ROCHESTER, Minn. — For a long time, patients with scoliosis (the curvature of the left and right sides of the spine) could only be treated with fusion surgery. But there are now other options, including tethering the vertebral body for children with scoliosis .
"Vertebral tethering is a new treatment in the scoliosis treatment toolkit," said A. Noelle Larson, MD, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon and scoliosis surgery specialist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. .
The cause of scoliosis is unknown, but it affects approximately 1 in 300 people worldwide . A curvature of the spine of more than 10 degrees is defined as scoliosis. Severe scoliosis requires treatment and is more common in women.
Mild scoliosis requires long-term observation. Slight curvatures in developing children may progress rapidly if left untreated. Moderate scoliosis in developing children can be treated with braces. Until recently, severe scoliosis could only be treated with fusion surgery.
In fusion surgery, the surgeon joins the bones in the spine (vertebrae) by making an incision in the patient's back, driving screws into the spine, and attaching rods to the screws to pull the spine into place , and eventually these vertebrae fuse into one solid bone.
Dr. Larson said, "Fusion surgery has always been a reliable treatment with long-lasting long-term results and a powerful correction of spinal curvature. But after fusion surgery, the spine does not regrow, and the fused spine does not regrow. There is no flexibility in the vertebrae. Some patients and families value the mobility and growth of the spine and prefer an alternative approach for severe scoliosis."
In August 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Humane Use Medical Exemptions for two non-fusion surgical implants — vertebral tethering and posterior dynamic traction. This is a more limited approval that mentions the safety of the procedure but not its effectiveness. In this procedure, a frenulum is placed in the front of the spine through a small incision and secured to the vertebra where screws are placed through a 1-inch incision.
自FDA批准以来,于美国全国性地开展了更多关于椎体拴系术的研究。Larson医生和她的同事Todd Milbrandt医学博士正在领导一项经FDA批准的研究,旨在评估椎体拴系术后两年的效果。Larson医生还是Setting Scoliosis Foundation(矫正脊柱侧凸基金会)和Pediatric Spine Foundation(小儿脊柱基金会)为接受了椎体拴系术治疗的患者所建立的国际脊柱侧凸登记数据的妙佑医疗首席研究员。
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