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Released: 13-Sep-2005 8:30 AM EDT
Japan, U.S. NSF to Collaborate on Disaster Prevention Research
National Science Foundation (NSF)

U.S. National Science Foundation Director Arden L. Bement, Jr. and Japanese deputy education, science and technology minister Tetsuhisa Shirakawa signed an agreement sign on Sept. 11 to enhance both countries' efforts to work together to combat the devastation of natural disasters.

Released: 12-Sep-2005 12:10 PM EDT
Enhanced Imaging Techniques Could Improve Medical Diagnosis
Virginia Tech

Chris Wyatt is a Virginia Tech electrical engineer who is attempting to provide the medical community with better, quicker, and more relevant images of the human body. The side effects are not bad either "“"“ lower medical costs, new treatments, and earlier disease detection.

Released: 12-Sep-2005 8:55 AM EDT
Concept Vehicle Illustrates New Military Combat Options
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A concept vehicle designed to illustrate potential technology options for improving survivability and mobility in future military combat vehicles will be shown publicly for the first time Sept. 13-15 at a military technology meeting in Virginia.

Released: 6-Sep-2005 6:30 PM EDT
New Solar Underwater Robot Technology Showcased at Exhibition
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

A new solar-powered underwater robot technology developed for undersea observation and water monitoring will be showcased at a Sept. 16 workshop on leading-edge robotics to be held at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Arlington, Va.

Released: 6-Sep-2005 3:40 PM EDT
Robots: An Exhibition of US. Automatons from the Leading Edge of Research
National Science Foundation (NSF)

On Sept. 16, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will host more than a dozen robots and their creators to showcase advanced robotics technology from across the nation.

Released: 1-Sep-2005 2:00 PM EDT
Giant Optical Telescope in Africa Comes Online
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Five years after breaking ground on a South African mountaintop near the edge of the Kalahari desert, astronomers today released the first images captured by the Southern African Large Telescope, now the equal of the world's largest optical telescope and a prized window to the night skies of the southern hemisphere.

Released: 31-Aug-2005 8:35 AM EDT
Google Galvanizes Invention by Student During Summer of Code
University of California San Diego

A grad student at UC San Diego has released the beta version of open-source software that allows users to make a change to a computer file on one machine, and have that change happen to files located on other devices.

Released: 26-Aug-2005 2:15 PM EDT
T-rays -- the Next Wave in Space Shuttle Imaging Technology
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

A versatile technology that can spot cracks in space shuttle foam, while also offering the potential to see biological agents through a sealed envelope and detect tumors without harmful radiation, will be the focus of a full-day symposium at the 230th national meeting of the American Chemical Society.

Released: 24-Aug-2005 8:35 AM EDT
Airborne Drones, Mimicking Gulls, Alter Wing Shape for Agility
University of Florida

The military's next generation of airborne drones won't be just small and silent "“ they'll also dive between buildings, zoom under overpasses and land on apartment balconies.

Released: 19-Aug-2005 5:00 PM EDT
Who Killed the Virtual Case File?
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

The FBI's Virtual Case File was an auspicious start to what would become the most highly publicized software failure in history.

Released: 19-Aug-2005 5:00 PM EDT
Why Software Fails
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

Of the $1 trillion that will be spent worldwide on technology this year, many billions will be wasted on software mistakes that are entirely preventable.

Released: 19-Aug-2005 5:00 PM EDT
Big and Bendable
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

If integrated electronics could be big and flexible instead of small and rigid, they would be suitable for a dazzling array of items.

Released: 15-Aug-2005 11:05 AM EDT
Virtual Facilitator Could Help Teams Solve Problems Faster
Missouri University of Science and Technology

Inefficient, unproductive meetings -- like those satirized in Scott Adams' "Dilbert" cartoon -- are the bane of the modern workplace, but two University of Missouri-Rolla professors are looking to reverse that with new software to help people share ideas and stick to an agenda.

Released: 11-Aug-2005 9:00 AM EDT
Tampa Bay Becomes "Smart Bay" with Well-Placed Sensors
University of South Florida

University of South Florida College of Marine Science scientists and engineers have placed sophisticated, small, rugged sensors at strategic points in Tampa Bay and downloaded environmental data from them wirelessly.

Released: 8-Aug-2005 12:00 PM EDT
Charges to Go
Iowa State University

Cell phone charged? Joe Hynek and his Iowa State University collaborators are working to make wearable solar charging devices useful and pretty.

Released: 4-Aug-2005 12:00 PM EDT
Iowa State Engineers Protect the Bridges of Madison County
Iowa State University

Iowa State University engineers have designed a high-tech system to protect the bridges of Madison County from vandals. The remote monitoring technology could be applied to other structures where security is an issue.

