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Released: 12-Jun-2020 9:05 AM EDT
FAA Extends Funding for NEXTOR III Aviation Operations Research Consortium
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

The FAA has extended funding for the Maryland Smith-supported consortium that has developed decision support tools, operational and system concepts, and policymaking tools that benefit the FAA, the airline industry and the flying public.

7-Mar-2019 3:15 PM EST
For Infants, Distinguishing Between Friends and Strangers Is a Laughing Matter
New York University

Infants as young as five months can differentiate laughter between friends and that between strangers, finds a new study. The results suggest that the ability to detect the nature of social relationships is instilled early in human infancy, possibly the result of a detection system that uses vocal cues.

13-Nov-2018 1:15 PM EST
When NBA Players Tweet Late at Night, They Play Worse Basketball
Stony Brook University

A new study to be published online in the journal Sleep Health reveals that late-night social media use by NBA players is linked to poorer next-day performance on the court. The study examines more than 37,000 tweets and builds on preliminary research from 2017 about late-night tweets.

Released: 28-Jun-2018 5:05 PM EDT
Sorry Virginia, U.S. History Isn’t All About You
Washington University in St. Louis

As the United States celebrates its founding on July 4, new research on “collective narcissism” suggests many Americans have hugely exaggerated notions about how much their home states helped to write the nation’s narrative.“Our study shows a massive narcissistic bias in the way that people from the United States remember the contributions of their home states to U.

Released: 24-May-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Lack of Paid Sick Leave Increases Poverty
Florida Atlantic University

A new study has quantified, for the first time, the relationship between lack of paid sick leave and poverty in the U.S. The data indicates that, even when controlling for education, race, sex, marital status and employment, working adults without paid sick leave are three times more likely to have incomes below the poverty line. People without paid sick leave benefits also are more likely to experience food insecurity and require welfare services.

Released: 27-Mar-2018 3:30 PM EDT
Exclusive Research: Where the Youth Vote Could Matter Most in 2018
Tufts University

The 2018 Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI) from Tisch College at Tufts University may answer how young voters will shape the future American political landscape by ranking the top districts and states where young people could have significant influence.

Released: 7-Mar-2018 5:05 PM EST
Bullying Based on Stigma Has Especially Damaging Effects
University of Delaware

In a new study, two professors are looking at bullying based on stigma – where one is treated unfairly or unjustly due to one's race, sexual orientation, gender, or other characteristic – and examining the methods used to prevent this type of bullying and address it when it happens.

Released: 28-Feb-2018 12:00 PM EST
FAU Poll Finds Floridians Support Ban on Assault-Style Rifles, Universal Background Checks and Raising Age to Buy Guns
Florida Atlantic University

In the wake of a mass shooting that took the lives of 17 students and teachers at a South Florida high school, a vast majority of Floridians support stricter gun laws, including a ban on assault-style rifles, universal background checks and raising the minimum age for gun purchasers, according to a statewide survey by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (FAU BEPI).

Released: 22-Feb-2018 4:20 PM EST
Followers, “Likes,” Attractiveness Increase Social Media Likability. Selfies? Not So Much, Baylor Study Says
Baylor University

A new Baylor University study published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture looks at the value that outside observers place on social media cues (followers, likes, etc.) and measures the perceived likability of the people whose profiles were viewed.

Released: 28-Dec-2017 5:05 PM EST
For a Healthier 2018, Find Purpose in Life
Washington University in St. Louis

If your resolution is to be healthier, happier and more fit in the new year, focus first on finding a real purpose in life.People with a higher sense of purpose tend to engage in healthier lifestyle choices and are more likely to feel better about their own health status, according to new research from Washington University in St.

19-Dec-2017 7:30 PM EST
Study Finds Online Interest in Sex Rises at Christmas, with More Births Nine Months Later
Indiana University

A global-scale analysis of human birth rate cycles co-led by Indiana University reveals that online interest in sex rises at Christmas and certain other holidays, with more babies born nine months later.

Released: 20-Dec-2017 3:05 PM EST
Americans Divided on Whether Businesses Have Right to Deny Service to Same-Sex Couples
Indiana University

Americans are evenly divided on whether a business should be able to deny service to same-sex couples, according to a study by Indiana University Bloomington sociologists. It is the first national survey to use an experimental approach to examine views on refusing service to sexual minorities.

13-Dec-2017 12:20 PM EST
How Much People Earn Is Associated with How They Experience Happiness
American Psychological Association (APA)

People who earn more money tend to experience more positive emotions focused on themselves, while people who earn less take greater pleasure in their relationships and ability to connect with others, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 30-Nov-2017 11:05 AM EST
UT Austin Professors Discover Copy of Jesus’ Secret Revelations to His Brother
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

The first-known original Greek copy of a heretical Christian writing describing Jesus’ secret teachings to his brother James has been discovered at Oxford University by biblical scholars at The University of Texas at Austin.

