Latest News from: Florida State University

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Released: 10-May-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Changes in Musical Right Brain May Have Helped Earliest Humans Communicate
Florida State University

A new computer technology used to trace the evolution of the human brain has revealed surprising changes in the musical right hemisphere, which may have helped our earliest ancestors communicate.

Released: 30-Apr-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Risk of Bulimia Slim Among Some Minority Women
Florida State University

Minority women are at a lower risk for bulimia even if they are unhappy with their body size as long as they are not worried about adapting to mainstream American culture, according to a new Florida State University study.

Released: 20-Apr-2002 12:00 AM EDT
New Weather Forecast Office Expands Study Opportunities
Florida State University

From its new location on the Florida State University campus, the National Weather Service forecast office in Tallahassee is expected to become a leading center for meteorological studies, while continuing to provide accurate and timely weather forecasts and warnings to the citizens of northern Florida, southwest Georgia and southeast Alabama.

Released: 28-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Alligator's Bite Could Lift a Small Truck
Florida State University

Picture the jaws of a 12-foot alligator clamping down on its prey. Now think of the jolt one would feel by tying a rope to a small pickup truck and trying to hold on after dropping it from the roof of a tall building. What's the point? A Florida State University researcher has found that both have the same force.

Released: 23-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Academic's Concerns About Enron-Type Dealings Ignored
Florida State University

Eighteen months before the financial dealings that led to Enron's collapse came to light, the dean of the Florida State University College of Law and a national expert on partnerships, was publicly decrying such arrangements.

Released: 20-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
FSU College of Medicine Hires Innovators in Medical Education
Florida State University

Leaders in the development and use of virtual reality technology, the Internet and other multimedia resources for medical education are among the recently hired faculty at Florida State University's new College of Medicine.

Released: 7-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Listen Up: a Quieter Fighter Jet Engine Developed
Florida State University

Beginning this December, noise suppression technology developed at Florida State University will become standard equipment on U.S. Navy F-18 fighter jets. The technology, which is patent-pending, was developed at the FSU Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory.

Released: 6-Mar-2002 12:00 AM EST
Practice Makes Perfect May Apply to the Way Babies Learn to Talk
Florida State University

If humans are anything like songbirds, a new Florida State University study suggests the old adage "practice makes perfect" may apply to learning a language. The study is the first to purport there is a practice effect in songbird vocal learning and that a similar effect may apply to human vocal learning.

Released: 20-Feb-2002 12:00 AM EST
Working to Slow Enzyme That Eats Proteins in the Brain
Florida State University

Enzymes in the brain are not supposed to chew up proteins the way enzymes do in the digestive track. However, the study of an unusual brain enzyme that may contribute to multiple sclerosis has started a Florida State University chemist along a path that could one day lead to a treatment for MS, and promote healing of the damage it causes.

Released: 1-Feb-2002 12:00 AM EST
Women Have Greater Sense of Mattering to Others
Florida State University

An assistant professor of sociology, found that being female, having children and holding a challenging job enriches the conviction of mattering.

Released: 23-Jan-2002 12:00 AM EST
Expert Advises Businesses to Heed the Lessons of Sept. 11
Florida State University

The business climate has changed in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001, but there are lessons both the private and public sectors can learn from the tragedy in order to be more effective and better protect the public, according to an internationally known Florida State University researcher.

Released: 12-Jan-2002 12:00 AM EST
Brighter Days on the Horizon
Florida State University

The economic forecast is looking brighter this year, according to a Florida State University economics professor who says the United States should begin climbing out of the recession in the second or third quarter of 2002.

Released: 8-Jan-2002 12:00 AM EST
Music Festival Will Honor a Giant of 20th Century
Florida State University

The Florida State University School of Music will honor Ernst von Dohnanyi, a giant of 20th century composition and one of the finest virtuoso pianists of his time, with the first International Ernst von Dohnanyi Festival Jan. 31-Feb. 2.

Released: 12-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Book on Slave Patrols Reveals Roots of Race-Based Policing
Florida State University

A Florida State University professor's study of slave patrols may provide insight into the historical reasons for the pattern of racially targeted law enforcement in the United States.