Released: 26-Jul-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Keeping Up with Tech Savvy Students the New Admissions Challenge
Dick Jones Communications

The traditional "campus visit" has gone virtual, presenting new challenges for college enrollment officials as university websites become 24-hour admissions offices.

Released: 21-Jul-2005 3:15 PM EDT
World-Record Magnet to Pull in Scientific Breakthroughs
Florida State University

Members of the news media are invited to attend a special event marking a major technological leap forward for the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.

Released: 21-Jul-2005 9:00 AM EDT
Dimensions of Development
New Global Initiatives

The development of molecular manufacturing will be a hinge point in history. Like the invention of the printing press, steam engines, and computers, molecular manufacturing will transform business, industry, social structures, and the balance of world power. The question is not if, but when.

Released: 21-Jul-2005 8:40 AM EDT
K-Staters Develop Inexpensive Gamma Ray Detector Device
Kansas State University

Using a patented design introduced by his professor, a K-State graduate student used a simple technique to improve the resolution of the gamma ray detector -- at a fraction of the cost of other techniques.

Released: 20-Jul-2005 4:15 PM EDT
ORNL Mirrors Powerful Tools for Studying Micro-, Nano-materials
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Precision mirrors to focus X-rays and neutron beams could speed the path to new materials and perhaps help explain why computers, cell phones and satellites go on the blink.

Released: 20-Jul-2005 8:55 AM EDT
The Interplanetary Internet
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

NASA researchers quarrel over how to network outer space.

Released: 19-Jul-2005 12:00 AM EDT
Students Steer a Blimp to Test Near Space Military Technology
 Johns Hopkins University

Undergraduate engineers build 17-foot model of military surveillance airship that would hover at outer edge of atmosphere.

Released: 5-Jul-2005 8:50 AM EDT
Image Retrieval from the Web & Archives
Isis Innovation Ltd, Oxford University

Isis Innovation, the technology transfer arm of the University of Oxford, is offering for licence a new and more reliable method for retrieving images from the web and from archive libraries.

Released: 1-Jul-2005 8:45 AM EDT
Team Investigates Active Denial System for Security Applications
Sandia National Laboratories

A multi-organizational team is adapting for DOE use a technology that can help keep security adversaries out of DOE sites that contain nuclear assets. The DOE Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance is exploring the potential to use directed energy weapons technology to help protect DOE nuclear assets.

Released: 30-Jun-2005 8:00 AM EDT
UMR Solar Racers Ready to Defend Title
Missouri University of Science and Technology

A team of students from the University of Missouri-Rolla will try for another championship in solar car racing beginning July 17 in Austin, Texas. The race covers 2,500 miles, ending in Calgary, Alberta.

Released: 29-Jun-2005 8:35 AM EDT
Robots Attend UCSD Nursery School in Research Study
University of California San Diego

Humanoid robots RUBI and QRIO engage 1- to 2-year-old children in daily activities as part of a long-term project to investigate the uses of interactive computers in educational environments and to advance the field of real-time, social robotics.

Released: 28-Jun-2005 8:55 AM EDT
FSU on Track with High Speed Lambda Rail Network
Florida State University

The Florida LambdaRail Network, a next-generation Internet that is faster than any other education-based network in the Southeast and is among the top in the nation in speed and capacity, is now operating at Florida State University and nine other universities in the state.

Released: 27-Jun-2005 8:45 AM EDT
Ultra-Wide-Band Research Poised to Save Lives in Rescue, Combat
Tennessee Technological University

Imagine if on September 11 rescue workers had been able to track each other with small locators emitting a signal that could penetrate through a building, metal, fire or smoke.

Released: 24-Jun-2005 8:50 AM EDT
Data Everlasting
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

It took two centuries to cram the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., with more than 29 million books and periodicals, 2.7 million recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.8 million maps, and 57 million manuscripts; today it takes 15 minutes to churn out the digital equivalent.

Released: 23-Jun-2005 11:30 AM EDT
Center to Test Communications Devices for Space Flight
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The University of Arkansas is creating a center to test the durability of high-tech, high-speed fiber-optic communication devices made for the extreme environments faced by military and space flight equipment, thanks to an award from a local company that makes the devices.

Released: 16-Jun-2005 5:10 PM EDT
Computer Model for Fire Detection in Airliner Cargo Compartments
Sandia National Laboratories

A project to improve the false alarm rate and to standardize the certification of fire detection systems in cargo compartments of commercial aircraft is underway. Sandia's role in the project was to develop a physics-based Computational Fluid Dynamics model to analyze smoke transport in cargo compartments.

Released: 16-Jun-2005 8:40 AM EDT
Researchers to Develop Electrical Systems for Nation’s Power Grid
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The federal government has asked engineering researchers to develop purely electronic systems to make the nation's power grid more reliable and efficient. Silicon-carbide, solid-state equipment will replace outdated and obsolete electro-mechanical devices.