Released: 29-Nov-2017 11:05 AM EST
Combinations of Certain Personality Traits May Guard Against Depression and Anxiety
University at Buffalo

People showing high levels of extraversion and conscientiousness may have protection against depression and anxiety, according to the results of a new study by a team of University at Buffalo psychologists.

Released: 27-Nov-2017 2:40 PM EST
White Male Gun Owners Who Have Felt Economic Stress Are More Likely to Feel Morally and Emotionally Attached to Guns
Baylor University

White male gun owners who have lost, or fear losing, their economic footing tend to feel morally and emotionally attached to their guns, according to a Baylor University study. This segment of the population also is most likely to say that violence against the U.S. government is sometimes justified.

Released: 20-Nov-2017 4:05 PM EST
Study: Non-Fearful Social Withdrawal Linked Positively to Creativity
University at Buffalo

Everyone needs an occasional break, though spending too much time alone can be unhealthy and there is growing evidence that the psychosocial effects of too much solitude can last a lifetime. But newly published research by a University at Buffalo psychologist suggests that not all forms of social withdrawal are detrimental. In fact, the research findings published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences suggest that one form of social withdrawal, referred to as unsociability, is not only unrelated to negative outcomes, but linked positively to creativity.

Released: 13-Nov-2017 4:55 PM EST
High Cognitive Ability Not a Safeguard From Conspiracies, Paranormal Beliefs
University of Illinois Chicago

A University of Illinois at Chicago social psychologist reports on two studies that examined why some people are inclined to believe in various conspiracies and paranormal phenomena.

Released: 10-Nov-2017 12:55 PM EST
Measuring the Implicit Biases We May Not Even Be Aware Of
University of Florida

Two UF Psychology Professors Examine the Prejudices and Stereotypes That Contribute to Social Inequality and Discuss the Tests Social Scientists Apply to Measure the Implicit Bias People Tend to Harbor

Released: 8-Nov-2017 4:05 PM EST
Is He Really That Into You?
University of Utah

New research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology finds that women who were reminded of a time that their dad was absent from their lives — or who actually experienced poor quality fathering while growing up — perceived greater mating intent in the described behaviors of a hypothetical male dating partner and when talking with a man. These women also “saw” more sexual arousal when viewing images of men’s faces.

Released: 31-Oct-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Workplace Health - The Silent Epidemic
Texas A&M University

Workplace incivility is taking over our organizations, professional relationships and everyday interactions. According to Dr. Jia Wang, associate professor of human resource development, understanding why incivility happens and how to address it starts with awareness.

Released: 25-Oct-2017 4:50 PM EDT
Ordinance Reduces Violent Crime Near Late-Night Bars by Making Owners Part of Solution
Iowa State University

An ordinance requiring bar owners to beef up security helped reduce crime at late-night clubs in Little Rock, Arkansas, according to a new study. Iowa State's Kyle Burgason says other cities tackling crime near bars could take similar action with the same results.

Released: 24-Oct-2017 9:05 AM EDT
There Is No Safe Amount of Alcohol During Pregnancy, New Study Shows
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Any amount of alcohol exposure during pregnancy can cause extreme lasting effects on a child, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Released: 17-Oct-2017 3:55 PM EDT
Study Suggests Psychedelic Drugs Could Reduce Criminal Behavior
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Classic psychedelics such as mushrooms, LSD and peyote are associated with a decreased likelihood of antisocial criminal behavior, according to new research from investigators at UAB

Released: 11-Oct-2017 9:00 AM EDT
‘Resilience’ to Adversity Determines if a Child Survives or Thrives When Bullied
Florida Atlantic University

Why is it that some children are devastated by bullying while others are not? Is there is a major personal characteristic or trait that buffers and protects them against internalizing the harm intended through bullying and cyberbullying? The answer is a resounding “yes.”

28-Sep-2017 9:00 AM EDT
If Your Child is Bilingual, Learning Additional Languages Later Might be Easier
Georgetown University Medical Center

It is often claimed that people who are bilingual are better than monolinguals at learning languages. Now, the first study to examine bilingual and monolingual brains as they learn an additional language offers new evidence that supports this hypothesis, researchers say.

Released: 20-Sep-2017 9:25 AM EDT
Midlife Depression May Stem From Tension with Mothers and Siblings
Iowa State University

Relationships with our mothers and siblings continue to have an effect on our well-being, particularly at midlife. A new study led by an Iowa State University researcher found that tension with our mothers and siblings is associated with symptoms of depression.

Released: 20-Sep-2017 7:05 AM EDT
Study Suggests You Can ‘Pick Up’ a Good or Bad Mood From Your Friends
University of Warwick

New research suggests that both good and bad moods can be ‘picked up’ from friends, but depression can’t. A team led by the University of Warwick has examined whether friends’ moods can affect an individual therefore implying that moods may spread across friendship networks.

Released: 18-Sep-2017 2:00 PM EDT
Reliance on ‘Gut Feelings’ Linked to Belief in Fake News
Ohio State University

People who tend to trust their intuition or to believe that the facts they hear are politically biased are more likely to stand behind inaccurate beliefs, a new study suggests.

