Feature Channels: Winter Holidays

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Released: 15-Dec-2005 2:30 PM EST
UT Southwestern Dietitian Gives Advice on Fighting Holiday Pounds
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Our promises to eat less during the holidays seem to disappear when we're faced with parties and family gatherings laden with high-calorie food and drinks. Year's end can also bring out the worst in our eating habits, but a UT Southwestern Medical Center dietitian says breaking those habits can be easier than you think.

Released: 12-Dec-2005 12:00 AM EST
Baylor Health Care System Health Briefs-Dec. 2005
Baylor Scott and White Health

Learn more about selecting safe toys for children this holiday season, holiday foods that can cause complications with certain medication, tips for preventing choking, dealing with Christmas allergies, and for keeping up an exercise and diet plan during the holidays.

Released: 11-Dec-2005 7:20 PM EST
Art for the Holidays? Try Frames Instead
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A gift of art for the holidays is a great idea, but an even better idea might be a gift certificate for framing, says Brett Levine, director of the UAB Visual Arts Gallery.

Released: 11-Dec-2005 7:15 PM EST
Stress and the Holidays
University of Alabama at Birmingham

For many people, the extra demands and obligations that come with preparing for the holidays can cause stress and anxiety.

Released: 11-Dec-2005 7:10 PM EST
Expert Helps Parents Understand World of Video, Computer Games
Purdue University

Adults who are not familiar with video and computer games should be cautious about what they buy children this holiday season, says a Purdue University video game expert.

Released: 8-Dec-2005 3:30 PM EST
Expert Offers Tips for Last-Minute Online Holiday Shopping
Purdue University

Online shopping may help holiday procrastinators with gift buying, but a Purdue University expert has additional tips gift givers can use when they find themselves on a tight deadline.

Released: 8-Dec-2005 1:40 PM EST
What College Students REALLY Want for Christmas
Hendrix College

Family and friends always wrestle with what to get college-age folks on their Christmas list. Here's advice straight from the students' mouths.

Released: 8-Dec-2005 1:25 PM EST
Planning Holiday Parties? Using Operations Management Will Help
University of New Hampshire

The refrigerator may not even be empty of Thanksgiving leftovers, yet the holiday party season already is in full swing. For many the stress of party planning, combined with tackling shopping, can take away every ounce of Christmas cheer.

Released: 7-Dec-2005 3:55 PM EST
Mistletoe Plays Hallowe’en Trick on Christmas Tree
Thompson Rivers University

The ancient healing plant now associated with Christmas has a sinister side, says a Thompson Rivers University researcher. In an ironic twist, dwarf mistletoe, a serious forest pest with an unusual method of propagation, threatens pines and other conifers in BC and elsewhere.

Released: 7-Dec-2005 3:25 PM EST
Royalties from Christmas Song Benefit St. Lawrence University
St. Lawrence University

ASCAP says that the classic song "I'll Be Home For Christmas" is Number Nine on its list of the 25 most-performed holiday songs. That's good news for St. Lawrence University, which receives a share of the royalties each time the beloved song is performed and played.

Released: 7-Dec-2005 12:00 AM EST
Seven Tips: Winter Health and Safety for Older Adults
University of Indianapolis

While many people wish for a "White Christmas," the reality is that snow and ice can be a painful one-two punch, especially for seniors who have osteoporosis or difficulty walking due to a previous stroke or other illness.

Released: 6-Dec-2005 4:00 PM EST
Purdue Security Experts: 'Patch' to Protect New Computers
Purdue University

To protect the millions of computers flying off store shelves this Christmas shopping season, Purdue University computer security experts recommend that buyers acquire anti-virus software and regularly install "patches" offered by software manufacturers.

Released: 6-Dec-2005 2:00 PM EST
Pop Open a Bottle of Bubbly, the Right Way!
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

The American Academy of Ophthalmology"”the Eye M.D. Association"”and Eye M.D.s across the country are urging Americans to celebrate safely this holiday season.

Released: 5-Dec-2005 2:10 PM EST
Keeping New Year’s Resolutions
University of Alabama at Birmingham

People often make New Year's resolutions that are abandoned by February. For success, turn New Year's goals into specific behaviors, said UAB clinical psychologist Joshua Klapow, Ph.D.

Released: 5-Dec-2005 2:10 PM EST
Foiling Holiday Identity Theft
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Keeping up with your credit card receipts, especially those that show the account number, is one way to foil thieves. What should you do if you suspect someone has stolen your credit card number?

Released: 5-Dec-2005 2:05 PM EST
I'll Be Blue for Christmas
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Does the holiday season mean a package of anxiety or depression will be tucked under your Christmas tree?

Released: 5-Dec-2005 2:00 PM EST
Tags Helping Retailers Keep Shelves Stocked This Season
Missouri University of Science and Technology

Retailers are discovering how radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags can help keep their shelves stocked this holiday season, say researchers at the University of Missouri-Rolla.

