells may help replace lost sensory neurons
International Society for Stem Cell Research

Sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system, which sense touch, temperature, and pain, can be permanently lost during infections, trauma, in response to certain medications, and in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy.

Released: 7-Nov-2022 6:05 PM EST
Restored blood flow meant less pain, better quality of life for those with leg artery disease
American Heart Association (AHA)

estoring blood flow to the legs, whether through bypass surgery or a less invasive artery-opening procedure with a stent, reduced pain and improved quality of life for people with peripheral artery disease (PAD), according to preliminary, late-breaking research presented today at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2022.

Released: 3-Nov-2022 8:25 AM EDT
Final 2023 Medicare Physician Payment Rule Negatively Impacts Anesthesia Groups, Harms Patient Access to Surgical Care
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

The American Society of Anesthesiologists calls on Congress to block a nearly 4.5% Medicare payment cut to anesthesiologists and other physicians included in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule released yesterday.

26-Oct-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Chronic pain associated with poor health – and COVID-19 infection – decades later

Data on more than 12,000 Britons also shows links with subsequent poor mental health, worse sleep, joblessness.

Released: 31-Oct-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Members of Congress Call for CRNA Full Practice Authority Approval In VA
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

To expand access to safe, high-quality anesthesia services to veterans, Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL-D) along with 12 Congressional colleagues requested that CRNAs be granted full practice authority permanently across VA facilities.

Released: 26-Oct-2022 2:40 PM EDT
Donald E. Arnold, M.D., FASA, elected First Vice President of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Donald E. Arnold, M.D., FASA, was today elected as first vice president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), the nation’s largest organization of physician anesthesiologists. Dr. Arnold was elected by the House of Delegates at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2022 annual meeting and will serve for one year.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
American Society of Anesthesiologists honors James D. Grant, M.D., MBA, FASA, with its Distinguished Service Award
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) today presented James D. Grant, M.D., MBA, FASA, with its 2021 Distinguished Service Award in recognition of his highly distinguished career as a physician anesthesiologist, enduring contributions to ASA members and deep commitment to advocating for the specialty and protecting patient safety.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
American Society of Anesthesiologists names Michael W. Champeau, M.D., FASA, new president
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

American Society of Anesthesiologists names Michael W. Champeau, M.D., FASA, new president

Released: 25-Oct-2022 2:50 PM EDT
妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)问与答:专家介绍如何使用Botox治疗偏头痛
Mayo Clinic


Released: 25-Oct-2022 2:45 PM EDT
أسئلة وأجوبة مايو كلينك: خبير يشرح كيفية استخدام البوتوكس في علاج الصداع النصفي
Mayo Clinic

عزيزتي مايو كلينك: أعاني من الشقيقة (الصداع النصفي) بشكل متقطع لمدة خمس سنوات تقريبًا. في الآونة الأخيرة، يبدو أن العلاج الفموي الذي أستخدمه أقل فعالية. بالرغم من أنني أعلم بوجود أدوية جديدة، فقد اقترحت عليَّ إحدى صديقاتي أن أجرب حُقن البوتوكس. حيث تُقسم أنه سيطر على الصداع المزمن لديها. ما مدى أمان هذه الحقن وكيف يعمل البوتوكس؟ ما هو جدول العلاج، وهل سأحتاج أيضًا إلى تناول أدوية أخرى للصداع؟ الإجابة: تمت الموافقة على توكسين أونابوتولينوم أ، أو البوتوكس، من قبل إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية في عام 2010 لعلاج الشقيقة (الصداع النصفي) المزمنة. ولكنه ليسَ علاجًا نهائيًا. عادةً ما يتلقى الأشخاص الذين يتلقون حقن البوتوكس للصداع العلاج كل ثلاثة أشهر تقريبًا.

Released: 25-Oct-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Perguntas E Respostas Da Mayo Clinic: Especialista Explica Como O Botox é Usado Para Tratar as Enxaquecas
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: venho sofrendo com enxaquecas intermitentes há mais ou menos cinco anos. Recentemente, a terapia oral que venho usando parece não estar mais fazendo efeito. Apesar de saber que novos medicamentos estão disponíveis, uma amiga sugeriu que eu experimentasse injeções de Botox. Ela jura que as injeções deixaram seus níveis de dores de cabeça sob controle. Essas injeções são seguras e como o Botox funciona? Qual é o cronograma de tratamento e eu também precisaria tomar outros medicamentos para dor de cabeça? RESPOSTA: a toxina Onabotulínica A, ou Botox, foi aprovada pela Food and Drug Administration (Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos Estados Unidos) em 2010 para tratar enxaquecas. Não se trata de uma cura. As pessoas que recebem injeções de Botox para dores de cabeça geralmente recebem o tratamento mais ou menos a cada três meses.

