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17-Jul-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Upping Your Intake of Omega-3s May Help Protect Your Hearing
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

Researchers report that blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were inversely correlated with hearing difficulty in a new population-based cross-sectional study.

17-Jul-2023 9:00 AM EDT
MIND Diet Linked with Better Focus in School-Aged Children
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

A diet originally designed to help ward off cognitive decline in adults might also help improve attention in pre-adolescents, according to a new study.

17-Jul-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Many Children in Rural Areas Receive High Salt and Sugar Foods Before Age 2
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

A study of over 10,000 children in rural Pennsylvania revealed that a large proportion of children were fed foods that are high in sugar and salt in their first years of life.

17-Jul-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Identify Genes that Directly Influence What We Eat
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

In one of the first large-scale studies of genes related to diet, researchers have uncovered almost 500 genes that appear to directly influence the foods we eat. The findings represent an important step toward using a person’s genetics to develop precision nutrition strategies that help improve health or prevent disease.

17-Jul-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Scientists Name Top Five Foods Rich in Prebiotics
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

There is growing evidence that consuming prebiotics — certain types of fiber often found in plants that stimulate beneficial bacteria in your gut — can help to maintain a healthy gut microbiome. In a new study, scientists estimated the prebiotic content of thousands of food types by using preexisting literature to find out which foods offer the highest prebiotic content.

Released: 20-Jul-2023 5:00 PM EDT
Symptom relief and healthy habits are top goals for treating chronic heart disease
American Heart Association (AHA)

For the more than 20 million people in the U.S. with chronic coronary disease, a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle are the best ways to prevent worsening health.

Released: 20-Jul-2023 11:35 AM EDT
Ultra-processed Foods Largely Missing from U.S. Food Policy
Tufts University

A new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine finds that only a small number of U.S. food policies consider ultra-processed foods, lagging behind countries such as Belgium, Brazil, and Israel.

Released: 20-Jul-2023 10:20 AM EDT
Omega-3 fatty acids promising for maintaining lung health
Cornell University

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish and fish oil supplements, appear promising for maintaining lung health, according to a Cornell-led study supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

14-Jul-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Espresso can prevent Alzheimer’s protein clumping in lab tests
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Coffee might do more than just wake you up. Research now published in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that, in preliminary in vitro laboratory tests, espresso compounds can inhibit tau protein aggregation — a process that is believed to be involved in Alzheimer’s disease.

Newswise: Less is best with caffeine, energy drinks during pregnancy
Released: 17-Jul-2023 12:30 PM EDT
Less is best with caffeine, energy drinks during pregnancy
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Millions of people drink coffee, soda, and/or tea daily, making caffeinated beverages the most commonly consumed stimulants in the world. Highly caffeinated energy drinks also have been a hugely popular pick-me-up for more than two decades, especially among younger adults and teens. But pregnant individuals should be careful regarding energy drinks and their overall intake of caffeine, according to an expert at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Newswise: Can aspartame make you sick? FSU expert available to discuss connection between sweetener and health
Released: 14-Jul-2023 9:50 AM EDT
Can aspartame make you sick? FSU expert available to discuss connection between sweetener and health
Florida State University

With the World Health Organization grappling with the health risks associated with artificial sweeteners — specifically linking them to cancer in a new report Florida State University Professor Pradeep Bhide is available to provide expert comment to reporters working on this story.

Released: 13-Jul-2023 11:50 AM EDT
هل يتسلل الملح إلى نظامك الغذائي؟
Mayo Clinic

الإفراط في الملح ليس مفيدًا لصحتك. وهذا ينطبق بشكل خاص على المصابين بارتفاع ضغط الدم. ابدأ بتقليل استخدامك لمِرشة الملح. يقول الدكتور ريجيس فيرنانديز، طبيب القلب في مايو كلينك: احذر من الأماكن الأخرى حيث يختبئ الملح.