Released: 16-Jun-2005 12:00 AM EDT
Students Revamp Tractor for Use by Workers with Disabilities
 Johns Hopkins University

Undergrad engineers answer challenge to make tractor useable by disabled volunteers at southern Maryland state park.

Released: 14-Jun-2005 6:00 AM EDT
Synthetic Biology 1.0
New Global Initiatives

Open development of biological technology is crucial to US domestic security and to the health of our economy. Misuse of this technology in bioterrorism is a clear threat. Our first response to recent domestic bioterror attacks has been to pursue safety in regulation.

Released: 13-Jun-2005 9:00 AM EDT
USF Engineers Sniff Out Nasty Chemicals Underwater
University of South Florida

Researchers at USF's Center for Ocean Technology are taking underwater mass spectrometry equipment -- built to detect dissolved gasses and volatile organic compounds -- to ever greater depths to measure compounds at ever smaller concentrations.

Released: 10-Jun-2005 12:00 PM EDT
New Concrete Handles a Heavy, Heavy Load
Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers take innovative bridge beam to the breaking point: 595,000 pounds of load. That's more than the weight of seven semi trucks.

Released: 3-Jun-2005 10:20 AM EDT
Low-Cost Dendrimers Revolutionize Industry
Central Michigan University

Dendritic NanoTechnologies Inc. at Central Michigan University makes precise denrimers that can be engineered for function and interior nanocontainer space available at low cost.

Released: 3-Jun-2005 9:00 AM EDT
Helping Manufacturers Get the Lead Out of Electronics
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Alternatives to conventional solder, along with new electrically-conductive adhesives, are helping manufacturers get the lead out of consumer electronic products such as cellular telephones and electronic toys.

Released: 1-Jun-2005 4:30 PM EDT
Rapid-Scanning Doppler on Wheels Keeps Pace with Twisters
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

A multibeam Doppler radar that scans storms every 5 to 10 seconds is prowling the Great Plains through June in search of its first close-up tornado. The National Center for Atmospheric Research helped develop the Rapid-Scan Doppler on Wheels and a powerful technique to analyze its data in 3-D.

25-May-2005 5:00 PM EDT
China's Tech Revolution
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

A special report looks at how technology is driving China's emergence as an industrial powerhouse -- and what that means for the world.

Released: 26-May-2005 8:45 AM EDT
One-of-a-Kind X-ray Instrument Sees All the Bubbles
Iowa State University

Iowa State University X-ray flow visualization facility allows researchers to see and take X-ray images of liquids, solids and gases flowing through a system.

Released: 23-May-2005 11:35 AM EDT
Network Could Improve Access to NASA Satellite Data
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Sophisticated signal processing techniques and simple proof-of-principle antenna arrays built from PVC pipe, aluminum foil and copper wire could revolutionize the way NASA obtains data from its Earth observing satellites.

Released: 10-May-2005 9:00 AM EDT
Protecting First-Responders from Clandestine Meth Labs
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are helping public safety officials, building managers, child welfare authorities and others learn how to protect themselves from the dangers of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories.

Released: 28-Apr-2005 10:30 AM EDT
A Helicopter Anyone Can Fly without Leaving Home
American Technion Society

A newly developed unmanned aerial vehicle could be the next tool in homeland security defense. The craft has no pilot -- not even one who controls it remotely from the ground. All aspects of flight are conducted without human intervention, making this UAV the first of its kind.

Released: 27-Apr-2005 5:00 PM EDT
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

A new breed of rapid prototyping machine now in development can make everything from rockets to robots, batteries included.

Released: 27-Apr-2005 5:00 PM EDT
Squashing Worms on the Internet
IEEE Spectrum Magazine

Because a computer network cannot ward off every last Internet worm, it must sound an alarm the minute one slithers inside.

Released: 18-Apr-2005 2:55 PM EDT
A New Particle Detector Will Help Probe the Primordial Universe
Weizmann Institute of Science

When the first matter came into being right after the big bang, what was it like? It may not have been quite as scientists have been describing it. That is one of the possibilities raised by four international teams of researchers.

Released: 13-Apr-2005 3:25 PM EDT
Micro Devices to Monitor Tire Pressure in Cars
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

In anticipation of a new federal safety requirement for passenger cars and trucks, engineers are busy perfecting a tiny sensor that can be placed on the wheels to monitor tire pressure and deliver accurate information to the driver.

Released: 7-Apr-2005 2:00 PM EDT
Array of Sensors Designed to Transform Monitoring of Rainfall
University of Massachusetts Amherst

A team of 15 student researchers is creating an experimental radar system designed to transform our ability to monitor rainfall. The students are building an array of sensors, to be deployed in Puerto Rico, that produces very accurate rainfall data to predict flooding, wind fields, and for crop hydrology.