Released: 11-Dec-2001 12:00 AM EST
Stress Expert Gives Tips to Help Chill Out During Holidays
Florida State University

In light of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the current war against terrorism, Americans might be feeling even more stressed out than usual this holiday season. Florida State University Associate Professor of Nursing says people should remember that the holidays have always had the potential to overwhelm, and she offers some advice to alleviate stress, guilt and depression.

Released: 30-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
FSU Establishes Center on Terrorism and Public Health
Florida State University

The Florida State University College of Medicine has established a Center on Terrorism and Public Health that will serve as a resource for educating health professionals and the public on how to deal with weapons of mass destruction and bioterrorism.

Released: 20-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
FSU Student Films Now Posted Online
Florida State University

Get your popcorn, turn down the lights and enjoy some of the best Florida State University films with a simple click of your mouse.

Released: 15-Nov-2001 12:00 AM EST
Expert Available to Discuss Release of Harry Potter Movie
Florida State University

Harry Potter, the fictional protagonist of a popular series of children's books by J.K. Rowling, will make his big screen debut later this month. But the bespectacled fighter of evil forces is not without controversy.

Released: 31-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EST
Experts on Bioterrorism, Chemical Terrorism
Florida State University

Associate dean for health affairs, College of Medicine, former Florida Secretary of Health, professor of microbiology, College of Medicine, and the associate in research, Center for Biomedical and Toxicological Research available to discuss bioterrorism and chemical terrorism.

Released: 30-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EST
Conference to Address Importance of Documenting Human Rights Abuses
Florida State University

From torture and forced disappearances to genocide, how would the world prosecute the guilty without any evidence of wrongdoing? A three-day conference that will explore the ways human rights violations have been documented and archived worldwide to both prosecute the violators and create a public memory of the violations will convene at Florida State University Nov. 1.

Released: 30-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EST
It's Alive! Frankenstein Myth Endures
Florida State University

These days, the mad scientist with his laboratory full of horrors in the classic Frankenstein films may provide more laughs than screams, but the crux of the story is one that continues to fascinate and horrify us, according to a Florida State University professor who has written two books on Frankenstein films.

Released: 24-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Convincing Message to Promote Mammography
Florida State University

When it comes to encouraging women to have mammograms, two Florida State University researchers have found that a sure way to success lies in the way the encouragement is framed.

Released: 18-Oct-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Book Recounts Englishmen's Enslavement At Hands of Muslim Pirates
Florida State University

Romanticized fiction about pirates plundering the sea has always captured the imagination of readers, but a new book edited by a Florida State University English assistant professor explores the real-life experiences of Englishmen on the Mediterranean Sea who were captured and sold into slavery by Muslim pirates during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Released: 27-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Magnetic Fields Can Alter Certain Brain Functions
Florida State University

Two Florida State University scientists have discovered that magnetic fields, if powerful enough, can significantly alter certain brain functions. The findings pose questions about the safe upper limits to the field strengths of MRI machines so widely used in medicine.

Released: 27-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Darwin and Christianity: The Evolution of Compromise?
Florida State University

Darwin's legacy has survived a century of scrutiny and criticism by the best from science and religion. Yet, for many, Darwin's message still divides both camps. Is there anything that can bring both sides together? A Noted philosopher says there just might be.

Released: 26-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Original Fiction Live on the Internet and TV
Florida State University

Enchanted by the unique real-time global intimacy that the computer age provides, Pulitzer-Prize-winning author Robert Olen Butler is about to premiere worldwide something that has never been done before. Beginning Oct. 30, viewers tuning in on the Internet or on television will be invited "Inside Creative Writing," to peer over a master's shoulder, keystroke for keystroke, as he creates an original story.

Released: 20-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Experts Available to Address Security Issues In Wake of Terrorist Attacks
Florida State University

A Florida State University professor of computer science who is considered one of the world's top experts on the study of cryptography, and a professor of computer science at FSU, are available to address media questions about security in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Released: 19-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Professors Help Teachers Fight Book Banning
Florida State University

While the American Library Association is encouraging people to read classics and other titles during "Banned Books Week," Sept. 22 -29, Florida State University Professors are helping teachers and librarians deal with the ever-present threat of censorship.