Released: 7-Jul-2023 3:10 PM EDT
Global diet study challenges advice to limit high-fat dairy foods
European Society of Cardiology

Unprocessed red meat and whole grains can be included or left out of a healthy diet, according to a study conducted in 80 countries across all inhabited continents and published today in European Heart Journal.

Newswise: Produce Prescription Programs for Patients with Diabetes Could Save Billions in Healthcare Costs, Study Shows
Released: 7-Jul-2023 8:20 AM EDT
Produce Prescription Programs for Patients with Diabetes Could Save Billions in Healthcare Costs, Study Shows
Tufts University

A modeled implementation of a nationwide produce prescription program—which would provide free or discounted fruits and vegetables to eligible Americans living with diabetes —projected extensive reductions in national rates of cardiovascular disease and associated healthcare costs.

Newswise: Not eating enough of these six healthy foods is associated with higher cardiovascular disease and deaths globally
5-Jul-2023 3:00 PM EDT
Not eating enough of these six healthy foods is associated with higher cardiovascular disease and deaths globally
McMaster University

This study found that not eating enough of six key foods in combination is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults. Researchers derived a diet score from PHRI’s ongoing, large-scale global Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study, then replicated that in five independent studies to measure health outcomes in different world regions and in people with and without prior CVD.

Newswise: Don’t put nutrition on the back burner for your summer menu
Released: 6-Jul-2023 3:30 PM EDT
Don’t put nutrition on the back burner for your summer menu
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Whether you’re hosting summer backyard cookouts or escaping the heat with indoor gatherings, a nutrition expert at UT Southwestern Medical Center says there are lots of options for adding some nutrition to your plate.

Newswise: ACSM and Elevance Health to announce the 2023 American Fitness Index rankings July 18th
Released: 6-Jul-2023 8:50 AM EDT
ACSM and Elevance Health to announce the 2023 American Fitness Index rankings July 18th
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

ACSM and the Elevance Health Foundation will release the 2023 Fitness Index rankings at 7 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, July 18, 2023.

Released: 26-Jun-2023 11:05 AM EDT
FODMAP Diet is Focus of IAFNS July 12 Webinar for Nutritionists, Researchers
Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Careful use of a FODMAP diet with fewer fermentable carbohydrates can help manage symptoms in people with digestive disorders while maintaining good nutrition.

16-Jun-2023 1:20 PM EDT
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Slower Decline in ALS
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) who eat more foods high in certain omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil and pumpkin seeds may have a slower physical decline from the disease and may have a slightly extended survival. The study, which looked at the survival of people with ALS over the course of 18 months, was published in the June 21, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Researchers also found an omega-6 fatty acid may be beneficial. The study does not prove that these omega fatty acids slow decline of ALS or extend survival; it only shows an association.

Newswise: Study reveals workings of promising copper deficiency drug
Released: 21-Jun-2023 12:55 PM EDT
Study reveals workings of promising copper deficiency drug
Argonne National Laboratory

Research at Argonne National Laboratory’s Advanced Photon Source has revealed a key mechanism behind a promising drug for copper deficiency disorders.

Newswise:Video Embedded hot-yoga-offsets-negative-effects-of-high-salt-diet-on-blood-pressure-in-black-women
Released: 21-Jun-2023 10:00 AM EDT
Hot Yoga Offsets Negative Effects of High-salt Diet on Blood Pressure in Black Women
American Physiological Society (APS)

Participating in hot yoga over four weeks reduced blood pressure in Black women, according to a study from Texas State University. Researchers also found the blood pressure drop and a widening of the participants’ arteries occurred despite three days of high salt intake.

