Adam Rosenberg, Esq. – Executive Director of Baltimore Child Abuse Center

Adam Rosenberg has been a strong advocate for social justice and a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves—especially abused children. He was the first male prosecutor to join the Domestic Violence Unit of the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office, and later prosecuted hundreds of cases involving sex offenders, stalkers and predators, child pornographers, and violent abusers as a member of the Sex Offense Unit. Adam Rosenberg frequently testifies, lectures, conducts audits, and runs workshops for youth serving institutions on recognizing, responding to, and the importance of reporting sexual child abuse. Adam also consults, provides guidance, and gives presentations on the best practices of not for profits and child advocacy centers. Additionally, he frequently presents on building awareness and prevention of child abuse.

He understands the immediacy of the media's ability to get the word out about important issues and is readily available for interviews.

The website for the Baltimore Child Abuse Center: