Latest News from: Mayo Clinic

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Released: 22-Feb-2021 3:05 PM EST
Advertencia del experto: prevenir una encefalitis es otra razón para vacunarse contra la COVID-19
Mayo Clinic

Los pacientes con COVID-19 corren riesgo de presentar complicaciones neurológicas, incluida una encefalitis o inflamación del cerebro.

Released: 22-Feb-2021 12:30 PM EST
Expert Alert: Encephalitis prevention another reason to receive COVID-19 vaccine
Mayo Clinic

Patients with COVID-19 are at risk for neurologic complications, including encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain. "Encephalitis cases have been reported in patients with COVID-19, although on the whole it appears to be a relatively rare complication," says Michel Toledano, M.D., a Mayo Clinic neurologist. In the case of encephalitis caused by communicable diseases for which there is a vaccine available, getting vaccinated is the best way of preventing the disease.

Released: 25-Jan-2021 8:05 AM EST
Aviso de un experto: Lo que se avista en el horizonte del mieloma múltiple y otros tipos de cáncer de la sangre
Mayo Clinic

El 4 de febrero de 2021 es el Día Mundial contra el Cáncer y sirve para resaltar cómo podemos todos ayudar a reducir el peso mundial del cáncer. En el año 2018, hubo 17 millones de casos nuevos de cáncer y 9,5 millones de muertes por cáncer en todo el mundo.

Released: 11-Nov-2020 1:45 PM EST
Expert alert: Changing the outlook for pancreatic cancer
Mayo Clinic

Pancreatic cancer often is hidden and doesn't cause symptoms until it has spread. It is a leading cause of cancer deaths in the world. November 19 is World Pancreatic Cancer Day, but the entire month of November is meant to bring awareness to this disease. Advances in screening and early detection for high-risk people, minimally invasive surgical innovations and new genetic classifications are changing the outlook for pancreatic cancer, says Dr. Michael Wallace, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist.

Released: 10-Nov-2020 11:35 AM EST
Expert Alert: 5 things to know about being a living liver donor
Mayo Clinic

About 1 in 5 patients who are on the national waiting list for a liver transplant die or become too sick before an organ becomes available. With an ever-growing need for organs, Mayo Clinic is working to increase awareness about living liver donation for transplantation.

Released: 22-Oct-2020 12:30 PM EDT
Expert Alert: Accelerated breast cancer treatments at Mayo Clinic provide more options for patients during pandemic
Mayo Clinic

Radiation therapy for breast cancer can be grueling and disruptive, stretching out for as long as five to seven weeks, and often requiring extended time off from work or away from home. But research over the past decade, as well as new technology and innovations at Mayo Clinic, has led to treatment alternatives that are shorter, more targeted and just as effective.

Released: 25-Mar-2020 2:05 PM EDT
Expert Alert: Have heart disease? Protect your health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mayo Clinic

People with heart disease and other underlying health conditions are at a high risk for becoming seriously ill if they develop COVID-19. Heart patients may question if they are doing the right things for their health at a time when there is little research available surrounding this new viral disease. Stephen Kopecky, M.D., a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, talks about what heart patients need to consider in relation to COVID-19.

Released: 24-Feb-2020 11:05 AM EST
Cardiac amyloidosis masquerades as other conditions; 1 type affects more black Americans
Mayo Clinic

Human bodies constantly produce thousands of perfectly folded proteins, but some proteins get misfolded. An excess of these misfolded proteins can overwhelm the body's ability to remove them. When that happens, the rogue proteins bind together and form a substance called amyloid. Webs of amyloid can deposit in any tissue or organ, but some types affect the heart.

Released: 16-Jan-2020 10:10 AM EST
Expert Alert: Robotic repair offers benefits for many patients with leaky mitral valve
Mayo Clinic

During each human heartbeat, four valves in the heart open and close once, moving blood through the heart's chambers. But in some people, the flaps of the mitral valve between the heart's left atrium and left ventricle do not work like they should. The opening may become narrow, or more commonly, the flaps may prolapse and not line up properly.

Released: 16-Oct-2019 5:20 AM EDT
专家提示:Mayo Clinic专家为您解答有关电子烟的担忧
Mayo Clinic

随着可能与电子蒸汽烟相关的死亡占据了新闻头条,人们对电子蒸汽烟的影响及相关的肺部疾病越发感到担忧。卫生官员担心电子蒸汽烟与美国多州发生的死亡病例之间可能 存在关联。尽管还不确定造成肺部损伤的原因,但在等待对肺相关死亡病例的激增展开进一步调查之际,美国疾病控制与预防中心已经发出停用电子蒸汽烟的警告。

Released: 16-Oct-2019 5:05 AM EDT
Expertenalarm: Experte der Mayo Clinic warnt vor Dampfen
Mayo Clinic

Mögliche dampfbedingte Todesfälle dominieren aktuell die Nachrichtenschlagzeilen, weshalb die Sorge über die Auswirkungen des Dampfens und damit verbundener Lungenerkrankungen zunimmt.

