Latest News from: Endocrine Society

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Released: 11-Jun-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Endocrine Society urges passage of the Right to IVF Act
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society endorses the Right to IVF Act, which was introduced by Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ), Patty Murray (D-WA) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) to protect and expand nationwide access to fertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), and urges the Senate to pass the Right to IVF Act on June 12th to ensure that the freedom to start and grow a family is protected and accessible to everyone in the United States.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Meditating with headband that tracks brain activity may improve surgical recovery in patients with Cushing’s
Endocrine Society

Patients with Cushing’s syndrome who are recovering from surgery and wear a headband that tracks brain activity while they meditate may have less pain and better physical functioning compared with patients not using the device, suggests a study being presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Early menopause linked to greater risk for breast, and possibly ovarian cancer
Endocrine Society

Some women who experience menopause early—before age 40—have an increased risk for developing breast and ovarian cancer, according to research being presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Type of weight loss surgery women undergo before pregnancy may influence children’s weight gain
Endocrine Society

The type of weight loss surgery women undergo before becoming pregnant may affect how much weight their children gain in the first three years of life, suggests a study being presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Low socioeconomic status raises pregnant women’s risk of exposure to thyroid-disrupting chemicals
Endocrine Society

Exposure to some endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that harm the thyroid gland has increased over the past 20 years among U.S. women of childbearing age and pregnant women, especially among those with lower social and economic status, a new study finds. The results will be presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

31-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Endocrine Society Guideline recommends healthy adults under the age of 75 take the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D
Endocrine Society

Healthy adults under the age of 75 are unlikely to benefit from taking more than the daily intake of vitamin D recommended by the Institutes of Medicine (IOM) and do not require testing for vitamin D levels, according to a new Clinical Practice Guideline issued today by the Endocrine Society.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Telemedicine may increase endocrinology care access for under-resourced patients with diabetes and heart disease
Endocrine Society

Widespread availability of telemedicine during the pandemic led to more equitable access to endocrinology care for patients with type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to a study being presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Two medication classes reduced cardiovascular and liver events in people with type 2 diabetes
Endocrine Society

GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1s) and SGLT-2 inhibitors lower the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attacks and severe liver complications compared to other diabetes treatments, according to data being presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Metformin may be as safe as insulin during pregnancy, 11-year data shows
Endocrine Society

Metformin is safe to use during pregnancy to manage diabetes, with no long-term adverse effects on the children born and their mothers for at least 11 years after childbirth, according to research presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass. This is the first study to look at longer term effects of metformin use during pregnancy.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Stress from living in violent neighborhoods tied to aggressive lung cancer in Black men
Endocrine Society

Exposure to increased neighborhood violence has the power to change the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) for the stress hormone, cortisol, which may influence the aggressiveness of lung cancer, according to data presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Persons of nonbinary gender may desire lower-dose testosterone treatment than guidelines recommend
Endocrine Society

Among transgender and gender-diverse adults whose gender identity is nonbinary—not exclusively male or female—and who choose low-dose hormone treatment, most prefer to continue testosterone therapy at lower-than-recommended doses after at least six months of treatment, a new study finds. The study will be presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
CDC reports its decade-long efforts in standardizing vitamin D tests
Endocrine Society

Vitamin D tests certified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Clinical Standardization Programs (CSP) are well calibrated overall, according to a new study presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass. However, the researchers found some inaccuracies among the assays studied.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
More women report hip fractures earlier in life
Endocrine Society

Older women with low bone density are more likely to experience their first hip fracture in their 60s compared to older ages, according to research being presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
High insulin levels contribute to worse outcomes for Black women with aggressive form of breast cancer
Endocrine Society

High insulin levels contribute to worse outcomes for Black women compared to white women who have an aggressive form of breast cancer called triple-negative breast cancer, according to a study presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Thyroid eye disease patients report maintained improvement 2 years after teprotumumab infusions
Endocrine Society

Most patients with thyroid eye disease treated with teprotumumab didn’t require additional treatments nearly 2 years later, according to industry-supported research being presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass., and published in the journal Thyroid.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
New male birth control gel takes effect sooner than similar contraceptive methods
Endocrine Society

A novel male contraceptive gel combining two hormones, segesterone acetate (named Nestorone) and testosterone, suppresses sperm production faster than similar experimental hormone-based methods for male birth control, according to a new study.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Hot flashes in menopausal women may signal increased risk for heart and metabolic issues
Endocrine Society

