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29-Dec-2017 4:20 PM EST
It’s Not Your Model Minority: The PINE Study Reveals the Challenges U.S. Chinese Aging Population Facing
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

In 2017, researchers from Rush University Medical Center completed the third wave of the PINE study, shedding a light on how cultural determinants impact the health outcomes and disparities among Chinese older adults.

Released: 27-Dec-2017 10:05 AM EST
Social Relations in Older Age May Help Grandma Maintain Her Memory
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

Researchers at Rush University Medical Center show that close social relationships may be the key to late life cognitive function.

Released: 19-Oct-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Neighborhood Matters – Association Between Neighborhood Cohesion and Self-Neglect in Chinese American Older Adults
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

Increasing neighborhood cohesion may enhance self-neglect prevention and intervention in U.S. Chinese older adults, suggested by a new study published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 17 OCT 2017 online.

10-Oct-2017 9:00 AM EDT
$1 Million Grant Awarded to Test Surveillance Technology to Prevent Elder Abuse
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

Dr. XinQi Dong and Rush University Medical Center were awarded a $1 million grant from ACL/AoA’s Elder Justice Innovation initiative to use different forms of surveillance technology to prevent elder abuse in community settings.

12-Jul-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Family Connections May Become a Double-Edged Sword Impacting U.S. Chinese Older Adults’ Well-Being
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

Researchers from the PINE study investigated Chinese older immigrants and found that traditional values of family connections may be both helpful and harmful for the health of this population.

23-Jun-2017 8:05 AM EDT
What Stops Chinese Elderly From Using Preventive Care and Personalized Treatments for Cancer?
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

Researchers from the PINE study examined the characteristics and barriers within the Chinese community that may contribute to low utilization of preventive health care and low participation in biospecimen collection.

12-Jun-2017 9:05 AM EDT
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2017: New Evidence on Incidence, Risks, and Outcomes of Elder Abuse
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

Studies provide an insight into elder abuse and self-neglect in relationship to its two-year incidence, adult children perpetrators and previous child abuse, levels of physical function, and suicidal ideation.

26-May-2017 11:00 AM EDT
Studies Offer Insight into Physical and Cognitive Decline among U.S. Asian Aging Populations
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

The first ever longitudinal study of U.S. Chinese older adults in the greater Chicago area found the cognitive and physical function of U.S. Chinese immigrants may be greatly impacted by their social and cultural context more than non-immigrant populations.

Released: 5-Apr-2017 8:05 AM EDT
State-of-Science Book Provides a Comprehensive Review of Elder Abuse Issues
Chinese Health, Aging, and Policy Program (CHAP)

Elder Abuse: Research, Practice, and Policy provides the most up-to-date information regarding elder abuse, with respect to risk/protective factors, clinical assessment and management, ethnography, practice and services, legal justice, elder court systems, guardianship system, policy issues, and future directions.

