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Newswise: New Year, New Habits: Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Experts Weigh in on Tips to Kick-start Healthy Habits in 2023
Released: 9-Jan-2023 10:00 AM EST
New Year, New Habits: Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Experts Weigh in on Tips to Kick-start Healthy Habits in 2023
Johns Hopkins Medicine

The year 2023 is here. A new year symbolizes a fresh start and offers a renewed focus on health and well-being. Many people make resolutions regarding their health — and resolutions aren’t just for adults. They are for kids, too. Johns Hopkins Children’s Center experts are available to help parents kick-start healthy habits for their children and families in 2023.

Released: 3-Jan-2023 2:05 PM EST
La dietista de Mayo Clinic responde: ¿los batidos de frutas son una buena opción para sustituir una comida?
Mayo Clinic

Un batido tradicional se prepara con una mezcla de frutas o verduras, y hay muchas formas de hacerlo. Si bien aportan varios beneficios para la salud, consumirlos en exceso puede afectar negativamente a la salud. Pueden aportar muchas calorías imprevistas, sobre todo cuando un batido es simplemente una bebida para acompañar una comida. Lorraine Fye, dietista de Mayo Clinic, tiene algunos consejos sencillos para ser más ingeniosos a la hora de tomar batidos de frutas.

Released: 3-Jan-2023 1:05 PM EST
O nutricionista da Mayo Clinic responde: seria um smoothie de frutas uma boa opção para substituir uma refeição?
Mayo Clinic

Um smoothie comum é uma bebida feita com uma mistura de frutas ou vegetais. Há muitas maneiras de preparar um. Embora eles forneçam vários benefícios à saúde, beber muitos smoothies pode afetar negativamente a sua saúde. Eles podem adicionar muitas calorias inesperadas à dieta, especialmente quando um smoothie é uma bebida que pode equivaler a uma refeição. Lorraine Fye, nutricionista da Mayo Clinic, dá algumas dicas sobre como consumir smoothies de frutas de uma forma inteligente.

Released: 3-Jan-2023 2:05 AM EST
يستجيب اختصاصي التغذية في Mayo Clinic: هل عصير الفاكهة خيار بديل جيد للوجبات؟
Mayo Clinic

الشراب المخفوق التقليدي (السموذي) هو عبارة عن مشروب مصنوع من خليط الفواكه أو الخضراوات، ويمكن تحضيره بعدة طرق مختلفة. على الرغم من فوائده الصحية العديدة، فإن الإفراط في تناول المشروبات المخفوقة (السموذي) بمعدلات كبيرة قد يؤثر سلبًا على صحتك. إذ إنه قد يضيف الكثير من السعرات الحرارية غير المتوقعة، لا سيما عند تناوله مع وجبات طعام. لورين فاي، اختصاصي النُّظم الغذائية لدى مايو كلينك، لديها بعض الطرق البسيطة للتعامل بذكاء مع شراب الفاكهة المخفوقة (السموذي).

Released: 28-Dec-2022 3:55 PM EST
Can (Holiday) Stress Cause a Heart Attack?
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Health article about how the holidays can add stress to your life, and left unchecked, the stress and anxiety can be detrimental to physical and mental health, including heart health.

Newswise: What's the Connection Between HPV and Cervical Cancer? And More Questions You’re Reluctant to Ask
Released: 28-Dec-2022 8:05 AM EST
What's the Connection Between HPV and Cervical Cancer? And More Questions You’re Reluctant to Ask
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Cervical cancer is often stigmatized due to its association with human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, however, HPV is extremely common, affecting most adults. Some people may also feel uncomfortable asking their doctor about sexual health .James K. Aikins, Jr., MD, FACOG, FACS, chief of Gynecologic Oncology at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, answers questions about HPV, cervical cancer and more.

Newswise: The Medical Minute: Making a holiday present of being present
Released: 21-Dec-2022 4:55 PM EST
The Medical Minute: Making a holiday present of being present
Penn State Health

Last minute gift idea: Take a deep breath. Let it go. Repeat. A Penn State Health psychiatrist offers a remedy for holiday stress.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 10:05 AM EST
Especialista da Mayo Clinic explica por que é importante que as crianças sejam vacinadas contra o HPV
Mayo Clinic

Há mais de 100 variedades de papilomavírus humano (HPV), uma infecção viral que, normalmente causa verrugas. Porém, alguns tipos de HPV podem causar câncer no colo do útero, ânus, pênis, vagina, vulva e garganta.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 10:05 AM EST
Experta de Mayo Clinic explica la importancia de que los niños reciban la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH)
Mayo Clinic

