ISLANDIA, NY, July 26, 2018 — Festo introduces a compact rotary gripping module for handling vial and bottle caps. With wipe-down surfaces and many features in a clean, compact design, the new EHMD rotary gripper is particularly suitable for capping/decapping, and the general handling of small vials in automated diagnostic equipment.

The EHMD provides a compact, full featured industry leading solution for preparing and analyzing samples, loading centri­fuges, gripping, rotating, placing microwell plates, and opening and closing bottles and vials of different sizes. Combined with a Festo three axis gantry and a camera, this new module can support applications requiring quality inspections, barcode reading, and printed labels.

The EHMD comes in two ver­sions: fully electric or with a pneumatic gripper. Both permit infinite rotation. The unique Z module automatically adjusts to the thread pitches of the caps, eliminating the need for head/adapter changeover times. The EHMD easily integrates with the Festo motor controller CMMO, offering additional performance, including force and torque control. The free Festo Configuration Tool, that can be used either online or offline, reduces installation time and contributes to less engineering overhead during the design stage.


At the Festo AACC Booth #462, attendees will experience the full range of the company’s automated motion and high speed/low volume liquid transfer solutions that improve speed and accuracy, reduce engineering overhead, and help bring clinical and diagnostic workstations to market faster with less cost. Of interest is the next generation liquid handling with modular dosing system. Also, on display featuring Festo components will be the JANUS G3 Varispan Automated Workstation and the Biomated Solutions multi-channel Fluidic dispenser.