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Released: 12-Apr-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)的最新研究表明,缺乏充足的睡眠加上饮食无度会增加热量摄入,从而导致脂肪堆积,尤其是腹部不健康的脂肪堆积。

Released: 12-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
La falta de sueño aumenta la insalubre grasa abdominal
Mayo Clinic

Las nuevas investigaciones de Mayo Clinic muestran que la combinación de no dormir suficiente y tener libre acceso a la comida aumenta el consumo calórico y, por consiguiente, la acumulación de grasa, especialmente de aquella grasa insalubre dentro del vientre.

Released: 12-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
قلة النوم تزيد الدهون غير الصحية حول البطن
Mayo Clinic

ولاية مينيسوتا- أظهر بحث جديد من مايو كلينك أن النوم غير الكافي مع تناول الطعام بلا حدود يزيدان من استهلاك السعرات الحرارية وبالتالي يزيدان تراكم الدهون، وخاصة الدهون غير الصحية داخل البطن.

Released: 12-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Falta de sono aumenta gordura abdominal prejudicial
Mayo Clinic

Novas pesquisas da Mayo Clinic mostram que a falta de sono suficiente combinada com o livre acesso a comida aumentam o consumo de calorias e consequentemente o acúmulo de gordura, especialmente a go abdominal prejudicial.

Released: 12-Apr-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Must-See Events at ATS 2022 International Conference
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The ATS 2022 International Conference is coming back strong! Whether you cover clinical medicine or research, the programming at ATS 2022 is an extensive roundup of the latest in pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine.

Released: 7-Apr-2022 3:05 PM EDT
خبير من مايو كلينك يشارك 5 نصائح للرعاية المبكرة للمصابين بفيروس كورونا المستجد طويل الأمد
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا- بعد زيارة المئات من المرضى المصابين بفيروس كورونا المستجد طويل الأمد، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم متلازمة ما بعد فيروس كورونا المستجد، تعلم جريج فانيشكاتورن، دكتور الطب وزملاؤه في مايو كلينك الكثير عن الخطوات المبكرة في التعافي. وتضمن ذلك إدراك الخطوات التي يمكن للأشخاص اتخاذها بمفردهم لبدء التعافي. فيما يلي خمس نصائح من الدكتور فانيشكاتورن حول كيفية البدء في هزيمة متلازمة ما بعد فيروس كورونا المستجد:

Released: 7-Apr-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

通过访视数百名有COVID长期症状(也称为COVID后综合征)患者,妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)的Greg Vanichkachorn医学博士及其同事们学习到很多关于康复可采行的早期步骤。这其中包括患者对可以自行采取的康复起始步骤的认识。Vanichkachorn医生就如何展开对抗COVID后综合症提出了以下五项建议:

Released: 7-Apr-2022 1:25 PM EDT
Insomnia is linked with recurrent heart events in coronary patients
European Society of Cardiology

Nearly half of heart disease patients have insomnia, according to research presented at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2022, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC),1 and published in SLEEP Advances.2

Released: 7-Apr-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Especialista da Mayo Clinic compartilha 5 dicas de cuidados iniciais para pessoas com COVID longa
Mayo Clinic

Após visitar centenas de pacientes com COVID longa, também conhecida como síndrome pós-COVID, Greg Vanichkachorn, M.D. e seus colegas da Mayo Clinic aprenderam muito sobre os passos iniciais da recuperação. Isso inclui o entendimento de que há passos que as pessoas podem dar por conta própria para começarem a se recuperar.

Released: 7-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Experto de Mayo Clinic ofrece 5 sugerencias acerca de los primeros cuidados en personas con covid prolongada
Mayo Clinic

Después de atender a cientos de pacientes con covid prolongada, también conocido como síndrome poscovid, el Dr. Greg Vanichkachorn y sus colegas en Mayo Clinic han aprendido mucho acerca de las primeras medidas para la recuperación, incluido el hecho de que las personas mismas pueden tomar ciertas medidas para empezar a recuperarse.