Released: 16-Oct-2019 5:05 AM EDT
Un expert tire le signal d'alarme : Un expert de Mayo Clinic fait part de ses préoccupations vis-à-vis du vapotage
Mayo Clinic

Les décès probablement liés au vapotage faisant les gros titres, on s'inquiète de plus en plus de ses effets et des maladies pulmonaires qui y sont associées. Les responsables de la santé craignent qu'il n'y ait un lien possible entre le vapotage et un certain nombre de décès multiples survenus aux États-Unis.

Released: 16-Oct-2019 4:20 AM EDT
تنبيه من الخبراء: يتناول الخبراء في Mayo Clinic المخاوف المتعلقة بتدخين السيجارة الإلكترونية
Mayo Clinic

بالتزامن مع عناوين الأخبار السائدة عن حالات الوفاة المتعلقة بتدخين السيجارة الإلكترونية، يتزايد القلق بشأن آثار تدخين السيجارة الإلكترونية وأمراض الرئة المصاحبة له. شعر المسؤولون عن الصحة بالقلق تجاه وجود صلة محتملة بين تدخين السيجارة الإلكترونية وعدد من حالات الوفاة التي قد وقعت في عدة ولايات في الولايات المتحدة. وبينما لم يكن واضحًا بالضرورة السبب الذي أدى إلى تلف الرئة، فقد أصدرت المراكز المسؤولة عن مكافحة الأمراض والوقاية منها تحذيرًا لإيقاف تدخين السيجارة الإلكترونية بانتظار إجراء المزيد من التحقيقات عن الزيادة المفاجئة في حالات الوفاة المتعلقة بأمراض الرئة.

Released: 15-Oct-2019 4:05 PM EDT
Alerta do especialista: especialista da Mayo Clinic responde a receios sobre cigarros eletrônicos
Mayo Clinic

Com as mortes possivelmente relacionadas ao uso de cigarros eletrônicos dominando as manchetes dos jornais, existe um receio crescente sobre seus efeitos e doenças pulmonares associadas. Os oficiais de saúde estão preocupados com a possibilidade de haver uma ligação entre o uso de cigarros eletrônicos e diversas mortes.

Released: 11-Sep-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Expert Alert: Mayo Clinic expert addresses vaping concerns
Mayo Clinic

With possible vaping-related deaths dominating news headlines, there is an increased concern on its effects and associated lung illnesses. Health officials are worried that there is a possible connection between vaping and a number of multi-state deaths that have occurred in the United States. While it’s not necessarily clear what is causing the lung damage, the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention has issued a warning to discontinue vaping pending further investigation into the surge of lung-related deaths.

Released: 17-Jan-2019 12:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic的冰球研究人员和他们的同事公布了旨在确保冰球运动员的健康以及降低运动中造成脑震荡的风险、严重程度和后果的新建议。

Released: 15-Jan-2019 5:05 PM EST
خبراء هوكي الجليد يضعون في أولوياتهم طرقالحد من مخاطر ارتجاج المخ
Mayo Clinic

كشف باحثو رياضة الهوكي في Mayo Clinic وزملاؤهم النقاب عن توصيات جديدة تسعى إلى ضمان سلامة لاعبي الهوكي والحد من خطر الارتجاج في هذه الرياضة وشدته وعواقبه.

Released: 10-Jan-2019 10:05 AM EST
Expertos en hockey sobre hielo priorizan maneras de reducir riesgo de conmoción cerebral
Mayo Clinic

Los científicos de Mayo Clinic que investigan el hockey y sus colegas revelan las nuevas recomendaciones que intentan garantizar el bienestar de los jugadores y reducir el riesgo, la severidad y las consecuencias de las conmociones cerebrales en este deporte.

Released: 12-Dec-2018 10:05 AM EST
Resoluciones para el año nuevo: experto de Mayo Clinic ofrece sugerencias para vivir más largo
Mayo Clinic

A medida que el nuevo año se aproxima, entre las resoluciones de muchas personas está alcanzar un buen estado físico y mejorar el bienestar. Ahora, los científicos descubren que ambas mejoras pueden llevar a vivir más largo.

