Hereditary hair loss is the most common form of hair loss in both men and women, affecting millions of people worldwide. For many people, this condition can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.

Early diagnosis and treatment by a board-certified dermatologist are important steps in preventing hereditary hair loss from worsening and helping people regrow their hair.

“There are many treatment options for hereditary hair loss to consider, and it is often difficult to sift through the mountain of information and disinformation on the internet and from well-meaning advice-givers,” said board-certified dermatologist Paradi Mirmirani, MD, FAAD. “It is important for patients to know that they can get individualized, evidence-based recommendations from a board-certified dermatologist.”

Hereditary hair loss cannot be prevented, but there are medical treatments that can improve and optimize hair growth, such as minoxidil, finasteride, and spironolactone. Other treatment options include scalp covers or scalp hair fibers, which conceal the appearance of thinning, and scalp micropigmentation, which is a non-surgical procedure in which tattooing is used to create the look of hair. Surgical options are also available for the treatment of hair loss.

I would be happy to connect you with Dr. Mirmirani, who can speak at length about the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

For more information about hair loss, visit the AAD website.