Existen más de 100 variedades del virus del papiloma humano (HPV), que es una infección viral que normalmente causa verrugas. Sin embargo, algunos tipos de VPH pueden causar cáncer de cuello uterino, ano, pene, vagina, vulva y garganta.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 12:05 AM EST
خبير من مايو كلينك يشرح أهمية حصول الأطفال على لقاح فيروس الورم الحليمي البشري
Mayo Clinic

هناك أكثر من 100 نوع من فيروس الورم الحليمي البشري (HPV)، وهو عدوى فيروسية شائعة عادة ما تسبب البثور، إلا إن بعض أنواع فيروس الورم الحليمي البشري قد تسبب سرطانات في عنق الرحم، والشرج، والقضيب، والمهبل، والفرج، والحلق.

Released: 20-Dec-2022 11:05 AM EST
What You Should Know About Mpox
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Find out what special pathogens expert Erika Cheung, MSN, RN, CPN, has to say about the disease, which the WHO has declared a public health emergency of international concern. Since May 18, 2022, cases of mpox have been spreading in the United States, including California. On July 23, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the current outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

Released: 19-Dec-2022 1:55 PM EST
‘Tis The Season for Home Holiday Hazards
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

The holidays are an exciting and busy time of year. Whether you’re traveling, hosting or attending a gathering, or just cozying up at home, the holidays are filled with potential hazards that could ruin your holiday cheer.

Released: 16-Dec-2022 8:05 AM EST
Shorter days affect the mood of millions of Americans – a nutritional neuroscientist offers tips on how to avoid the winter blues
Binghamton University, State University of New York

The annual pattern of winter depression and melancholy – better known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD – suggests a strong link between your mood and the amount of light you get during the day. Binghamton Univesity mood expert offers strategies to beat the winter blues.

Newswise:Video Embedded a-heart-fix-that-fits
Released: 15-Dec-2022 11:25 AM EST
A Heart Fix That Fits

Yvette Honda-Schumacher was 20 weeks pregnant and had just had a routine anatomy ultrasound when she was surprised to hear that a cardiologist was asked to come into the exam room.

Released: 15-Dec-2022 8:05 AM EST
How to Prevent ''Wine Teeth'' This Holiday
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A Rutgers dental expert offers advice for healthy white teeth during the holiday season – and beyond

Released: 14-Dec-2022 5:00 PM EST
Stay on Your Toes This Winter: Protect Your Feet During Cold Weather Months
Hospital for Special Surgery

In the winter, orthopedic specialists at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) often see an uptick in injuries and foot problems that could be avoided with good practices. They offer advice for preparing for weather challenges.

Released: 14-Dec-2022 10:20 AM EST
Stress and the holidays
University of Delaware

Expert shares advice to mitigate anxiety heightened by the holidays

Newswise: What the breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy means
Released: 13-Dec-2022 11:05 AM EST
What the breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy means
University of Miami

Scientists have reportedly achieved a key milestone in nuclear fusion energy. University of Miami College of Engineering researcher Giacomo Po addresses queries about the process of nuclear fusion and what it could mean for the future.

Released: 12-Dec-2022 5:20 PM EST
Holiday humbug hits workforce this year
Arizona State University (ASU)

The holiday season is upon us once again. That means gift purchases, time with family and friends, and good tidings all around. But thousands of workers are part of a year-end trend that seems to be emerging: mass layoffs.

Released: 12-Dec-2022 3:35 PM EST
Prioritize Mental Health on Your Holiday List
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Keith Stowell, chief medical officer at Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care, and Kelly Moore, director of the Center for Psychological Services at the Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, discuss some practical tips can help minimize holiday stress.

Released: 9-Dec-2022 2:05 PM EST
Kids Get Holiday Stress, Too
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A mental health expert at Rutgers discusses how adults can help children from feeling overwhelmed

Released: 9-Dec-2022 8:30 AM EST
Russian technological sovereignty in agricultural and food biotechnology
Scientific Project Lomonosov

Experts discussed related questions in Sochi within the business programme of the II Congress of Young Scientists.

Released: 9-Dec-2022 4:05 AM EST
A country without science is a country without a future
Scientific Project Lomonosov

At the session "Can science become a family value?", representatives of scientific and educational organizations, development institutions and businesses discussed how to make science more popular among society.

Released: 8-Dec-2022 2:10 PM EST
Student Loan Forgiveness on Ice: Insights for Borrowers
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Accounting lecturer and tax expert Samuel Handwerger at the University of Maryland examines the Biden Administration’s stalled student loan forgiveness program and gives advice for borrowers for the latest repayment pause period.

