Latest News from: University of Delaware

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Released: 13-Aug-2024 4:05 PM EDT
University of Delaware experts share insights and strategies for navigating the upcoming school year
University of Delaware

The College of Education and Human Development in the University of Delaware has a number of stories and experts for the upcoming school year.

Released: 2-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Tips for teachers as they prepare for the 2024-2025 school year
University of Delaware

Leigh McLean is an an associate research professor in the School of Education and Center for Research in Educational and Social Policy at the University of Delaware. In her program of research, she investigates how teachers’ emotions and emotion-related experiences including well-being impact their effectiveness.

Released: 15-Mar-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Study shows that aging adults with mild cognitive impairment may have trouble learning new walking patterns
University of Delaware

University of Delaware researchers are studying how the brain controls movement and how motor skills are learned in health and disease.