Released: 5-Dec-2005 1:55 PM EST
Mayo Clinic Tips for Holiday Air Travel with Infants and Toddlers
Mayo Clinic

Nervous about how your holiday plane flights will go with your little one? Mayo Clinic pediatric sleep specialist Suresh Kotagal, M.D., offers some suggestions for making your infant or toddler more comfortable during a long flight and ensuring a smooth ride for the child, parent and fellow passengers.

Released: 5-Dec-2005 8:00 AM EST
Giving the Gift of Life
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

As families gather to exchange gifts this holiday season, experts and patients with the University of Michigan Transplant Center say it's the perfect time to talk about giving a gift that could give someone a second chance at life "“ becoming an organ and tissue donor.

Released: 1-Dec-2005 9:00 AM EST
Yule Be Glad You Saved In January
Utah State University

If one of your holiday traditions is a large pile of leftover debt, you may want to use some of these tips to help you trim your tree and your holiday spending.

Released: 1-Dec-2005 12:00 AM EST
Feel Full on Less Eggnog and Fudge with Nanoparticles
Utah State University

Tiny nanoparticles can make a big difference when it comes to weight loss and obesity. These microscopic medical devices can help people feel full on a smaller amount of food, researchers say.

Released: 30-Nov-2005 7:45 PM EST
Hendrix Students Help Other Students Curb Holiday Spending
Hendrix College

While college students control $200 billion in national buying power each year, most students are poorly educated on how to budget their money. A group of college students at Hendrix College is trying to help fellow students curb their holiday and other spending that often results in financial disaster.

Released: 30-Nov-2005 3:15 PM EST
For Holiday Gifts, Technology Not Always Best Bet, Expert Says
Purdue University

Although the newest electronics and technological gadgets are among the most popular holiday gifts each year, they may not be the best gifts. Beverly J. Davis says the holidays are a prime time to be wary of falling victim to what she calls "technoism," and blindly purchasing each new technology.

Released: 30-Nov-2005 2:50 PM EST
Holiday Remedy for Those Family Feuds: Forgiveness
Northwestern University

The holidays are for getting together with friends and family to renew relationships and create memories. Some people, though, worry about upcoming gatherings where past hurts and arguments may loom over the proceedings. How to cope?

Released: 30-Nov-2005 1:35 PM EST
New Edition of The Joslin Guide: A Must Read for People with Diabetes
Joslin Diabetes Center

If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with diabetes, you probably have many questions. Why did I get diabetes? What should I eat? How do I manage my blood glucose levels? How will it affect my future health? And more.

Released: 30-Nov-2005 1:20 PM EST
Holiday Shoppers Should Consider Return Policies
Miami University

Returns to U.S. businesses now exceed $100 billion a year. Savvy consumers need to check on return policies before buying, says Thomas Speh, marketing professor at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) and an internationally known expert on the supply chain field.

Released: 29-Nov-2005 1:20 PM EST
J-Word Makes People with Holiday Blues See Red
Menninger Clinic

Telling people who have the holiday blues to "just" cheer up does more harm than good. Dr.Jon Allen, senior psychologist at The Menninger Clinic, refers to "just" as the "j-word." Allen suggests spending time with people who have the holiday blues and listening to their concerns.

Released: 29-Nov-2005 12:40 PM EST
Warm Up Holiday Season by Shrugging Off Cold Shoulder
Purdue University

Holiday Grinches who exclude themselves from parties or gift exchanges may be doing so in self-defense, pre-empting the possibility that family and friends will ignore or disappoint them, says a Purdue University social psychologist.

Released: 22-Nov-2005 3:40 PM EST
Students Forecast Holiday Shopping Trends
Seton Hall University

Ipods and MP3 players are still hot, denim is not, and this holiday shopping season is going to be longer than ever! These are just a few of the fascinating, fact-based predictions students have to offer, based upon their extensive, grass-roots, on-the-ground survey.

Released: 22-Nov-2005 3:20 PM EST
What the Internet’s Medical Sleuths Say Ailed Tiny Tim, And One Doctor’s Opinion
Pennsylvania Medical Society

We know that Scrooge gave Bob Cratchit a raise and that this raise helped the Cratchit family afford good food and medicine for Tiny Tim. But, what exactly ailed Tiny Tim? This feature story investigates what might have ailed Tiny Tim.

Released: 22-Nov-2005 10:00 AM EST
'Tis the Season to Get Heavy?
Solae Company

Holiday parties are right around the corner, tempting millions of Americans with pounds of cookies, cakes and casseroles. Could this be the year you don't gain weight? Protein expert Greg Paul, Ph.D. says you can keep off the pounds by following these six simple steps.

Released: 21-Nov-2005 1:50 PM EST
Computer Scholar on Identity Theft and Safe Online Holiday Shopping
Academy Communications

Millions of Americans are going online in a convenient 24/7 virtual holiday shopping spree. According to a scholar of consumer security, most will encounter bargains and larger selections while avoiding weather and traffic problems. Many others, she says, will be putting their credit at risk unnecessarily.

