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Stress bragging may make you seem less competent, less likable at work

While work is occasionally stressful for everyone, some people wear stress as a badge of honor. They’re taking one for the team and want to tell you all about it. New research from the University of Georgia Terry College of Business found...
23-May-2024 1:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Magic mushrooms can treat medication-resistant depression. But are they safe?

Commonly referred to as “magic mushrooms,” psilocybin is a promising alternative treatment for people with medication-resistant depression and anxiety.
23-Apr-2024 10:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Supporting healthy habits

School lunches have come a long way from square pizza and fish sticks, and students across the board are benefiting from improved nutritional standards in the cafeteria.
16-Apr-2024 8:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Young Black men are dying by suicide at alarming rates

One in three rural Black men reported they experienced suicidal ideation or thoughts of death in the past two weeks, reports a new study from the University of Georgia. Childhood adversity and racism may hold much of the blame.
26-Mar-2024 8:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Youth enrichment activities could harm mental health

In a new study from the University of Georgia, researchers found that the time high schoolers spend on so-called enrichment activities—including tutoring, sports, school clubs and even homework—is negatively affecting their mental health. The...
7-Mar-2024 8:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

Joro spiders well poised to populate cities

The Jorō (Joro) spider was first spotted stateside around 2013 and has since been spotted across Georgia and the Southeast. New research from the University of Georgia has found more clues as to why the spider has been so successful in its spread....
13-Feb-2024 9:00 AM EST Add to Favorites

Homelessness leads to more drug, alcohol poisoning deaths

Reducing homelessness by 25% could save almost 2,000 lives lost to opioid overdoses, according to new research from the University of Georgia.
6-Feb-2024 7:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

UGA stroke treatment headed to clinical trial

A new therapeutic for stroke based on University of Georgia research will soon enter clinical trials.
31-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

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The University of Georgia, a land-grant and sea-grant university with statewide commitments and responsibilities, is the state's oldest, most comprehensive, and most diversified institution of higher education. Its motto, "to teach, to serve and to inquire into the nature of things," reflects the university's integral and unique role in the conservation and enhancement of the state's and nation's intellectual, cultural and environmental heritage.



James Hataway
Assistant Director of Media Relations


Leigh Beeson
Senior Science/Research Writer

Greg Trevor
Executive Director for Media Communications


Christopher Childs
Film & Broadcast Manager

Brandon Maher
Associate Director for Operations and IT


Cole Sosebee
Media Relations Coordinator

Erica Techo
Science/ General Assignment Writer


