Newswise — LAW-TRAIN has been successfully presented at Milipol Paris 2017 and CEPOL 2017.
Milipol Paris, the leading event for homeland security, focused on the subject “Take Up the Challenge of a Safer World”. The event highlighted the latest technical innovations and future challenges of the security sector.
LAW-TRAIN was presented as an innovative training platform for law-enforcement officers that offers the ability to train interviewers and teams in a virtual environment. Visitors were able to gain information at a booth or be part of an exhibitor workshop entitled "LAW-TRAIN: a virtual training platform for multi-national law-enforcement teams (H2020)“. The information booth provided insights into the current demo version of the virtual investigation training platform and visitors were able to test the system by themselves. Project partners spoke to visitors and provided detailed information about this possibility within the training of law enforcement officers.
CEPOL 2017 Research and Science Conference took place in Budapest at the National University of Public Service. The core topic of CEPOL was police and law enforcement training.
In line with the guiding theme of “Innovation”, the virtual training platform was presented within the open paper sessions, as well as in the poster and demo area.
During the next year a series of webinars will be held in cooperation with CEPOL to keep people updated about ongoing product developments.
These two events displayed an excellent opportunity to present LAW-TRAIN as a consortium of multidisciplinary partners and as a training tool for different types of police investigations. Visitors were interested in the fact that it concerned a virtual training tool or e-learning tool and because the platform teaches interviewing skills. Many of them also acknowledged the difficulties organizations encounter with transnational collaboration and confirmed the need for training in the area of (transnational) police collaboration.
Visitors were invited to test their investigative interviewing skills by trying out the demo version of the virtual training platform. Most of them wanted further details and to be kept informed about this new and innovative training platform.
The LAW-TRAIN consortium is extremely satisfied with and proud about the positive feedback of visitors and is now looking forward to integrating this feedback as improvements to the development process.
The European Union is funding the international Horizon 2020 project “LAW-TRAIN”, which will be established for the training of cross-border, collaborative interviewing situations for European security authorities. The project consortium which is composed of universities, national governments, as well as companies from different fields of expertise, has run for over three years.