Abstract: Purpose Determine health professionals’ (HPs’) perceptions of oral mucositis (OM), including clinical presentation of chemotherapy (CT)-induced vs radiation therapy (RT)-induced OM, its assessment and management. Methods HPs involved in the care of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients receiving RT to the oral cavity/oropharynx and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) patients receiving mucositis-inducing CT regimens were invited to participate in a customised 20-question survey. Themes included OM presentation, assessment and management. Results Survey response rate was 81.4%. Most were nurses (33%) and specialist doctors/dentists (25%). Majority (45%) identified as part of the haematology service, followed by radiation oncology (32%). Most haematology and radiation oncology HPs (89% and 70%, respectively) agreed/strongly agreed that OM impacted patients’ ability to complete treatment. There was a significant association (p<0.01) between HPs’ specialty and their perceptions of OM manifestations. Most radiation oncology (85%) and all oral medicine HPs agreed/strongly agreed that clinical manifestations of CT-induced OM and RT-induced OM were different, whereas haematology HPs varied in their perceptions (11% disagreed, 41% were neutral and 48% agreed/strongly agreed). There was uncertainty regarding differences in management of CT vs RT-induced OM: 30% of haematology HPs and 45% of radiation oncology HPs agreed/strongly agreed but most (52% and 45%, respectively in each group) responded “neutral.” Conclusion OM was recognised to adversely impact HSCT and HNC RT patients’ ability to complete treatment. There were differences in HPs’ perceived understanding of OM manifestations and management. Interventions to address these may reduce unwanted variations in patient care and outcomes.

Journal Link: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1036667/v1 Journal Link: Publisher Website Journal Link: Download PDF Journal Link: Google Scholar