Released: 25-Oct-2022 2:40 PM EDT
Preguntas Y Respuestas De Mayo Clinic: Un Experto Explica De Qué Manera Se Utiliza El BóTox Para Tratar La Migraña
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: He sufrido migraña de forma intermitente durante aproximadamente cinco años. En el último tiempo, la terapia oral que he recibido pareciera ser menos eficaz. Si bien sé que existen medicamentos más nuevos, una amiga me sugirió que pruebe las inyecciones de bótox. Mi amiga jura que el bótox controló sus dolores de cabeza crónicos. ¿Cuán seguras son estas inyecciones? ¿Cómo funciona el bótox? ¿Cuál es el plan de tratamiento? ¿También tendría que tomar otro medicamento para el dolor de cabeza? RESPUESTA: La onabotulinumtoxina A, o el bótox, fue aprobada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos en el 2010 para el tratamiento de los dolores de cabeza por migraña crónicos. No es una cura. Las personas que reciben inyecciones de bótox para los dolores de cabeza suelen recibir el tratamiento aproximadamente cada tres meses.

Released: 25-Oct-2022 2:10 PM EDT
The latest news in Opioids, Drug Abuse, and Addiction

Here are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Drugs and drug abuse channel.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
American Society of Anesthesiologists recognizes Vivianne Tawfik, M.D., Ph.D., with its 2022 James E. Cottrell Presidential Scholar Award
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) today presented Vivianne Tawfik, M.D., Ph.D., with its 2022 James E. Cottrell Presidential Scholar Award in recognition of her extraordinary contributions to the fundamental understanding of pain mechanisms to treat patients with chronic and post-surgical pain.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
American Society of Anesthesiologists recognizes Kristin Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D., with its 2022 James E. Cottrell Presidential Scholar Award
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) today presented Kristin Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D., with its 2022 James E. Cottrell Presidential Scholar Award in recognition of her exemplary translational research on post-surgical pain.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Green eyeglasses reduce pain-related anxiety in fibromyalgia patients, study shows
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Wearing special green eyeglasses for several hours a day reduces pain-related anxiety and may help decrease the need for opioids to manage severe pain in fibromyalgia patients and possibly others who experience chronic pain, according to a study being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2022 annual meeting.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Cannabis use increases pain after surgery, study shows
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Adults who use cannabis have more pain after surgery than those who don’t use cannabis, according to a study presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2022 annual meeting.

21-Oct-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Radiation Therapy for High-Risk, Asymptomatic Bone Metastases May Prevent Pain and Prolong Life
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)

Treating high-risk, asymptomatic bone metastases with radiation may reduce painful complications and hospitalizations and possibly extend overall survival in people whose cancer has spread to multiple sites, a phase II clinical trial suggests. Results of the multicenter, randomized trial (NCT03523351) will be presented today at the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting.

21-Oct-2022 7:05 AM EDT
FLASH Radiation Therapy Shows Promise in First-in-Human Trial
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)

FLASH radiation treatment – which delivers therapeutic doses of radiation in a fraction of a second – may hold promise as a potential treatment for tough-to-kill tumors, a first-in-human study in a small number of people with bone cancer suggests.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Preschool children who experience ‘emergence delirium’ post-surgery do not have long-term effects
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Emergence delirium — a confused state during recovery from anesthesia that may include disorientation, hallucination, restlessness and purposeless hyperactivity — does not affect a child’s behavior three months after surgery, according to research being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2022 annual meeting.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Women, minorities, patients on Medicaid less likely to receive regional anesthesia, study shows
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Women, minorities and patients enrolled in Medicaid are less likely to receive regional anesthesia techniques that consistently improve outcomes after surgery, suggests research being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2022 annual meeting.

11-Oct-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Opioid prescribing after surgery remains the same for seniors, but doses are lower, study shows
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Although there has been no decrease in the number of opioid prescriptions seniors receive after surgery, the doses of those prescriptions are lower, according to a study of more than a quarter million Canadian patients being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2022 annual meeting.

Released: 21-Oct-2022 6:15 PM EDT
Both Types of THC Get You High–So Why Is Only One Illegal?
University of Connecticut

One is an illegal drug found in marijuana while the other is marketed as a safe herbal alternative.