Released: 7-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic expert shares 5 early care tips for people with long COVID
Mayo Clinic

After visiting with hundreds of patients with long COVID, also known as post-COVID syndrome, Greg Vanichkachorn, M.D., and his colleagues at Mayo Clinic have learned a lot about the early steps in recovery. That includes the realization that there are steps people can take on their own to start recovering. Here are five tips from Dr. Vanichkachorn on how to start defeating post-COVID syndrome...

Newswise: Insomnia Could Increase People’s Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Study Finds
6-Apr-2022 5:05 AM EDT
Insomnia Could Increase People’s Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Study Finds
University of Bristol

People who have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep had higher blood sugar levels than people who rarely had sleep issues, new research has found. The findings suggest insomnia could increase people’s risk of type 2 diabetes, and that lifestyle or pharmacological treatments that improve insomnia could help to prevent or treat the condition.

Newswise: What’s the skinny on those pandemic pounds?
Released: 4-Apr-2022 11:55 AM EDT
What’s the skinny on those pandemic pounds?

More Americans weighed in as obese during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic than in the previous year.

Released: 29-Mar-2022 4:15 PM EDT
Study: Naptime may bolster early literacy skills among preschoolers
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

The ability to map letters to sounds is considered an important indicator of early literacy skills.

Released: 28-Mar-2022 4:15 PM EDT
Lack of sleep increases unhealthy abdominal fat
Mayo Clinic

New research from Mayo Clinic shows that lack of sufficient sleep combined with free access to food increases calorie consumption and consequently fat accumulation, especially unhealthy fat inside the belly.

Released: 25-Mar-2022 12:35 PM EDT
Light Therapy Improves Breast Cancer Survivors’ Sleep
Michigan State University

Cancer alters the circadian rhythm functions, which results in fatigue and disrupted sleep/wake patterns. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dr. Horng-Shiuann Wu studies how using extremely bright light to “reset” a female breast cancer patient’s internal clock can help them sleep better.​​​​​​​

Released: 24-Mar-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Winchester Hospital Physicians Recognized in Northshore Magazine's 2022 'Top Doctors'
Winchester Hospital

Northshore Magazine has named 13 physicians and surgeons from 11 medical specialties affiliated with Winchester Hospital to its annual ‘Top Doctors’ guide. Drawing from a Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. Physician database, the list consists of Northshore-area physicians and is available in the printed version or online subscription of Northshore Magazine.

Released: 22-Mar-2022 2:55 PM EDT
Working shifts may delay the onset of menopause
North American Menopause Society (NAMS)

It’s no secret that working nontraditional shifts can wreak havoc on lifestyle and sleep habits. Shift work has also been known to have a negative effect on workers’ health.

Released: 21-Mar-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Effect of Sleep Disturbance Symptoms on Treatment Outcome in Blended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression (E-COMPARED Study): Secondary Analysis
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Sleep disturbance symptoms are common in major depressive disorder (MDD) and have been found to hamper the treatment effect of conventional face-to-face psychological treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy. To in...

Released: 18-Mar-2022 3:00 PM EDT
Tracking Subjective Sleep Quality and Mood With Mobile Sensing: Multiverse Study
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Sleep influences moods and mood disorders. Existing methods for tracking the quality of people’s sleep are laborious and obtrusive. If a method were available that would allow effortless and unobtrusive tracking of slee...

Released: 17-Mar-2022 12:20 PM EDT
Researchers find a ‘vicious cycle’ between excessive daytime napping and Alzheimer’s dementia
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Daytime napping is common among older adults. The longitudinal relationship between daytime napping and cognitive aging, however, is unknown.

Released: 17-Mar-2022 9:00 AM EDT
New Research on Circadian Physiology, the Endothelium and Stress as Disease Risk Factor to be Presented in APS President’s Symposium Series
American Physiological Society (APS)

Top researchers in physiology will present a three-part series exploring circadian physiology, the endothelium’s role in physiology responses and the relationship between disease risk and stress. The symposia are organized and chaired by American Physiological Society (APS) President Jennifer Pollock, PhD, FAPS, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The APS President’s Symposium Series will be part of the APS annual meeting at Experimental Biology 2022, which will be held in Philadelphia April 2–5.