Released: 8-Dec-2022 1:40 PM EST
Risk Lessons from FTX
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

UMD Smith professor Clifford Rossi, who saw the subprime meltdown from the inside of Citi, WaMu and Countrywide leading to the 2008 financial crisis, dissects the FTX collapse from a risk management perspective.

Released: 8-Dec-2022 11:05 AM EST
Have you heard of cloud computing? Argonne’s Ian Foster helped lay its groundwork
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne computer scientist Ian Foster is considered the father of cloud computing. His impact on grid computing and computer science is recognized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers with the 2023 IEEE Internet Award.

Newswise: Physician-scientists from Cedars-Sinai Cancer to present research and are available for interviews at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition
Released: 8-Dec-2022 10:05 AM EST
Physician-scientists from Cedars-Sinai Cancer to present research and are available for interviews at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition

Physician-scientists from Cedars-Sinai Cancer will present research and are available for comment on breaking news throughout the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition taking place Dec. 10-13 in New Orleans.

Released: 7-Dec-2022 4:55 PM EST
妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)专家谈儿童接种HPV疫苗的重要性
Mayo Clinic


Newswise: ‘Alternate pathways,’ dropout prevention efforts catapulted WV to No. 3 in U.S. high school graduation rates
Released: 7-Dec-2022 1:10 PM EST
‘Alternate pathways,’ dropout prevention efforts catapulted WV to No. 3 in U.S. high school graduation rates
West Virginia University

Strategies implemented in West Virginia schools to prevent students from dropping out helped boost high school graduation rates in the Mountain State from No. 27 to No. 3, according to West Virginia University education experts.

Newswise: Media Advisory: Cedars-Sinai Experts Available During San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
Released: 7-Dec-2022 11:25 AM EST
Media Advisory: Cedars-Sinai Experts Available During San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Physician-scientists from Cedars-Sinai Cancer are available for comment on research being presented throughout the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, taking place Dec. 6-10.

Newswise: How Winter Weather Impacts Blood Donations— and How You Can Help
Released: 7-Dec-2022 10:20 AM EST
How Winter Weather Impacts Blood Donations— and How You Can Help
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Blood donations typically dwindle in the winter months, and are needed for cancer patients. Blood and Marrow Transplant Coordinator at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey shares what everyone should know about donating blood.

Newswise: Navigating Seasonal Affective Disorder and Cancer this Winter
Released: 7-Dec-2022 10:20 AM EST
Navigating Seasonal Affective Disorder and Cancer this Winter
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Advise from Nina Debrot, MSW, LSW, social worker at Rutgers Cancer Institute, on how cancer patients and their families and caregivers can manage SAD.

Released: 6-Dec-2022 4:05 PM EST
How Caregivers of People With Dementia Can Navigate the Holidays
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A Rutgers expert on elder care explains how families can make the most of the season when caring for someone experiencing memory loss

Released: 6-Dec-2022 10:05 AM EST
How to treat minor burns and cuts
American Academy of Dermatology

With the holidays upon us, kitchen accidents can become more common as we cook meals for large gatherings of friends and family. In preparation for the holiday season, a board-certified dermatologist from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) is sharing tips on how to treat minor burns and cuts and apply proper wound care.

Released: 1-Dec-2022 2:35 PM EST
MSU researcher’s expertise, energy and empathy leave a legacy
Michigan State University

Min Chen was an assistant professor at MSU in the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in the College of Natural Science. Using the power of supercomputing, Chen developed the method applied to Maguire’s images to model more accurately how seismic waves propagate through the Earth. Chen’s creativity and skill brought those images into sharper focus, revealing more information about the amount of molten magma under Yellowstone’s volcano.

Newswise: Lung Cancer Screening Has the Potential to Reduce HIV Deaths
Released: 1-Dec-2022 8:00 AM EST
Lung Cancer Screening Has the Potential to Reduce HIV Deaths
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

This World AIDS Day, the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), of which the American Thoracic Society is a founding member, is calling on the health care community to increase lung cancer screening for people with HIV who are current or former heavy smokers and may be at high risk for developing the disease. As HIV- infected individuals have high smoking rates, smoking cessation should also be encouraged.

Newswise: Media Advisory: Cedars-Sinai Pharmacy Experts Present Innovations in Medication Safety
Released: 30-Nov-2022 11:50 AM EST
Media Advisory: Cedars-Sinai Pharmacy Experts Present Innovations in Medication Safety

Cedars-Sinai Pharmacy experts will present their latest advances in research and care in person at the midyear clinical meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) in Las Vegas Dec. 4-8, sharing innovations to improve medication safety, availability and effectiveness for hospital patients.