11-Oct-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Benefit of opioids prescribed in the emergency department remains unclear
American College of Physicians (ACP)

A systematic review of 42 academic research articles has found that the risk-benefit balance of using opioids to treat musculoskeletal pain in the emergency department (ED) setting remains unclear. The review is published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

Newswise: Study Finds Unexpected Protective Properties of Pain
11-Oct-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Study Finds Unexpected Protective Properties of Pain
Harvard Medical School

The classic view of pain is that it protects by detecting and signaling the presence of harmful agents, but new research shows pain can shield the gut more directly. Experiments in mice show that activated pain neurons induce intestinal cells to release mucus that coats and protects the intestine both under normal conditions and during inflammation. The findings raise concerns about long-term use of certain medications that suppress protective pain signaling in conditions such as colitis and migraine.

Released: 14-Oct-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Is 'frozen shoulder' a genetic condition? Study finds links to specific genes
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a common cause of shoulder pain and immobility. New findings point to specific genes associated with an increased risk of this condition, reports The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio in partnership with Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 13-Oct-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Symptoms, quality of life important to guide treatment for peripheral artery disease (PAD)
American Heart Association (AHA)

For the approximately 8.5 million people in the U.S. living with peripheral artery disease (PAD – pronounced P-A-D), which is narrowed or clogged arteries in the legs, treatment decisions and criteria for success should be led by their symptoms and self-reported quality of life, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement published today in the Association’s flagship, peer-reviewed journal Circulation.

Released: 10-Oct-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Home sensors can detect opioid withdrawal signs at night
Washington State University

Some smart home technology could help curb opioid overdose. A Washington State University pilot study showed that a set of noninvasive home sensors could provide accurate information about overnight restlessness and sleep problems for people recovering from opioid use disorder.

Released: 7-Oct-2022 11:45 AM EDT
Combined ultrasound technique can reposition and break up urinary stones in awake patients
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

A new technique combining two types of focused ultrasound waves offers a promising approach for treatment of urinary stones located in the ureter, according to a feasibility study in The Journal of Urology®, an Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 3-Oct-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Study casts doubt on routine use of anesthesiologists in cataract surgery
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Ophthalmologists may be able to safely cut back on having anesthesiologists or nurse anesthetists routinely at bedside during cataract surgery, which accounts for more than two million surgeries per year in the U.S., according to a study publishing Oct. 3 in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Newswise: New Intracept ablation proves effective for quelling low back pain
Released: 3-Oct-2022 10:05 AM EDT
New Intracept ablation proves effective for quelling low back pain
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Physicians at the UT Southwestern Spine Center are now offering a minimally invasive ablation procedure to provide relief for low back pain caused by injury or degeneration of the vertebral endplates.

Released: 28-Sep-2022 10:05 AM EDT
People who feel less pain are also less willing to help others
University of Vienna

A reduced ability to feel pain in one's own body leads to a reduced willingness to help others who feel pain. This result of a study published in Psychological Science by cognitive psychologists at the University of Vienna led by Claus Lamm and Helena Hartmann points beyond the individual effects of pain medication to its social costs.

Released: 27-Sep-2022 2:10 PM EDT
The latest research and expert commentary on guns and violence

Here are some of the latest articles that have been posted in the Guns and Violence channel on Newswise.

Newswise:Video Embedded october-is-national-chiropractic-health-month
Released: 27-Sep-2022 10:20 AM EDT
October Is National Chiropractic Health Month
American Chiropractic Association

NCHM is a nationwide observance held each October. The event raises public awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and its natural, whole-person, patient-centered and drug-free approach to health and wellness.

Released: 21-Sep-2022 1:35 PM EDT
After Nationwide Search, Three Sub-Specialty Physicians Join Hackensack Meridian JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute
Hackensack Meridian Health

“We selected physicians with years of education, extensive experience and sub-specialty training to expand our services and to strengthen our existing programs,” said Sara Cuccurullo, M.D., chair, vice president and medical director of JFK Johnson. “We wanted physicians not only with the training but also with the passion to work in their specialized fields. These committed doctors made our decisions easy.”

Newswise:Video Embedded could-monoclonal-antibodies-replace-opioids-for-chronic-pain
Released: 21-Sep-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Could monoclonal antibodies replace opioids for chronic pain?
UC Davis Health (Defunct)

During the pandemic, physicians used infusions of monoclonal antibodies to help patients fight off COVID-19 infections. Now, in response to the U.S. opioid crisis, researchers at UC Davis are trying to create monoclonal antibodies that can help fight chronic pain.

Released: 21-Sep-2022 12:15 PM EDT
Register for ANESTHESIOLOGY 2022, Get Latest Research in Specialty and Pain Management
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

New discoveries in anesthesiology and pain management are being made every day, and ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2022 (Oct. 21-25) is the best place to be in-the-know about these important findings.

Released: 13-Sep-2022 11:20 AM EDT
American Chiropractic Association Endorses Volvo Cars Automotive Seating
American Chiropractic Association

ACA has endorsed Volvo Cars automotive seating following an independent evaluation.

