The CDC recently released its flu vaccine guidelines for the 2018-2019. After last season’s flu epidemic, the CDC announced updates to the vaccine that it hopes will better protect against circulating viruses. The organization also recommends getting vaccinated in early fall before the end of October to prevent the illness from spreading. With kids back at school and fall weather approaching, it appears flu season will be here before we know it. 

Dr. Bettina Fries is a flu expert and Professor of Infectious Disease at Stony Brook University Hospital. Regarding the upcoming flu season, she says:

  • Last year the U.S. had a major flu season with many admissions and deaths.
  • Flu vaccination is the best way to limit outbreaks, hospitalizations and deaths.
  • The more we vaccinate people in our community the more we will succeed to curtail the spread of flu.
  • Several different vaccine options are available even for patients with egg allergies.

Dr. Fries is available for interview.