Newswise — Stocks appear to be steadying today after Monday’s alarming trading losses. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The S&P 500 was gaining in afternoon trading, a day after economic angst and the unraveling of crowded trades drove the benchmark index to its biggest drop since 2022. Some of Monday’s laggards—Nvidia and Robinhood Markets—rose too, though not enough to deliver them to positive territory for the week.”

If you would like more context on this matter, please consider Rodney Lake, a teaching instructor of finance and the director of the GW Investment Institute at the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB). At the GW Investment Institute, Lake teaches courses associated with student investment funds as well as oversees portfolios, connects with alumni and industry practitioners, leads the GW Investment Institute Live Show and other events, and oversees GW Investment Institute’s day-to-day operations. Prior to Lake’s current appointment in the GWSB Department of Finance and the GW Investment Institute, Lake worked as a senior investment officer in the GW Investment Office and was previously a senior financial analyst in the Executive Vice President and Treasurer’s Office at GW.

In a recent interview with Lilly Broadcasting, Lake said long-term investors should remain patient. He said:

“For America, people should be optimistic. If you’ve been investing for the long term in the past 240 years in America, you’ve done really well,” said Professor Rodney Lake, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Director of the GW Investment Institute at George Washington University. “If you’re thinking about ten plus years over a full market cycle, you should sleep well at night and you should keep investing and thinking about the long term,” he added. 

Lake says if someone is invested in the S&P 500, for example, they should keep investing, stay the course and continue to focus on long term. 

“If you need more money in the short term, it should not be invested in the stock market,” said Lake.

If you would like to speak with Prof. Lake, please contact GW Senior Media Relations Specialist Cate Douglass at [email protected].