Released: 11-Sep-2017 1:30 PM EDT
A Wellesley Researcher Studies Individual Differences in Ability to Recognize Faces
Wellesley College

If a former classmate walks by you on the street and looks you in the face without saying so much as “hello,” don’t be dismayed. Same for a person you met at a party the night before.

Released: 7-Sep-2017 3:15 PM EDT
Twitter Followers Use Friendships to Fight Fake News
Cornell University

New Cornell University research offers hope that fake news and false rumors that reverberate around the Internet can be quashed.

Released: 6-Sep-2017 5:05 PM EDT
How Monkey Fights Grow
Santa Fe Institute

New research finds evidence for a complicated structure behind primate conflict. It is not individuals who control the length of fights, but the relationships between pairs of individuals.

Released: 31-Aug-2017 3:05 PM EDT
'Marrying Up' Is Now Easier for Men, Improves Their Economic Well-Being, Study Finds
University of Kansas

As the number of highly educated women has increased in recent decades, the chances of "marrying up" have increased significantly for men and decreased for women, according to a new study led by a University of Kansas sociologist.

Released: 23-Aug-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Rediscovery of the Earliest Latin Commentary on the Gospels, Translated Into English
University of Birmingham

The earliest Latin Commentary on the Gospels, lost for over 1500 years, has been rediscovered and made available in English for the first time, thanks to research from the University of Birmingham.

Released: 14-Aug-2017 11:30 AM EDT
Virtual Detectives Use Social Media to Study Global Fashion Trends
Cornell University

Each day billions of photographs are uploaded to photo-sharing services and social media platforms, and Cornell University computer science researchers are figuring out ways to analyze this visual treasure trove through deep-learning methods. Kavita Bala, professor of computer science; Noah Snavely, associate professor computer science at Cornell Tech; and Kevin Matzen have released their results in a new paper, “StreetStyle: Exploring world-wide clothing styles from millions of photos.”

Released: 3-Aug-2017 2:30 PM EDT
Why Facebook Is So Hard to Resist
Michigan State University

Why is social media such a hard habit to break? Because it makes us feel good, said Michigan State University's Allison Eden, assistant professor in the Department of Communication. She and researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, conducted two studies of frequent and less frequent Facebook users.

Released: 3-Aug-2017 1:55 PM EDT
Study Examines Tolerance of Political Lies for Shared Views
University of Illinois Chicago

A new study, from researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and published online in Social Psychological and Personality Science, suggests people have more leniency for politicians’ lies when they bolster a shared belief that a specific political stance is morally right.

24-Jul-2017 3:35 PM EDT
Women and Men Report Similar Levels of Work-Family Conflicts
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- Contrary to public perception and many media accounts, women and men report similar levels of work-family conflicts, both in the form of work interfering with family and family interfering with work, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 18-Jul-2017 1:30 PM EDT
When Sizing Up Potential Friends and Mates, the Eyes of Men and Women Move Differently
Wellesley College

New Research from Wellesley College and the University of Kansas Shows People Observe the Body Differently When Assessing Friends vs. Mates

Released: 17-Jul-2017 8:00 PM EDT
One Third of Fake Images Go Undetected in Recent Study
University of Warwick

Around one third of fake images went undetected in a recent study by the University of Warwick, UK.

Released: 14-Jul-2017 12:15 AM EDT
Researchers Discover an Ugly Truth About Attractiveness
Florida State University

New research from Florida State University finds the attractiveness of a romantic partner can influence a person's desire to diet and seek a slim body, though that motivation contrasts sharply between men and women.

21-Jun-2017 2:00 PM EDT
Messages with Moral-Emotional Words Are More Likely to Go Viral on Social Media
New York University

Tweets about political topics that include moral and emotional language are more likely to spread within the ideological networks of the sender, a team of researchers has found. Its study examined Twitter messages related to gun control, climate change, and same-sex marriage.

Released: 24-May-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Can Parents’ Tech Obsessions Contribute to A Child’s Bad Behavior?
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Study looks at whether behaviors like whining and tantrums could be related to parents spending too much time on their phones or tablets.

Released: 23-May-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Despite Partisanship Surrounding Voter ID, Most Voters Don't Believe It Suppresses Turnout
University of Kansas

Most Americans — even average Democrats — do not accept the argument that voter identification laws can suppress voter turnout, according to a new study that includes a University of Kansas professor.

Released: 15-May-2017 3:05 PM EDT
When Your Spouse Calls and Interrupts Your Workday, Is That a Good Thing?
Baylor University

A new Baylor University study shows that interruptions during work and family time come with consequences and benefits. Researchers offer strategies to build on the benefits.

Released: 11-May-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Racial Disparities in Discipline Greater for Girls Than for Boys, Research Finds
Indiana University

Research has shown that African-American boys face higher rates of school discipline than other students. But a study co-authored by an Indiana University sociologist finds that racial disparities in school discipline are even greater for African-American girls.
