For Immediate Release: February 7, 2020
Contact Information:
Jill Hronek, Director of Marketing Communications
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Dreier Receives Certified Association Executive Designation
Newswise — Oak Brook, IL — Brenda Drier, Chief Operating Officer of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS), has earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation from the American Society of Association Executives. The CAE the highest professional credential in the association industry.
To be designated as a Certified Association Executive, an applicant must have experience with nonprofit organization management, complete a minimum of 100 hours of specialized professional development, pass an association management exam and pledge to uphold a code of ethics. Passing the exam requires a thorough understanding of a broad set of knowledge areas including financial management, membership, strategic thinking, globalization, volunteer leadership, ethics, diversity, technology and HR issues among them. To maintain the certification, individuals must commit to ongoing professional development and activities in association and nonprofit management. More than 4,400 association professionals currently hold the CAE credential. The CAE program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCCA).
Dreier received her Bachelor of Science degree in Business, Service Operations Management from DePaul University and has spent more than 23 years in nonprofit management. In 2003, she joined the Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA), which merged with the Society for Biomolecular Sciences (SBS) to become SLAS in 2010.
SLAS CEO Vicki Loise also maintains her CAE certification, which she earned in 2005.
SLAS (Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening) is an international community of 16,000 professionals and students dedicated to life sciences discovery and technology. The SLAS mission is to bring together researchers in academia, industry and government to advance life sciences discovery and technology via education, knowledge exchange and global community building.
ASAE is a membership organization of more than 46,000 association executives and industry partners representing 7,400 organizations. Their members lead, manage and work in or partner with organizations in more than a dozen association management disciplines, from executive management to finance to technology.