Women experiencing moderate-to-severe vasomotor symptoms face a three times greater risk for metabolic-dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) compared to those with mild symptom severity, according to research being presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Study finds potentially treatable factors to improve symptoms in men stopping illicit steroids
Endocrine Society

Men who illicitly used steroids to boost muscle size and physical performance and have stopped in the past year have impaired sexual function compared with men currently using steroids, according to a study being presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Almost 20% of breast cancer survivors may experience excess weight gain
Endocrine Society

Almost one out of five breast cancer survivors may experience weight gain of more than 10%, suggests a study presented Monday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass. A number of factors are associated with excessive weight gain, the researchers found.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Risk for heart attack and stroke increases in people with obesity for a decade or more
Endocrine Society

People under age 50 have a greater risk for heart attack or stroke if they’ve lived with obesity for 10 years, according to industry-sponsored research being presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Anti-obesity medication tirzepatide remains effective even for those with diabetes and other complications
Endocrine Society

Having medical conditions linked to obesity does not impact the total weight loss achieved with the anti-obesity medication tirzepatide, according to an industry-supported study being presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
GLP-1 medications for type 2 diabetes and obesity may lower risk of acute pancreatitis
Endocrine Society

Medications for type 2 diabetes and obesity known as GLP-1 receptor agonists may lower the risk of acute pancreatitis recurrence in people with obesity and those with type 2 diabetes, according to a study presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
People with well-controlled, long-duration type 1 diabetes may still face high risk of heart disease
Endocrine Society

People who have had type 1 diabetes for more than 50 years without kidney complications may still be at substantial risk for heart disease, despite excellent control of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, according to a study presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Synthetic estrogen associated with increased anxiety-like behaviors in a rat model
Endocrine Society

The type of estrogen in hormonal birth control may influence anxiety-like behaviors, according to data presented by Abigail Hegwood, M.S., from the Prakapenka Lab at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Asian patients more likely to develop type 2 diabetes 1 year after prediabetes diagnosis compared to white and Black patients
Endocrine Society

One year after a prediabetes diagnosis, Asians were more likely to develop diabetes mellitus whereas Black patients were more likely to remain in prediabetes range, highlighting racial disparities in diabetes prevention, according to data presented at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Higher blood concentrations of testosterone are associated with reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes in men under 65
Endocrine Society

Testosterone appears protective against developing type 2 diabetes in men who are overweight or obese and under age 65, but not in men over that age, according to a study presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Prediabetes raises Mexicans’ risk of dying prematurely of heart or kidney disease
Endocrine Society

Prediabetes increases the risk of dying before age 75, particularly due to heart disease, kidney disease and acute diabetic complications, according to a new study presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Race and social vulnerability impact glycemic control in people with diabetes
Endocrine Society

People of color and those who experience social vulnerability are more likely to experience worse glycemic control than their white counterparts, according to research presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
GLP-1 has the power to change taste sensitivity in women with obesity
Endocrine Society

Semaglutide improved taste sensitivity, changed gene expression in the tongue that’s responsible for taste perception, and changed the brain’s response to sweet tastes, according to research presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

Released: 1-Jun-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Childhood sedentariness may cause premature liver damage in young adulthood
Endocrine Society

Children who are sedentary for more than six waking hours a day have a significantly increased risk of severe fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis by young adulthood, a new study finds. The research findings will be presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass and published in Nature’s npj Gut and Liver.

29-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Insurance often denies GLP-1 medications for teens with type 2 diabetes, obesity
Endocrine Society

Health insurance companies often deny coverage for new medications that treat children and teens with obesity and type 2 diabetes, meaning many patients who need treatment are unable to afford it, according to a study presented at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

29-May-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Childhood stress linked with earlier substance use in male and female teens
Endocrine Society

Stress during childhood is associated with earlier substance use in male and female adolescents, according to a study presented Saturday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in Boston, Mass. Traumatic events may increase substance use risk for males, while environmental stress and early puberty may increase the risk for females, the researchers found.

Released: 21-May-2024 10:05 AM EDT
ENDO 2024 press conferences to highlight male birth control, anti-obesity medications
Endocrine Society

Researchers will delve into emerging research in diabetes, obesity, reproductive health and other aspects of hormone health during the Endocrine Society’s ENDO 2024 news conferences June 1-4.