Newswise: Lots of water, small dietary changes can help prevent kidney stones, UTSW expert says
Released: 12-Jun-2023 1:30 PM EDT
Lots of water, small dietary changes can help prevent kidney stones, UTSW expert says
UT Southwestern Medical Center

The painful experience of having a kidney stone has become more common in recent years, including in Texas, part of the “Stone Belt” where hot weather can cause dehydration. But small dietary changes as well as drinking lots of water can help avert the discomfort, says a board-certified physician assistant in the Department of Urology at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 7:55 PM EDT
In schools that could benefit most, building relationships is key to increasing capacity for nutrition education programming

The US Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) provides nutrition programming to individuals with low income, including students and their families, through a network of community partners who implement the programs.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 5:20 PM EDT
Price vs. health: Food shoppers choose price
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

A new study of food consumer shopping behaviors has found that when faced with a choice – lower prices or healthier foods – they will likely choose lower prices.

Released: 9-Jun-2023 1:35 PM EDT
Shed those pounds while digesting all these weight-loss research headlines from the Weight Loss channel

As more families consider bariatric surgery a viable option to treat their child’s obesity, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest research on weight loss. You can find the latest research on bariatric surgery and other weight loss options in the Weight Loss channel on Newswise, where journalists can find story ideas on this trending topic.

Newswise: Seaweed Farming May Help Tackle Global Food Insecurity
Released: 8-Jun-2023 3:05 PM EDT
Seaweed Farming May Help Tackle Global Food Insecurity
Tufts University

Producing and selling seaweed could boost incomes for farmers in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in coastal regions of Africa and Southeast Asia, according to a new paper in Global Food Security.

Newswise: Ready to Serve! “46 Food Recipes that Help to Train Swallowing” from Chula’s Faculty of Allied Health Sciences – A Collection of Recipes for Both Sweet and Savory Dishes for the Aged who Have Trouble Chewing and Swallowing Their Food
Released: 7-Jun-2023 8:55 AM EDT
Ready to Serve! “46 Food Recipes that Help to Train Swallowing” from Chula’s Faculty of Allied Health Sciences – A Collection of Recipes for Both Sweet and Savory Dishes for the Aged who Have Trouble Chewing and Swallowing Their Food
Chulalongkorn University

A lecturer from the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University has worked with the Thai Dietetic Association to research and develop innovative food and beverages for the aged and patients who have difficulty chewing and swallowing their food. A total of 46 nutritious recipes for swallowing training are based on the IDDSI (The International Dysphagia Diet Standardization) so that the elderly can enjoy nutritious meals and stay healthy.

Released: 5-Jun-2023 5:30 PM EDT
Awada leads development of ag, environment research for national defense
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Defense of the United States is an undertaking that requires the help of experts from a wide array of obviously related disciplines — physics, engineering, computer science, political science and more. One discipline that might not immediately come to mind is plant ecophysiology. But the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Tala Awada is leading the way.

Newswise: Striking gold with black, brown and red rice
Released: 5-Jun-2023 5:20 PM EDT
Striking gold with black, brown and red rice
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)

Fundamental research offers opportunities for new varieties of pigmented rice and a resource to address malnutrition.

Newswise: Christina Economos Named Dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University
Released: 1-Jun-2023 1:20 PM EDT
Christina Economos Named Dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University
Tufts University

A leader in research into children’s nutrition, health, and obesity prevention, Christina Economos looks to expand the offerings at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University in her role as the school’s new dean.

Released: 31-May-2023 4:00 PM EDT
Unhealthy food dominated grocery store flyers
University of Gothenburg

Unhealthy food dominated the weekly grocery store flyers. As much as two thirds of the space was taken up by less healthy foods according to a study from the University of Gothenburg. The advertising does not seem to support healthy choices, say the researchers.

Released: 31-May-2023 11:45 AM EDT
Health information increases whole grain consumption
University of Bonn

Whole grain products are healthy, but not particularly popular. However, providing information of their benefits can change that, at least a little bit.

Newswise: Eat right, live longer: could a moderate protein diet be the coveted elixir of youth?
Released: 31-May-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Eat right, live longer: could a moderate protein diet be the coveted elixir of youth?
Waseda University

As the proverb “You are what you eat” goes, the type of food we consume influences our health and longevity all through our lives. In fact, there is a direct association between age-related nutritional requirements and metabolic health.

