Location: Australia

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Newswise: Renewable aviation fuels prepare for take-off in Australia
Released: 21-May-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Renewable aviation fuels prepare for take-off in Australia
University of South Australia

Aviation experts from the University of South Australia (UniSA) will work with their Chinese counterparts over the next two years to develop a sustainable aviation biofuel industry in both countries.

Released: 17-Oct-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Critical step made for managing brushtail possums
University of Otago

Researchers say mapping the genetic code of the brushtail possum will benefit those working to both conserve and control the animal.

Released: 7-Sep-2023 8:05 PM EDT
Labour laws need updating now remote work is here to stay
University of South Australia

Australia’s employment laws and regulations must be updated to reflect the changing nature of work, with many people continuing to work from home long after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Newswise: Fire, disease threatening sanctuary plants for Australian wildlife
Released: 22-Aug-2023 1:05 AM EDT
Fire, disease threatening sanctuary plants for Australian wildlife
University of South Australia

New research has revealed that Australia's iconic grass trees - aka yaccas - play a critical role in protecting wildlife from deadly weather extremes, thereby ensuring their survival. But the grasses themselves are under threat due to back burning, clearing and disease.

Newswise: Preventing weight gain: Yo-yo no-go zones for Australians
26-Jul-2023 11:00 PM EDT
Preventing weight gain: Yo-yo no-go zones for Australians
University of South Australia

There’s no doubt that Aussies love a good celebration. We’re all in when it comes to the weekend, and most of us can’t go past a Christmas celebration without a little bit of overindulging. But all this comes at a cost, and it’s taking a massive toll on our waistline.

Newswise: ‘I feel like I’m suffocating’: what’s driving suicidal thoughts in the Australian construction industry?
Released: 19-Jul-2023 10:20 PM EDT
‘I feel like I’m suffocating’: what’s driving suicidal thoughts in the Australian construction industry?
University of South Australia

What's driving one Australian construction worker to take their life every second day?

Released: 12-Jul-2023 2:35 PM EDT
Insomnia affecting younger worker productivity
Flinders University

Daytime drowsiness, mental health issues and even road accidents are all connected to sleep disorders, leading experts to examine workplace productivity losses among as many as one-in-five younger Australians affected by sleep disorders.

Newswise: Caesarean birth injury rates have risen for mums and babies but training and a new device could change that
Released: 11-Jul-2023 2:10 PM EDT
Caesarean birth injury rates have risen for mums and babies but training and a new device could change that
Flinders University

Over 34% of women in Australia have a caesarean birth, and a significant proportion of these happen in late labour when the fetal head is deep in the mother’s pelvis and can be impacted which makes delivering a baby challenging and poses serious risks to both the mother and the baby.

Newswise: Rural placements help to boost health workers in regional Australia
Released: 6-Jul-2023 9:05 PM EDT
Rural placements help to boost health workers in regional Australia
University of South Australia

New research from the University of South Australia reveals that rural experience could be the key factor in increasing the number of health workers in Australia's rural and remote communities.

Released: 3-Jul-2023 10:05 PM EDT
Escaping exploitation with nowhere to go: Barriers in accommodating survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery
University of South Australia

Survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery are struggling to find places to live with some people becoming homeless and facing risks of re-entering exploitative environments.

Released: 27-Jun-2023 8:10 PM EDT
Children the 'hidden victims' of modern slavery
University of South Australia

Dependant children of people impacted by human trafficking and modern slavery are being left unsupported and their needs overlooked, putting families at risk of intergenerational trauma.

2-Jun-2023 6:45 PM EDT
Parental provision of alcohol to adolescent children and peer influence linked to subsequent alcohol harms
Research Society on Alcoholism

Parental supply of alcohol is a relatively common practice in Australia, believed by some parents to be an effective means of teaching their children to drink responsibly. New research shows that family and peer factors each play a role in the development of excessive and risky drinking in early adulthood and associated harms. These results and others will be shared at the 46th annual scientific meeting of the Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) in Bellevue, Washington.

Newswise: New study to help Aussie farmers curb chronic pain
Released: 13-Jun-2023 10:05 PM EDT
New study to help Aussie farmers curb chronic pain
University of South Australia

Whether it’s a lack of appropriate services, time or simply a ‘she’ll be right’ approach, farmers often face many barriers when it comes to seeking health care, say researchers at the University of South Australia.

Released: 30-May-2023 6:00 PM EDT
New DNA testing technology shows majority of wild dingoes are pure, not hybrids
University of New South Wales

Wild dingo populations have less dog lineage, with a significantly greater proportion of pure dingoes than previously thought, according to new research, challenging the view that pure dingoes are on the decline due to crossbreeding.

Newswise: Rental housing standards a threat to resident health and wellbeing
Released: 21-May-2023 10:05 PM EDT
Rental housing standards a threat to resident health and wellbeing
University of South Australia

A large proportion of Australian rental properties are in such poor condition that they are putting residents’ health and wellbeing at risk, according to new research from the University of South Australia.

Newswise: Lived experience: the way forward for Australia’s mental health system
Released: 17-May-2023 1:05 AM EDT
Lived experience: the way forward for Australia’s mental health system
University of South Australia

Changes to Australia’s mental health and suicide prevention system must be underpinned by lived experience to ensure appropriate care, say experts at the University of South Australia.

Released: 11-May-2023 7:20 PM EDT
Scientists discover fire records embedded within sand dunes
Desert Research Institute (DRI)

A new study shows that sand dunes can serve as repositories of fire history and aid in expanding scientific understanding of fire regimes around the world.

Newswise:Video Embedded map-reveals-ancient-australian-landscape-from-60-000-years-ago
Released: 5-May-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Archaeologists map hidden NT landscape where first Australians lived more than 60,000 years ago
Flinders University

Scientists at Flinders University have used sub-surface imaging and aerial surveys to see through floodplains in the Red Lily Lagoon area of West Arnhem Land in Northern Australia.

Newswise:Video Embedded unisa-health-students-ahead-when-it-comes-to-autism
Released: 26-Apr-2023 3:05 AM EDT
UniSA health students ahead when it comes to autism
University of South Australia

UniSA’s allied health students will be the first in Australia to learn how to implement the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders, as the University becomes the first hosting partner of Autism CRC’s tailored undergraduate eLearning lecture and activity.