Released: 16-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Lily Ng and Douglas Forrest of NIDDK win Endocrine Society’s 2024 Endocrine Images Art Competition
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society is delighted to announce that Lily Ng, PhD, and Douglas Forrest, Ph.D., have won the Society's 2024 Endocrine Images Art Competition for their image of the astrocyte cell that expresses type 2 deiodinase.

Released: 13-May-2024 9:50 AM EDT
Endocrine Society and European Society of Endocrinology publish joint guideline on glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency
Endocrine Society

The joint guideline is designed to help clinicians manage patients who have, or are at risk of developing, glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency. At least 1% of the global population uses chronic glucocorticoid therapy as anti-inflammatory or immune-suppressive agents.

Released: 25-Apr-2024 1:00 PM EDT
Endocrine Society names Andrews as new Editor-in-Chief of Endocrinology
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society has appointed Zane B. Andrews, Ph.D., of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, as Editor-in-Chief of its flagship basic science journal, Endocrinology.

5-Apr-2024 10:30 AM EDT
People with hypothyroidism and type D personality may be more likely to experience poor treatment outcomes
Endocrine Society

New research published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism finds a high prevalence of type D personality among people with hypothyroidism.

Released: 1-Apr-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Canton wins Wayne Bardin International Travel Award
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society selected Ana Canton, M.D., Ph.D., as the recipient of its 2024 C. Wayne Bardin, MD, International Travel Award for her outstanding ENDO abstract and her research contributions to the care of patients with pediatric endocrine disorders.

Released: 25-Mar-2024 9:50 AM EDT
Endocrine Society congratulates 2024 Early Investigator Award winners
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society has selected five recipients for its Early Investigator Awards.

11-Mar-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Bariatric surgery linked to heart health improvements in people with severe obesity
Endocrine Society

Bariatric surgery may result in significant cardiometabolic improvements, particularly among younger, female, or white people and those without comorbidities, according to new research published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.

Released: 8-Mar-2024 7:05 PM EST
Endocrine Society celebrates extension of Special Diabetes Program
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society applauds Congress for approving the first funding increase for the Special Diabetes Program in two decades.

Released: 5-Mar-2024 3:00 PM EST
Endocrine Society elects Lange as 2025-2026 President
Endocrine Society

Endocrine Society members elected Carol Lange, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minn., as its 2025-2026 President. She will serve as President-Elect for a year beginning in June 2024 before becoming President in June 2025.

Released: 28-Feb-2024 9:00 AM EST
Endocrine Society supports federal legislation protecting IVF access
Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society is calling for members of Congress to support federal legislation protecting access to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Released: 26-Feb-2024 11:45 AM EST
Latest Science Shows Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Plastics, Pesticides, and Other Sources Pose Health Threats Globally
Endocrine Society

A report from the world’s leading scientific and medical experts on hormone-related health conditions raises new concerns about the profound threats to human health from endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that are ubiquitous in our surroundings and everyday lives.

16-Feb-2024 9:00 AM EST
Focus on patient experience can improve diabetes care
Endocrine Society

Health care providers who treat diabetes need to think beyond the clinical numbers, such as solely focusing on a person’s glucose goals.

Released: 20-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
ENDO 2024 opens media registration
Endocrine Society

Members of the media can now register to cover hormone health and science advances being presented at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting. The meeting will take place June 1-4, in Boston, Mass.

Released: 20-Feb-2024 9:00 AM EST
Leading experts share latest science on global health threats from endocrine disrupting chemicals
Endocrine Society

As delegates from around the world meet at the sixth session of the U.N. Environmental Assembly (UNEA-6), a new report raises concerns about the profound threats to human health from endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that are ubiquitous in our surroundings and everyday lives.

22-Jan-2024 9:00 AM EST
Women exposed to toxic metals may experience earlier aging of their ovaries
Endocrine Society

Middle-aged women who are exposed to toxic metals may have fewer eggs in their ovaries as they approach menopause, according to new research published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 9:00 AM EST
Virtual Science Writers Conference will uncover the truth behind ‘hormone balancing’
Endocrine Society

The popular TikTok trend of ‘hormone balancing’ has taken over the internet with claims to balance your hormones with holistic approaches alone, but medical experts question its legitimacy.

8-Jan-2024 9:00 AM EST
U.S. health costs related to chemicals in plastics reached $250 billion in 2018
Endocrine Society

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics pose a serious threat to public health and cost the U.S. an estimated $250 billion in increased health care costs in 2018, according to new research published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.