Released: 30-May-2023 7:55 PM EDT
That’s not nuts: Almond milk yogurt packs an overall greater nutritional punch than dairy-based
University of Massachusetts Amherst

In a nutritional comparison of plant-based and dairy yogurts, almond milk yogurt came out on top, according to research led by a University of Massachusetts Amherst food science major.

Newswise: How eating natto might help to distress
Released: 26-May-2023 12:00 PM EDT
How eating natto might help to distress
Osaka Metropolitan University

Health is wealth as the saying goes and new research now shows that it is possible to have a healthy, less stressed society through familiar and inexpensive foods.

Released: 25-May-2023 7:00 AM EDT
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Bebidas energéticas são uma opção saudável?
Mayo Clinic

Meu marido substituiu o café da manhã habitual por uma bebida energética. Essas bebidas são opções saudáveis para garantir a dose diária de cafeína? As bebidas energéticas têm mais cafeína que um café normal? E qual é a quantidade de cafeína que pode ser considerada excessiva?

Released: 25-May-2023 7:00 AM EDT
أسئلة وإجابات مايو كلينك: هل مشروبات الطاقة خيار صحي؟
Mayo Clinic

الأعزاء في مايو كلينك: لقد استبدل زوجي قهوته الصباحية المعتادة بمشروب طاقة. هل هذه المشروبات خيار صحي للحصول على جرعته اليومية من الكافيين؟ هل تحتوي مشروبات الطاقة على كمية كافيين أكبر

Released: 25-May-2023 7:00 AM EDT
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: ¿Las bebidas energizantes son una opción saludable?
Mayo Clinic

Mi esposo cambió su café habitual de la mañana por una bebida energizante. ¿Son estas opciones saludables para que reciba su dosis diaria de cafeína? ¿Las bebidas energizantes tienen más cafeína que el café común? ¿Y cuánta cafeína es demasiada?

Newswise: The Mediterranean Diet: Good for your health and your hip pocket
Released: 23-May-2023 9:05 PM EDT
The Mediterranean Diet: Good for your health and your hip pocket
University of South Australia

We’ve heard it time and time again – the Mediterranean diet is great for our health. But despite the significant health benefits of this eating plan, a common deterrent is often the expected costs, especially when budgets are tight.

Released: 23-May-2023 2:20 PM EDT
Study links ultra-processed foods consumption with psychosocial problems associated with mental health in adolescents
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Adolescents who consume a greater amount of ultra-processed foods and drinks have more difficulties in terms of mental health, according to new research carried out by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) and the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), which analyses the habits of five hundred Spanish adolescents aged between 13 and 18.

Released: 23-May-2023 11:30 AM EDT
Flavonol-rich foods like apples and blackberries can lower chances of developing frailty
Hebrew SeniorLife Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research

Eating plant-based foods that contain dietary compounds called flavonols can lower your chances of developing frailty.

Released: 19-May-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Uniformed Services University Receives $404K for WIC Military Outreach Program
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU)

The Uniformed Services University (USU) has been awarded a $404,703 grant to implement a WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project (WIC CIAO), designed to increase WIC enrollment in active duty military families.

Released: 9-May-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Program Announced for NUTRITION 2023 to be held July 22–25 in Boston
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

Join us July 22-25 in Boston for an exciting lineup of scientific symposia, educational sessions, hot-topic discussions, and award lectures covering the latest developments in nutrition science.

Newswise: How diet quality affects the gut microbiota to promote health
Released: 4-May-2023 5:45 PM EDT
How diet quality affects the gut microbiota to promote health
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

We know that eating a healthy diet affects body weight, cholesterol levels, and heart health. A new study from the University of Illinois focuses on another component: the role of diet in supporting a healthy gastrointestinal microbiota. The researchers conclude that following the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) promotes a gut microbiota composition that may support overall health.
