Latest News from: Corewell Health

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Released: 23-Sep-2020 3:45 PM EDT
What looked like COVID-19 wasn’t; Beaumont ER doctor’s instinct, tenacity paid off for local business executive
Corewell Health

Gary Corbin, 63, dropped a heavy hurricane window shutter, which gashed his leg before it hit the ground. After wintering in Florida, this resident of Grosse Pointe Farms had been helping his significant other close down her Palm Beach Gardens home before they returned to Michigan in mid-June. He treated the wound and kept it covered on the drive north.

Released: 9-Sep-2019 11:55 AM EDT
More people turning to primary care doctors or emergency centers for depression and suicidal thoughts
Corewell Health

Beaumont primary care and emergency medicine doctors say many patients see them for care that might surprise you: depression and suicidal thoughts. In fact, national data consistently shows spring and summer to be the most common seasons for suicide, not the gloomy winter months.

Released: 27-Jun-2016 11:05 AM EDT
Dr. Lori Warner, Parenting Expert at Beaumont Health, Discusses How Pushy Parents Can Harm Their Children
Corewell Health

Beaumont Children's clinical psychologist, Lori Warner, ph.d., a board-certified behavior analyst, Dr. Warner is also the director of the Ted Lindsay Foundation HOPE Center, and associate professor, Oakland University William Beaumont School, frequently speaks lectures on behavior management, toileting, feeding, autism diagnosis and treatment and parenting.