Released: 11-Dec-2018 11:05 AM EST
Mayo Clinic expert discusses factors of living a long life
Mayo Clinic

With the New Year approaching, many people include physical fitness goals and enhanced well-being as part of their resolutions. Now, researchers are finding that these improvements also can lead to an increase in longevity.

Released: 1-Nov-2018 10:05 AM EDT
November is C. diff Awareness Month. Mayo Clinic experts available for interviews
Mayo Clinic

November is C. diff awareness month, a time to focus on raising awareness about the prevention and treatment of Clostridium Difficile Infections. Mayo Clinic experts are available for interviews.

Released: 1-Dec-2017 11:25 AM EST
Stephanie Faubion, M.D., Talks Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
Mayo Clinic

A new article in Mayo Clinic Proceedings reviews options for women going through genitourinary syndrome of menopause – an encompassing term for vaginal dryness, itching, dyspareunia and urinary tract infections brought on by low estrogen levels after menopause.

Released: 4-Nov-2017 11:30 AM EDT
Vicente Torres, M.D., Ph.D., Discusses New Findings on Tolvaptan as Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment
Mayo Clinic

A phase 3 trial studying the effects of tolvaptan has found that the drug slowed the rate of decline in kidney function in patients with the most common form of polycystic kidney disease, a condition with no cure.

Released: 6-Sep-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Expert Alert: Mayo Clinic Specialists Address Concussion Injuries
Mayo Clinic

There continues to be a lot of discussion about concussions. How much do people really know about how to spot a concussion? What should be done about a concussion? And how are they treated? Many people don’t know how a concussion is caused.

Released: 19-Aug-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Expert Alert: What Is a Healthy Posture and How to Maintain It
Mayo Clinic

Modern lifestyle factors, such as texting, reaching for your keyboard or wearing high heels, can create postural stressors that often cause muscle imbalances and injury. Having good posture is essential for good health; however, understanding what good posture is and maintaining it are hard.

Released: 21-May-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Trauma Expert: Preventing Pediatric Falls
Mayo Clinic

When people think of kids and trauma, they often think about car accidents. “However, in reality, falls are the leading cause of childhood injury and most of them happen around the home,” says Christopher Moir, M.D., pediatric surgeon at Mayo Clinic Children Center, who has cared for a wide variety of injuries related to falls.

Released: 18-May-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Expert Alert – Precision Medicine and Obesity
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic researchers have identified five sub-categories of obesity in an effort to determine the most effective, individual treatments.

Released: 5-May-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Expert Alert – Fertility and Conception
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic expert Jani Jensen, M.D. is available to talk about the latest research and provide expert guidance for reporters writing articles on women’s health and fertility and conception.

Released: 24-Mar-2015 11:30 AM EDT
Expert Alert – Preventive Surgery for Gynecologic Cancers
Mayo Clinic

Jamie Bakkum-Gamez, M.D., an oncologist and gynecologic surgeon, is available to provide context for reporters wishing to better understand preventive surgery for gynecologic cancers in light of Angelina Jolie’s announcement that she had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed as a cancer prevention strategy.

Released: 29-Jan-2015 10:00 AM EST
Telemedicine & You: Mayo Clinic Expert Explains New Health Care Option, How State and National Policies Can Catch Up
Mayo Clinic

If you haven’t already experienced telemedicine, you may soon have the option. Technology is helping people connect with their physicians in new ways and from a distance, and interest is growing in updating state and federal policies to help make telemedicine available to more patients.

Released: 20-May-2014 12:00 PM EDT
When Your Summer Travel Includes Surgery; Mayo Clinic Expert Offers Tips for a Safe Trip
Mayo Clinic

Summer travel isn’t for vacation alone. For some people, it may include a trip to an out-of-town hospital for surgery. If you are traveling for chest surgery, you may wonder whether it is safer to return home by car or plane. A new Mayo Clinic study found that, contrary to conventional wisdom, air travel is just as safe as ground travel after chest surgery, and there is often no reason to wait for weeks after an operation to fly home. Lead study author Stephen Cassivi, M.D. , a Mayo Clinic thoracic surgeon, offers these five tips for safer, more comfortable travel home after surgery:

Released: 17-Apr-2014 4:00 PM EDT
National DNA Day is April 25; Experts Available for Comment
Mayo Clinic

Friday, April 25, is National DNA Day, the date which commemorates completion of the Human Genome Project, the national effort to identify and decode all 6 billion letters in human DNA. Since that time, medical researchers and practitioners have found new ways to apply genomics for everyone who needs healing, and thanks to staggering technological advancements and next-generation sequencing, the cost to sequence a patient’s genome has decreased from $3 billion for the first human genome in 2003 to approximately $1,500.