Released: 17-Nov-2005 1:20 PM EST
Holiday Retail Shopping Forecast Ranges from Cool to Gloomy
Purdue University

A Purdue University retail expert foresees a best case of only a small uptick in holiday retail shopping dollars this year, and there are some worrying possibilities that could reverberate negatively through the economy for months to come.

Released: 16-Nov-2005 1:20 PM EST
A New Addition to Your Family’s Thanksgiving Dinner: The PHR?
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Lost medical records stemming from recent catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina have highlighted the need for families to maintain their own personal health records.

Released: 16-Nov-2005 1:15 PM EST
’Tis the Season for Heart Attacks
Harvard Heart Letter

The holiday season can be a time of good cheer, brightly lit parties, and the pleasure of family reunions. It can also be a lonely or stressful time, and a season of eating, drinking, or spending too much.

Released: 16-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Menninger Offers Experts for Holiday Stories
Menninger Clinic

The Menninger Clinic, a specialty psychiatric clinic in Houston, offers experts and ideas for holiday stories.

Released: 14-Nov-2005 7:45 PM EST
Unhappy Home for the Holidays
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Holiday gatherings with family can be a joyous occasion, or a time for tension and conflict. The key to dealing with difficult family members is planning ahead, says UAB counseling expert Michael Brooks, Ph.D.

Released: 14-Nov-2005 7:40 PM EST
Office Parties Are No Joke
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Spoofs on bad behavior at holiday office parties may be humorous, but in real life saying or doing the wrong thing can lead to big trouble for your career, says UAB management professor Barbara Wech, Ph.D.

Released: 14-Nov-2005 7:20 PM EST
Purdue Expert: Families, Holidays, Work Require Balancing Act
Purdue University

Busy calendars during the holidays can make it difficult to manage work and family responsibilities, but the director of Purdue University's Center for Families says it can be a great time to build relationships.

Released: 14-Nov-2005 8:40 AM EST
Thanksgiving Harmony Shows Indians’ Political Savvy, Says New Book
Brigham Young University

As Americans preparing for Thanksgiving remember the familiar tale of Indians' kindness toward the Pilgrims of Plymouth, a new book points out that friendship, though real, was not the only factor that brought them together -- a combination of political and security factors led the parties to sign a pact of mutual protection.

Released: 14-Nov-2005 12:00 AM EST
Professor Says There's Lots to Gobble About Today's Modern Turkey
University of Maryland, College Park

The modern turkey many enjoy at Thanksgiving is most definitely not the turkey our forefathers hunted in the wild. Grown in large-scale farms, today's turkeys are couch potatoes and top heavy - grown for their breast meat. And that presents a problem when it's time to create new turkeys.

Released: 8-Nov-2005 4:00 PM EST
Purdue Nutrition Expert: Plan Ahead for Healthy Holidays
Purdue University

When families get together for the holidays, they tend to eat foods high in calories and fat, but a Purdue University foods and nutrition expert says that's not necessarily wrong.

Released: 8-Nov-2005 1:50 PM EST
Expert Offers Tips on Coping with Grief During the Holidays
Purdue University

The holidays are a joyous time for most, but for those who have experienced a loss, the usually festive time of year can be a painful reminder that their loved one is no longer around. But according to an expert, there are several things a grieving person can do to get through the season.

Released: 4-Nov-2005 8:30 AM EST
Christmas on a Budget
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Christmas shopping is kicking into high gear, but what if you're a little short on cash this year?

Released: 3-Nov-2005 10:50 AM EST
Holiday Shopping Online Made Safe and Simple
Baldwin Wallace University

This is the year! With gasoline prices skyrocketing and free time at a premium, this is an ideal time to try holiday shopping on line. Consumers can find a wider variety of goods and sizes online than in most stores.

Released: 3-Nov-2005 10:35 AM EST
Top 10: Purdue Veterinarian Offers a Holiday Survival Guide for Pets
Purdue University

The holidays are a time for families and friends, but Lorraine Corriveau, a wellness veterinarian at Purdue University's School of Veterinary Medicine, cautions that they aren't without risks for animal companions.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 3:00 PM EST
Retailers Ho-Ho-Hoping to Jingle All the Way to the Bank
Florida State University

Retailers are dreaming of a green Christmas, and it looks like their dreams may come true, according to a Florida State University economist.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 1:10 PM EST
Conditioning, Safety Key for Winter Sports Enthusiasts
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Each year, thousands of winter sports enthusiasts suffer sprained wrists, dislocated shoulders, broken bones and other serious injuries due to risky maneuvers, lack of fitness, and improperly fitted equipment. However, experts say most skiers, snowboarders and other athletes can avoid injuries with a little training and preparation.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 1:10 PM EST
Winter Sports Enthusiasts: Tips for Avoiding Altitude Sickness
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Experts caution that anyone traveling to higher elevations this winter for holiday vacations or weekend ski trips should remember to prepare for altitude changes to avoid a gamut of potential health-related symptoms.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
History Prof Debunks Holiday Myths, Traditions
Dick Jones Communications

"˜Tis the season of holiday traditions, although a professor at Roanoke College in Salem, Va., would argue that many of them are actually myths.