Released: 15-Mar-2022 5:05 PM EDT
妙佑医疗国际问与答: 儿童不宁腿综合征
Mayo Clinic

尊敬的妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic):我的孩子在睡觉时经常动来动去,难以入睡。她描述说她腿部有“虫子”。作为一个被诊断患有不宁腿综合征的人,我想知道儿童是否也会患上不宁腿综合征?

Released: 15-Mar-2022 4:55 PM EDT
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Síndrome das pernas inquietas em crianças
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: minha filha se mexe muito na cama à noite e tem dificuldades para pegar no sono. Ela diz que sente “insetos” nas pernas. Como alguém diagnosticado com síndrome das pernas inquietas, eu gostaria de saber: crianças também podem desenvolver essa síndrome?

Released: 15-Mar-2022 4:55 PM EDT
أسئلة وأجوبة مايو كلينك: متلازمة تململ الساقين لدى الأطفال
Mayo Clinic

السادة الخبراء في مايو كلينك: تتحرك طفلتي كثيرًا عند الخلود للنوم وتواجه صعوبة في النوم. وتقول أن هناك "حشرات" على ساقيها. بصفتي شخصًا شُخِّصَ سابقًا بمتلازمة تململ الساقين، أتساءل هل من الممكن أن يُصاب الأطفال بمتلازمة تململ الساقين أيضًا؟

Released: 15-Mar-2022 4:00 PM EDT
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: Síndrome de las piernas inquietas en niños
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Mi hija se mueve mucho en la cama y tiene dificultad para quedarse dormida. Dice que siente «insectos» en las piernas. Como a mí me diagnosticaron con síndrome de las piernas inquietas, me pregunto si los niños también pueden tenerlo.

Released: 15-Mar-2022 11:05 AM EDT
For World Sleep Day March 18, an expert answers your questions and explains why sleep is essential for good health
UC Davis Health (Defunct)

Sleep expert Patrick M. Fuller discusses what scientists know about sleep and insomnia, why sleep is so important for health (including brain health), and what habits you can embrace to get good sleep even during challenging times.

Released: 11-Mar-2022 1:30 PM EST
Don’t lose sleep over daylight saving time
Houston Methodist

The return to daylight saving time each spring affects the sleep patterns of millions of Americans and can wreak havoc on the many people already affected by sleep problems. Houston Methodist sleep expert Dr. Aparajitha Verma suggests a few simple sleep habits that can make all the difference when we spring forward March 13.

Released: 9-Mar-2022 12:05 PM EST
Sleep apnea accelerates aging, but treatment may reverse it
University of Missouri, Columbia

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects 22 million people in the U.S. and is linked to a higher risk of hypertension, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and many other chronic conditions.

8-Mar-2022 8:00 PM EST
AASM calls for end of seasonal time changes ahead of “springing forward”
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

With spring quickly approaching, most of those in the U.S. must prepare to spring forward with the start of daylight saving time on Sunday, March 13. As a House committee prepares to hold a hearing on daylight saving time, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine emphasizes that these seasonal time changes should be abolished.

Released: 7-Mar-2022 2:50 PM EST
Time Change Coming: Don’t Let Springing Forward Set You Back

James Wyatt, PhD, clinical sleep disorder specialist at Rush University Medical Center, says daylight saving time isn’t just a mild inconvenience — it’s dangerous. He explains how to ease into this week's time change.

Released: 25-Feb-2022 11:35 AM EST
'Maladaptive' coping mechanisms contribute to poor sleep quality, reports The Nurse Practitioner
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

Most patients with sleep problems adopt maladaptive coping strategies – such as taking sleep aids, using caffeine, and taking daytime naps – that may actually contribute to decreased sleep quality, reports a study in The Nurse Practitioner. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Newswise: Research in Brief: Science One Step Closer to
Released: 22-Feb-2022 2:35 PM EST
Research in Brief: Science One Step Closer to "Turning Off" Seizures, Sleep Disturbances Linked to Intellectual Disability
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

UNLV-led research team identifies key brain protein to target for new customized drug therapies treating adverse symptoms of developmental disorder subtypes.

