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6-Feb-2015 2:00 PM EST
F-Bombs Notwithstanding, All Languages Skew Toward Happiness
University of Vermont

Arabic movie subtitles, Korean tweets, Russian novels, Chinese websites, English lyrics, and even the war-torn pages of the New York Times—research from the University of Vermont, examining billions of words, shows that these sources—and all human language—skews toward the use of happy words. This Big Data study confirms the 1969 Pollyanna Hypothesis that there is a universal human tendency to “look on and talk about the bright side of life.”

Released: 3-Feb-2015 12:00 PM EST
Politics and Law Expert Discusses Timing, Ramifications of Supreme Court's Decision to Take on Same-Sex Marriage
University of Vermont

Ellen Andersen, associate professor in gender, sexuality, and women’s studies and political science at the University of Vermont, weighs in on the Supreme Court's decision to rule on gay marriage

Released: 26-Jan-2015 11:00 AM EST
Got Bees? Got Vitamin A? Got Malaria?
University of Vermont

A new study shows that more than half the people in some developing countries could become newly at risk for malnutrition if crop-pollinating animals — like bees — continue to decline.

6-Jan-2015 2:00 PM EST
Hello People, Goodbye Soil
University of Vermont

In North America, European colonization and agriculture led to as much soil loss in just decades as would have occurred naturally in thousands of years, new research shows. Scientists from the University of Vermont and London have, for the first time, precisely quantified natural rates of erosion in ten US river basins to compare with modern ones.

Released: 17-Dec-2014 3:00 PM EST
Professor Plays Key Role in Passage of One of Nation's Toughest Concussion Laws
University of Vermont

Vermont State legislator Richard Sears sought the advice of a concussion expert at the University of Vermont when crafting one of the nation's most comprehensive concussion laws to protect high school athletes

Released: 17-Dec-2014 2:25 PM EST
Expert Prediction: Don't Expect Much from 114th U.S. Congress
University of Vermont

When the 114th U.S. Congress starts on Jan. 3 it will mark the first time since 1994 that Republicans hold majorities in both the House and Senate under a Democratic president. A presidential expert and two Congressional scholars predict what will happen this time around.

Showing results 151–158 of 158
