Feature Channels: Meteorology

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Newswise: devon-ledbetter-hurricane-hunter-hero-940x529.jpg
Released: 21-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
A flight into the maelstrom
University of Miami

Devon Ledbetter, a University of Miami graduate student at the Rosenstiel School, is creating a virtual reality experience that will let anyone fly aboard a hurricane hunter aircraft and into the eye of the storm.

Newswise: vintage-hurricane-shacks-hero-940x529.jpg
Released: 21-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Hurricane hunters, the true storm chasers
University of Miami

A pilot’s initiative to track the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane that decimated the Florida Keys marked the beginning of the era of today’s legendary hurricane hunters.

Newswise: A visionary approach: How an Argonne team developed accessible maps for colorblind scientists
Released: 15-Aug-2024 4:00 PM EDT
A visionary approach: How an Argonne team developed accessible maps for colorblind scientists
Argonne National Laboratory

Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory worked with the Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) community to create CVD-friendly colormaps that are more inclusive and accessible.

Released: 13-Aug-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Hurricane season: Has anyone checked on the beach?
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Beach-loving environmental researchers wondered how a highly active hurricane season impacts beaches along the coast.

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Released: 8-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Weather 'whiplash' in Antarctica may help predict effects of future climate change
Virginia Tech

The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica live up to their name. The region is one of the driest places on Earth — mountains form a wall around the valleys and prevent melting glacier water from intruding, humidity is extremely low, and no rain was documented in the valleys between the 1960s and the early 2020s. So when Virginia Tech biological sciences Professor J.

Newswise: Bennu samples unveiled
Released: 16-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Bennu samples unveiled
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists recently received and will analyze samples from the asteroid Bennu that will help explain how it formed and where it came from.

Newswise: NASA’s Webb Investigates Eternal Sunrises, Sunsets on Distant World
Released: 15-Jul-2024 11:15 AM EDT
NASA’s Webb Investigates Eternal Sunrises, Sunsets on Distant World
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Since the first exoplanet was discovered in 1992, thousands of planets orbiting stars outside of our solar system have been confirmed through a myriad of different methods, including direct imaging, gravitational microlensing, measuring transits, and astrometry.

Newswise:Video Embedded twisters-draws-from-storm-chasing-science-led-by-nebraska-expert
Released: 15-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
'Twisters' Draws From Storm-Chasing Science Led by Nebraska Expert
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

'Twisters' draws from storm-chasing science led by Nebraska expert

Released: 11-Jul-2024 7:20 AM EDT
A cosmic tool for studying twisters and other severe storms
Ohio State University

Cosmic rays could offer scientists another way to track and study violent tornadoes and other severe weather phenomena, a new study suggests.

Newswise:Video Embedded argonne-develops-new-kind-of-ai-model-for-weather-prediction
Released: 9-Jul-2024 10:45 AM EDT
Argonne develops new kind of AI model for weather prediction
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne environmental and computer scientists have developed a new kind of model, called a foundation model, to predict weather and eventually climate.

Newswise: BadenesCarlos_0-680x600-0_0-680_600.jpg
Released: 3-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
A nova is coming: learn more about this stellar explosion
University of Pittsburgh

Astronomers expect a “new” star will be visible in the sky by September following an explosion in the constellation Corona Borealis

Released: 1-Jul-2024 5:05 AM EDT
Hurricanes Cooking up an Intense Season

The onset of the hurricane season has brought renewed attention to the impacts and preparedness efforts necessary to mitigate the damage caused by these powerful storms. The increasing intensity and frequency of hurricanes are attributed to global warming and climate change, posing significant risks to lives, property, and economies.

Released: 24-Jun-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Media Tip Sheet: The Impact Extreme Heat Has On Your Health
George Washington University

A heat wave is making its way across the country. ...

Newswise: Ice recon: satellite navigation breakthrough in mapping sea ice thickness
Released: 24-Jun-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Ice recon: satellite navigation breakthrough in mapping sea ice thickness
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A cutting-edge study harnesses the power of spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) technology to accurately measure sea ice thickness, a critical parameter for understanding climate change impacts in polar regions.

Newswise: Wave activity on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, may be strong enough to erode the coastlines of lakes and seas
Released: 21-Jun-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Wave activity on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, may be strong enough to erode the coastlines of lakes and seas
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

MIT, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution researchers find wave activity on Saturn’s largest moon may be strong enough to erode the coastlines of lakes and seas.

Newswise: Iowa State students crisscross tornado alley, chasing storms, sharing data, learning lessons
Released: 11-Jun-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Iowa State students crisscross tornado alley, chasing storms, sharing data, learning lessons
Iowa State University

A new course this spring, "Field Observations of Thunderstorms," took 13 Iowa State students and their three instructors across "Tornado Alley" for eight days. They found storms, collected data and shared information with national forecasters. It all could have been straight out of the 1996 movie “Twister” or this summer’s sequel, “Twisters.”

Newswise: Lone Star State: Tracking a Low-Mass Star as it Speeds Across the Milky Way
Released: 10-Jun-2024 2:15 PM EDT
Lone Star State: Tracking a Low-Mass Star as it Speeds Across the Milky Way
University of California San Diego

A team of astronomers, led by Adam Burgasser, and citizen scientists have discovered a rare hypervelocity L subdwarf star racing through the Milky Way. More remarkably, this star may be on a trajectory that causes it to leave the Milky Way altogether.

Newswise: ALMA Observations Reveal New Insights into Planet Formation in Binary Star Systems
10-Jun-2024 11:15 AM EDT
ALMA Observations Reveal New Insights into Planet Formation in Binary Star Systems
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

At the 244th American Astronomical Society meeting, researchers presented groundbreaking findings on planet formation in circumstellar disks around young binary stars

Newswise: Webb Finds Plethora of Carbon Molecules Around Young Star
6-Jun-2024 1:50 PM EDT
Webb Finds Plethora of Carbon Molecules Around Young Star
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

In a new study, astronomers used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to study a red dwarf star weighing just one-tenth as much as our Sun. No known planets have formed around this young star yet, which is just one to two million years old. The team found that the gas in the planet-forming region of the star is rich in carbon-bearing molecules.
