Newswise — Reston, Va.; March 8, 2018 — Continuing the year-long celebration of the 20th anniversary of Toxicological Sciences, the March 2018 issue features two new historical perspectives and two contemporary reviews offering perspectives on issues of importance to toxicology’s history and future:
- Historical Perspective: The Life and Times of John Doull, PhD, MD (1922–2017)
- Historical Perspective: Historical Perspective of Mitochondria in the Toxicological Sciences
- Contemporary Review: Mitochondrial Toxicity
- Contemporary Review: Organophosphorus Compounds at 80: Some Old and New Issues
In addition, Toxicological Sciences Volume 162, Issue 1 features the following highlighted papers:
- Editor-in-Chief Editorial: Toxicology and Tributaries in Texas
- Contemporary Review: Metabolic Syndrome and Associated Diseases: From the Bench to the Clinic
- Editor’s Highlight: Quantification of the Effect of Toxicants on the Intracellular Kinetic Energy and Cross-Sectional Area of Mammary Epithelial Organoids by OCT Fluctuation Spectroscopy
- Editor’s Highlight: Paternal Exposure to Environmental Chemical Stress Affects Male Offspring’s Hepatic Mitochondria
- Editor’s Highlight: A Data Fusion Pipeline for Generating and Enriching Adverse Outcome Pathway Descriptions
- Editor’s Highlight: Investigating the Generalizability of the MultiFlow® DNA Damage Assay and Several Companion Machine Learning Models With a Set of 103 Diverse Test Chemicals
Toxicological Sciences is the official journal of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), a professional and scholarly organization of more than 8,000 scientists from academic institutions, government, and industry representing the great variety of individuals who practice toxicology in the US and abroad. Visit SOT online at
Journal Link: Toxicological Sciences, March 2018, Volume 162, Issue 1