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Released: 28-Nov-2011 7:20 AM EST
70 Percent of Middle, High School Students Experience "Slut Bashing" or Other Sexual Harrassment
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

By eighth grade, girls have already started to monitor the sexual conduct of other girls, according to researchers, and 70 percent of students have experienced some kind of non-physical sexual harassment, including sexual rumor spreading, also known as “slut bashing.”

Released: 3-Nov-2011 7:00 PM EDT
Professor Recovers Journal Entries Reflecting the "Real" David Livingstone
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

An Indiana University of Pennsylvania professor has recovered original journal entries of explorer David Livingstone which show new perspectives on an 1871 massacre in the Congo.

Released: 20-Oct-2011 12:50 PM EDT
It DOES Take a Village: Community Strength Key to Disaster Recovery
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Krzystof Kaniasty has done extensive research on how people cope and recover from natural and human-induced disasters. The key, he says, is community.

Released: 21-Sep-2011 1:15 PM EDT
Space Satellite Worries? It's More Dangerous for Space Vehicles than You
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Worried about being hit by NASA’s UARS satellite? You probably shouldn’t lose too much sleep about it, according to an Indiana University of Pennsylvania geoscientist. “Compared to the other perils of everyday life (such as riding in a car) the hazard is very minor for us on the ground, but space junk is a much greater problem in orbit, where collisions can cause considerable damage to a satellite or spacecraft," Dr. Kenneth Coles says.

Released: 1-Sep-2011 1:00 PM EDT
Geoscientist, Geographer “Mythbust” Earthquake and Hurricane Legends
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

While the earthquake in Virginia and Hurricane Irene seemed to occur almost together, an IUP geoscientist says there is no connection between earthquakes and hurricanes.

Released: 13-Jul-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Humor in the Immigration Courtroom? Not So Funny for the Defendant!
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

An Indiana University of Pennsylvania faculty member studied how humor or verbal play doesn’t always translate accurately into different languages during immigration hearings.

Released: 27-Jun-2011 6:00 PM EDT
Safety and Ethics in the Workplace = Better Bottom Line
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

The greatest economic reason to support an ethics-based approach to safety management within a capitalistic system is that prosperity generates an environment where continuing improvement and reduced risk are affordable.

Released: 12-May-2011 2:20 PM EDT
Regional Speech Dialects Soon to Disappear?
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

According to an Indiana University of Pennsylvania speech language pathologist, the southern drawl and Pittsburgh’s famous “yunz” may, very soon, be gone. IUP speech language professor Dr. Shari Robertson maintains that as time marches on, dialects will homogenize. She points out that in the eastern United States, there are many dialects, but in the West, the dialectical maps are large, covering vast amounts of geography. She said there is not a vast difference between how people in Montana speak compared to how people in Wyoming speak.

Released: 12-May-2011 2:15 PM EDT
Who's Afraid of Crime? Not Senior Citizens!
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

An Indiana University of Pennsylvania criminologist has found that the fear of crime is not as prevalent in the elderly as it has been reported to be in previous studies. Dr. John Lewis, a faculty member in IUP’s Department of Criminology, recently co-authored a study in Law Enforcement Executive Forum, “The Role of Environmental Indicators on the Perceptions of Crime of the Elderly.” His co-author is Dr. Mike Arter, a 2005 graduate of IUP’s criminology doctoral program.

Released: 12-May-2011 2:15 PM EDT
Pro-Eating Disorder Website Viewings Encourage Dangerous Calorie Drop in College Women
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

An Indiana University of Pennsylvania psychology professor has found that only 90 minutes of exposure to pro-eating disorder websites can have significant affects on caloric intake of college-aged women with normal eating behaviors.

Released: 12-May-2011 2:10 PM EDT
Human Error in the Workplace Preventable? Maybe
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

If a worker makes a mistake that leads to an accident, should that employee take the blame? Maybe not, according to Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences professor Jan Wachter. Wachter believes that human error in the workplace, while not completely preventable, can be managed by better tools to motivate and engage workers in the safety process.

Released: 12-May-2011 2:05 PM EDT
America's Jails: the New Mental Asylums?
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Two Indiana University of Pennsylvania criminologists believe that with recent failed national social policy, jails are being filled once again with the mentally ill.

Released: 12-May-2011 2:00 PM EDT
War of 1812 Shipwrecks in Lake Ontario's Black River Bay Coming Up
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

The Titanic may be disintegrating, but if two Indiana University of Pennsylvania professors have their way, shipwrecks from the War of 1812 won’t face the same fate. Dr. Katie Farnsworth, IUP Geoscience Department, and Dr. Ben Ford, Anthropology Department, are preparing for a June survey of the Black River Bay, in the northeast corner of Lake Ontario, to find and identify two shipwrecks. They received $14,888 from the National Geographic Society in support of their research project.

Released: 12-May-2011 1:00 PM EDT
Civil Rights Movement Comes to Life in Second Life Simulation
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Graduate students in Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s communications media program have brought the American civil rights movement to life in Second Life, an on-line, digital world.

Released: 12-May-2011 10:00 AM EDT
EMTs Need Special Training for Treating Autistic Patients
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Dealing with autistic patients has to be significantly different than from traditional styles. These videos offer training to first responders on how to deal with autistic individuals.

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