Released: 13-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Experts Available to Address Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks
Florida State University

Florida State University experts available to address economy, trauma, terrorism, and civil engineering in aftermath of terrorist attacks.

Released: 7-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
FSU Pilot Project Cuts Low Algebra Grades in Half
Florida State University

In the "old days" of math education, college algebra students would attend classes where math problems were worked on chalkboards, all too often making the students passive observers of what was being taught. But a two-year pilot program at Florida State University has changed the way students learn and prepare for tests, and has improved test scores in the process.

Released: 28-Aug-2001 12:00 AM EDT
FSU Elected to Prestigious Oceanographic Consortium
Florida State University

Along with Stanford University, FSU was elected to the now 16-member Joint Oceanographic Institutions. As a member, FSU joins such prestigious organizations as the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California-San Diego and the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. 

Released: 26-Jul-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Dinosaurs Grew Rapidly
Florida State University

Dinosaurs grew more rapidly than their living reptilian relatives asserts an FSU evolutionary biologist and paleontologist.

Released: 2-Jun-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Sunflower Cultivation May Have Begun in Mexico
Florida State University

New archaeological discoveries by a Florida State University anthropologist suggest that ancient farmers in Mexico may have been the first to grow sunflowers as a crop.

Released: 1-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Two FSU Profs Win NEH Summer Stipends
Florida State University

Two Florida State University professors, classics Associate Professor James Sickinger and theatre Assistant Professor Laura Edmondson, have received summer stipends for 2001 from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Released: 28-Apr-2001 12:00 AM EDT
International Conference on Classroom Technology
Florida State University

The Florida Legislature isn't alone this year in discussing the merits of installing Internet filters on computers to shield young eyes from objectionable material. An international conference, May 2-5, at Florida State University also will address the issue and the latest developments and thinking about computers, the Internet and related technologies in the classroom.

Released: 25-Apr-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Climatologist Predicts Increase in Hurricane Activity
Florida State University

The United States can expect 50 hurricanes -- 20 of them zeroing in on Floridas' the next 30 years, according to a new study by Florida State University climatologist James Elsner. Elsner predicts that 18 of the 50 will be considered major hurricanes.

Released: 13-Apr-2001 12:00 AM EDT
China's Yangtse River Basin Could Lead to Regional Climate Change
Florida State University

Major development and construction planned for China's Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, especially the Three Gorges Dam, could dramatically alter the salt content of the Sea of Japan and thereby change the climate in regions near these ocean waters.

Released: 7-Apr-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Hurricane Experts at FSU
Florida State University

Hurricane season starts June 1 and experts from Florida State University and its world renowned meterology program are available to answer media questions and give perspective to news stories as the season unfolds.

Released: 28-Mar-2001 12:00 AM EST
Minke Whales About to Get Attention They Deserve
Florida State University

As whales go, the minke is not as popular as, say, the humpback, the blue or even the killer whale. A marine biologist at Florida State University thinks that may change with the publication of an article on the minke whale in the April issue of National Geographic magazine.

Released: 23-Mar-2001 12:00 AM EST
Researcher Identifies Chemical Response to Chronic Cocaine Use
Florida State University

A neuroscientist in FSU's psychology department, joined about a dozen other researchers from universities across the country to determine the brain's chemical response to chronic cocaine use. The results of that study, "Effects of chronic exposure to cocaine are regulated by the neuronal protein Cdk5." (Nature, 3-15-01)

Released: 9-Feb-2001 12:00 AM EST
New Way to Map Human Brain
Florida State University

Using a 150-year-old mathematical theorem, Florida State University researchers are creating cutting edge maps of the cerebellum to chart a groundbreaking new course in the study of the human brain.

Released: 8-Feb-2001 12:00 AM EST
Trouble with Your Mouse? Try a Light Pen
Florida State University

Older adults having trouble using a mouse to perform computer tasks may be better served by using a pointing device such as a light pen, according to a new Florida State University study.

Released: 18-Jan-2001 12:00 AM EST
Mandate to Lower Sulfur Content in Diesel Fuel
Florida State University

If oil companies have any hope of meeting tough new federal standards for cleaner-burning gasoline and diesel fuel, they will need to find faster and better ways to identify pollutants in crude oil.
