Newswise — The holidays are a time for family, fun and happiness. They are usually spent with the ones we love reflecting on the past year and feeling grateful. However, even with all the joy, the holidays can cause quite a large amount of stress. Whether it be trying to forgive someone for a mishap, trying not to let your worries impact your sleep, dealing with the dark and gloomy days, or merely learning the joys of giving, our experts are here with tips on how to make this holiday season a little brighter.

For expert opinion:

David Linden, Ph.D.

Giving is a major theme during the holiday season. Whether it is giving presents to family members or giving your time volunteering, it definitely makes you feel good. What causes this feeling? Neuroscientist David Linden delves into how the act of giving affects the “pleasure center” in our brains.

Rachel Salas, M.D.

Although the holidays are usually a time for joy, they can be very stressful. Many are left worrying about planning get-togethers, managing finances and whatever else may be a stressor. These worries can end up impacting one of the most important parts of your routine — your sleep time. This is also the time where relatives are coming and staying overnight. You might recognize different sleep behaviors in family members, such as snoring. Is this linked to a more severe problem? Sleep expert Rachel Salas not only offers tips to help decompress to get a restful night’s sleep, but also some of the warning signs of sleep apnea.

Michelle Carlstrom, L.C.S.W.-C., senior director of the Office of Work, Life and Engagement at Johns Hopkins

Conflict is often a part of life, but is it really worth straining relationships with those closest to you, especially during the holiday season? Forgiveness is an important part of mental health, as is having healthy conversations. Michelle Carlstrom can offer tips on how forgiveness is healthy and promotes positive family conversation over the holidays.

For more info:Seasonal Affective Disorder


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