Newswise — The workplace is one of the more popular places where people look to make New Year’s resolutions. Jill Gugino Pante, Director of the Career Services Center at the University of Delaware, suggests reevaluating your social media connections with co-workers and adjusting your settings to project a more professional image.
Starting a new job presents an even better opportunity to set the proper boundaries on social media, Pante says.
"We know that co-workers become friends and friends can become co-workers so professionalism becomes a gray area in a lot of people's lives," she says. "Connecting with bosses, co-workers, interns, direct reports and others on any type of social media other than LinkedIn can push you into that gray area."
Is it OK to Snapchat with your boss? Should you be checking out the beach pictures of your interns on Instagram? In light of the national conversation on sexual harassment, misconduct and assault, we need to become more aware of our actions and question how we interact through social media, Pante says.
Pante is available for interviews for stories about this and other topics related to careers and workplace relations.