Abstract: Current treatments for heart automaticity disorders still lack a safe and efficient source of stem cells to restore normal biological pacemaking. Since adult M uscle- D erived S tem C ells (MDSC) show multi-lineage differentiation in vitro including into spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes, we questioned whether they could effectively differentiate into cardiac pacemakers, a specific population of cardiomyocytes producing electrical impulses in the sino-atrial node (SAN) of adult heart. We show here that beating cardiomyocytes, differentiated from MDSC in vitro , exhibit typical characteristics of cardiac pacemakers: expression of markers of the SAN lineage Hcn4, Tbx3 and Islet1, as well as spontaneous calcium transients and hyperpolarization-activated “funny” current and L-type Ca v 1.3 channels. Pacemaker-like myocytes differentiated in vitro from Ca v 1.3-deficient mouse stem cells produced slower rate of spontaneous Ca 2+ transients, consistent with the reduced activity of native pacemakers in mutant mice. In vivo , undifferentiated wild type MDSC migrated and homed with increased engraftment to the SAN of bradycardic mutant Ca v 1.3 -/- within 2-3 days after systemic I.P. injection. The increased homing of MDSCs corresponded to increased levels of the chemokine SDF1 and its receptor CXCR4 in mutant SAN tissue and was ensued by differentiation of MDSCs into Ca v 1.3-expressing pacemaker-like myocytes within 10 days and a significant improvement of the heart rate maintained for up to 40 days. Optical mapping and immunofluorescence analyses performed after 40 days on SAN tissue from transplanted wild type and mutant mice showed MDSCs integrated as pacemaking cells both electrically and functionally within recipient mouse SAN. These findings identify MDSCs as directly transplantable stem cells that efficiently home, differentiate and improve heart rhythm in mouse models of congenital bradycardia.

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