Released: 12-Feb-2014 12:00 PM EST
Expert Alert: Increase in Opioid Prescriptions Parallels Spike in Heroin Use, Overdoses
Mayo Clinic

Not only is heroin addictive and deadly, its use is increasing among Americans. That disturbing trend parallels the spike of opioid based prescription painkiller abuse in recent years, say Mayo Clinic experts.

Released: 16-Dec-2013 11:00 AM EST
Plan Ahead for Holiday Travel to Avoid Health Concerns, Such As Sleepiness and Stiffness, Mayo Clinic Expert Says
Mayo Clinic

Traveling long distances during the holidays -- whether by car, plane or train -- is a common custom for many Americans, but taking health precautions for the journey isn’t often at the top of to-do lists. Taking some simple steps to stay healthy while traveling can make the holidays more enjoyable and safe, according to a Mayo Clinic expert.

Released: 26-Nov-2013 10:00 AM EST
Mayo Clinic Experts Available to Discuss New Epilepsy Therapy
Mayo Clinic

People with epilepsy may have a new high-tech way to manage hard-to-control seizures. A new implantable medical device that delivers responsive neurostimulation has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The technology is designed to detect abnormal activity in the brain and respond and deliver subtle levels of electrical stimulation to normalize brain activity before an individual experiences seizures. The treatment is available at all Mayo Clinic sites.

Released: 8-Oct-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Osteoarthritis and You: Mayo Clinic Experts Offer Tips for Prevention, Coping
Mayo Clinic

Most everyone is bound to get osteoarthritis -- if they live long enough. That old saying among arthritis experts is backed up by the numbers. The painful and often debilitating joint condition is the most common form of arthritis.

Released: 10-Sep-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Not a Blood Donor? Mayo Clinic Expert Addresses 6 Fears That Stop People from Giving
Mayo Clinic

As few as 3 percent of Americans eligible to donate blood do, and fear and anxiety are common reasons why many decline to give. U.S. hospitals are always in need of new donors; at Mayo Clinic, that need is heightened by concern about iron deficiency in frequent givers.

Released: 29-Aug-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Parkinson’s Goes Prime Time: Five Things to Know About Parkinson’s Disease
Mayo Clinic

Michael J. Fox is back in the spotlight this fall in a new sitcom “The Michael J. Fox Show” and spreading awareness about Parkinson’s disease, a condition both he and his TV character have in common. Fox has been an outspoken advocate for Parkinson’s disease research and awareness since disclosing his condition to the public in 1998.

Released: 15-Aug-2013 4:25 PM EDT
From Sleep to Shots, Back-to-School Health Tips from Mayo Clinic Experts
Mayo Clinic

Over the next few weeks, students will be returning to their classrooms for another school year. This can be a hectic time for students and parents: The to-do list may include health checkups, getting children into a sleep routine, planning healthy lunches or preparing students facing major transitions into a new grade or school. Mayo Clinic experts offer these tips on how to make the transition back to school less stressful.

Released: 15-Jul-2013 3:55 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Expert Explains New Vaccine Options for Next Influenza Season
Mayo Clinic

The next flu shot season will include several new vaccine options for consumers, Mayo Clinic vaccine expert Gregory Poland, M.D., says. Fearful of needles? There’s now an influenza vaccination just for you. Allergic to eggs? It won’t stop you from getting a flu shot. The new choices move influenza vaccinations closer to the personalized approach long sought by immunologists including Dr. Poland, but they may also prove bewildering to patients, he says.

Released: 10-Jul-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Expert Advice Related to FDA Warning on Common Blood Pressure Medication
Mayo Clinic

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators have issued a warning on the blood pressure drug known generically as olmesartan medoxomil.

Released: 23-May-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Suicide Prevention: Mayo Experts Offer Tips for Parents, Public, Media
Mayo Clinic

Suicide is the third-leading cause of death among young people ages 10 to 24. If parents are worried their child may be having suicidal thoughts, it’s no time to tiptoe around the question, according to Mayo Clinic experts who have produced two educational videos on suicide prevention for use by media outlets, schools and others. Instead, be direct and ask, the physicians advise, and if the answer is yes, do not try to downplay or dismiss the child’s feelings. Seek professional assistance immediately.

Released: 28-Jan-2013 11:00 AM EST
Flu Myths and Legends: Mayo Clinic Expert Dispels 5 Common Flu Misconceptions
Mayo Clinic

It seems you can’t go anywhere these days without hearing “the flu this” or “the flu that.” Unfortunately, this season’s influenza outbreak is one of the worst in years. And it’s not just the flu virus that’s causing problems; there are also many myths about the flu that are keeping people from doing more to prevent it.