Newswise: Food Expert Offers Healthy Restaurant Dining Tips
Released: 30-Nov-2022 8:00 AM EST
Food Expert Offers Healthy Restaurant Dining Tips
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

As grocery prices continue to rise, the price tag for cooking a holiday feast might equal or outweigh the cost of dining out for some families. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends planning your restaurant meal before you leave the house to make dining out nutritious.

Newswise:Video Embedded new-associate-director-of-bands-shares-his-love-for-music
Released: 29-Nov-2022 12:40 PM EST
New Associate Director of Bands Shares His Love for Music
University of Northern Colorado

Since he was very young, Daniel Farr, DMA, has had a love for music. He found the University of Northern Colorado the best place to share that love while combining two of his passions; conducting bands and teaching.

Newswise:Video Embedded world-cup-soccer-2022-the-medical-perspective
Released: 27-Nov-2022 2:05 PM EST
World Cup Soccer 2022: The Medical Perspective

Bert Mandelbaum, MD, medical director of the FIFA Medical Center of Excellence, Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute, and associate chief medical officer of Major League Soccer, has been providing medical care to the U.S men’s national soccer team for nearly three decades.

Released: 22-Nov-2022 3:05 PM EST
US Housing: Smith Expert Breaks Down the Gloomy Forecast
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Clouds are on the horizon for U.S. housing, says UMD Smith’s Clifford Rossi. He examines key variables to determine whether “we’re looking at a Cat 5 hurricane or merely a steady rain.” He says anticipate the latter.

Released: 21-Nov-2022 7:00 PM EST
Newer Cementless Knee Replacements Could Last Longer
Geoffrey Westrich, MD

Cementless knee replacements are a newer option for younger patients that allows bone to grow directly into the implant and avoids cement fixation. While cemented knee replacements work well, the cement may loosen from the bone or the prosthesis over time which can result in the need for a revision knee surgery. The combination of robotic assisted knee replacement surgery with cemented implants may provide the greatest longevity.

Released: 18-Nov-2022 2:05 AM EST
Which microorganisms purify Moscow waste water the best? Original bacteria were found in the capital
Scientific Project Lomonosov

Members of Skryabin Institute of bioengineering and Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology, that are the part of Federal Research Center “Biotechnology", Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) in the course of working on the project of Russian Scientific Foundation selected samples of activated sludge from nine large waste treatment plants of Moscow and analyzed genes 16S rRNA of their microbal inhabitants.

Newswise: COVID-19’s Lessons for Future Pandemics
Released: 17-Nov-2022 4:45 PM EST
COVID-19’s Lessons for Future Pandemics
Harvard Medical School

Scientists discuss what may come next as SARS-CoV-2 evolves and why COVID-19 won’t be our last pandemic

Released: 17-Nov-2022 4:15 PM EST
Can AI Transform the Way We Discover New Drugs?
Harvard Medical School

At a glance: New open-source data science platform aims to optimize AI-driven drug discovery Platform can help alleviate challenges of drug discovery, overcome common hurdles in machine-learning design and performance Platform serves as bridge for computer scientists and life sciences researchers

Released: 17-Nov-2022 11:55 AM EST
Poison Control Center Tips on Preventing Illness this Holiday Season
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A Rutgers New Jersey Poison Control Center expert discusses how children and adults can reduce risks of poisoning

Released: 17-Nov-2022 11:05 AM EST
Congenital heart disease through life: Experts explain changes to expect
Mayo Clinic

Sixty years ago, treatment options were few for a child born with a structural heart defect. Innovations in therapies have since transformed congenital heart disease into a condition that often can be managed throughout adulthood. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic cardiologists explain how the disease may change over a lifetime.

Released: 16-Nov-2022 6:20 PM EST
Q&A: How ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ impacts financial health
University of Washington

Ed deHaan, associate professor of accounting in the University of Washington Foster School of Business, studies the impact of Buy Now Pay Later on financial health. His research finds that BNPL users faced rapid increases in bank overdraft charges and credit card interests and fees.

Newswise: How to Handle the Challenges of Caring for Your Aging Parent
Released: 16-Nov-2022 12:45 PM EST
How to Handle the Challenges of Caring for Your Aging Parent
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

As a clinical social worker, Natasha Mosby has counseled family members on both sides of the spectrum: the caretakers and their aging parents. Both groups want to understand how to navigate their reversal of roles as they progress into this new chapter of their lives.