Released: 22-Feb-2022 10:05 AM EST
Brain neurons identified in pre-sleep routine
University of Michigan

When we are stressed or excited, it can be difficult for us to fall asleep—and finding ways to wind down prior to sleep is a habit of many.

17-Feb-2022 3:35 PM EST
The Latest Research News in Cardiovascular Health

The Latest Research News in Cardiovascular Health

Released: 17-Feb-2022 5:00 PM EST
Concerned about sleep hygiene? A little media before bed can be as beneficial as counting sheep
Michigan State University

A recent study by an interdisciplinary team of MSU researchers shows that watching a little TV or streaming something on your iPad or smartphone can actually be beneficial to night-time slumber. Allison Eden of the MSU College of Communication Arts and Sciences said she was surprised by the research results, but intrigued by support for a more nuanced view on the effects of media on sleep.

Newswise: Scientists discover how our circadian rhythm can be both strong and flexible
Released: 17-Feb-2022 4:05 PM EST
Scientists discover how our circadian rhythm can be both strong and flexible
Institute for Basic Science

From tiny fruit flies to human beings, all animals on Earth maintain their daily rhythms based on their internal circadian clock.

Released: 16-Feb-2022 8:00 AM EST
Save the Date! Cover ATS 2022 in San Francisco!
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

After two years of virtual conferences, the ATS 2022 International Conference will be live and in-person. San Francisco will play host to the largest gathering of scientists and clinicians in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine.

Newswise: Clearance of Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Controlled by Circadian Cycle
Released: 11-Feb-2022 1:40 PM EST
Clearance of Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Controlled by Circadian Cycle
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

The brain’s ability to clear a protein closely linked to Alzheimer’s disease is tied to our circadian cycle, according to research published in PLOS Genetics.

Newswise: University of Miami Medical Researchers Accelerate Future of Personalized Wellness with the MILBox
Released: 11-Feb-2022 10:10 AM EST
University of Miami Medical Researchers Accelerate Future of Personalized Wellness with the MILBox
University of Miami Health System, Miller School of Medicine

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine researchers today announced a research project designed to create an individual’s “digital twin” using health and environmental data collected from in-home and on-body sensors. Once created, health care practitioners could apply artificial intelligence (AI) to an individual’s digital twin to virtually test and evaluate various treatment options and potential outcomes before applying them in the physical world.

Newswise: Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy Associated with Increased Post-Delivery Risk of Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension
8-Feb-2022 8:00 AM EST
Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy Associated with Increased Post-Delivery Risk of Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

In a new study published online in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, researchers examined whether sleep disordered breathing (primarily obstructive sleep apnea) during pregnancy and in the years after delivery is associated with an increased risk for hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome consists of a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Released: 10-Feb-2022 2:05 AM EST
Common sleep apnea treatment may not benefit patients older than 80
University of Missouri, Columbia

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the treatment of choice for moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). But researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have found this treatment may not be as effective in patients older than 80.

Newswise: WVU sleep medicine program a ‘game changer’ for hospitalized patients
Released: 9-Feb-2022 10:40 AM EST
WVU sleep medicine program a ‘game changer’ for hospitalized patients
West Virginia University

A study led by West Virginia University School of Medicine researcher Sunil Sharma suggests that WVU’s new sleep medicine program is effective at identifying hospital patients at risk of sleep-disordered breathing and making them less likely to be readmitted to the hospital within six months of being discharged.

Newswise: Health Apps Could Help Older Adults with Anything From Sleep to Diabetes, but Most Don’t Use Them
7-Feb-2022 11:45 AM EST
Health Apps Could Help Older Adults with Anything From Sleep to Diabetes, but Most Don’t Use Them
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Mobile apps make it possible to track everything from exercise and calories to blood pressure and blood sugar, and use the information to stay on target with health goals or managing a chronic condition. But a new poll shows that most people over age 50 aren’t using such apps – and that those who might get the most help out of them are less likely to actually use them.
