Latest News from: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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Newswise: How Scientists Are Accelerating Next-Gen Microelectronics
Released: 21-Aug-2023 11:00 AM EDT
How Scientists Are Accelerating Next-Gen Microelectronics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In a new Q&A, microelectronics expert and CHiPPS Director Ricardo Ruiz shares his perspective on keeping pace with Moore’s Law in the decades to come through a revolutionary technique called extreme ultraviolet lithography.

Newswise: How Fiber-Optic Sensing and New Materials Could Reduce the Cost of Floating Offshore Wind
Released: 1-Jun-2023 11:15 AM EDT
How Fiber-Optic Sensing and New Materials Could Reduce the Cost of Floating Offshore Wind
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In this Q&A, Berkeley Lab's Yuxin Wu discusses how scientists are developing sensing technologies that could be installed on floating offshore structures. This would allow the structures to self-monitor damaging conditions that could lead to costly repairs, and could also gauge impacts to marine mammals.

Newswise: Fusion Q&A: The Path Forward
Released: 22-May-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Fusion Q&A: The Path Forward
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Fusion energy could address pollution, climate change, and high energy prices. Berkeley Lab’s Cameron Geddes and Reed Teyber explain how researchers are trying to make it a reality.

Newswise: The Sparks That Ignited Curiosity: How Quantum Researchers Found Their Path
Released: 19-Oct-2022 1:00 PM EDT
The Sparks That Ignited Curiosity: How Quantum Researchers Found Their Path
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage - Latin American Heritage Month, 5 QSA-affiliated scientists described how they pivoted to quantum information science (QIS) and technology, and why they're excited about the opportunities for scientific discovery. Featuring Ana Maria Rey, Pablo Poggi, Sergio Cantu, Elmer Guardado Sanchez, and Diego Barberena. QSA (Quantum Systems Accelerator) is a National QIS Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Berkeley Lab leads QSA with Sandia National Laboratories as the lead partner. QSA is composed of 15 member institutions in the United States and Canada.

Newswise: How X-Rays Can Make Better Batteries
Released: 4-Mar-2022 11:00 AM EST
How X-Rays Can Make Better Batteries
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In this Q&A, ALS senior staff scientist David Shapiro and Stanford materials science professor William Chueh share how their pioneering X-ray techniques can help researchers understand how battery materials work in real time at the atomic scale.

Released: 1-Dec-2021 11:00 AM EST
How Can Next-Gen Computer Chips Reduce Our Carbon Footprint?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab scientists Maurice Garcia-Sciveres and Ramamoorthy Ramesh discuss how future microchips could perform better – and require less energy – than silicon.

Released: 7-Oct-2021 12:50 PM EDT
Hydrogen Can Play Key Role in U.S. Decarbonization
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with Berkeley Lab scientists on how hydrogen can help achieve net-zero emissions. Adam Weber is Berkeley Lab's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Program Manager and leads Berkeley Lab’s Energy Conversion Group (ECG), and Ahmet Kusoglu is a staff scientist in the ECG, a multidisciplinary team of electrochemists, chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, theorists, and material scientists with active collaborations across industry, academia, and national laboratories.

Released: 22-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
How Techno-economic Analysis Can Improve Energy Technologies
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with Berkeley Lab researcher Hanna Breunig on techno-economic analysis, and how she uses it to make negative emissions technologies more competitive

Released: 25-Mar-2021 9:00 AM EDT
How Microorganisms Can Help Us Get to Net Negative Emissions
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with Berkeley Lab scientist Eric Sundstrom on a technology to turn electrons to bioproducts

Released: 22-Feb-2021 10:00 AM EST
A Sponge to Soak Up Carbon Dioxide in the Air
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Increasingly, scientists are recognizing that negative emissions technologies (NETs) to remove and sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will be an essential component in the strategy to mitigate climate change. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), a multidisciplinary Department of Energy research lab, is pursuing a portfolio of negative emissions technologies and related research.

Released: 13-Aug-2020 7:00 AM EDT
Global Methane Emissions Soaring, But How Much Was Due to Wetlands?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with Berkeley Lab scientist William Riley on the challenges in estimating methane emissions from wetlands and how nuanced computer models may help

Released: 11-Aug-2020 7:00 AM EDT
Keeping Cool Efficiently During Heat Waves
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Heat waves are becoming a more regular occurrence across the country. Iain Walker, Leader of the Residential Building Systems Group at Berkeley Lab, has suggestions for how to weather them. Walker has more than 20 years’ experience as a building scientist and consultant on energy use and ventilation in residential buildings.

Released: 12-Mar-2020 9:00 AM EDT
How We Choose: Applying ‘Decision Science’ to Transportation Behaviors
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Can scientists understand human behavior enough to figure out what drives the choices you make? In fact, it’s called “decision science,” and it’s something that Anna Spurlock, a behavioral economist with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), specializes in.

Released: 25-Oct-2019 4:15 PM EDT
Improving Indoor Air Quality During Wildfires
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with Berkeley Lab indoor air scientists on protecting homes, schools, and other buildings, from air pollution during wildfires.

Released: 24-Oct-2019 1:00 PM EDT
Using Physics to Keep Our Electrical Grid Safe
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with a Berkeley Lab computer security expert on cyberattacks

Released: 18-Oct-2019 2:55 PM EDT
Using Faster Computing to Better Predict Earthquake Damage to Infrastructure
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with a Berkeley Lab scientist on how exascale computing could dramatically accelerate research and earthquake safety

Released: 28-Aug-2019 10:30 AM EDT
Tiny Toxins: How Algal Blooms Affect Coastal Systems Through a Complex Web of Interactions
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with scientist Michelle Newcomer on looking for unexpected causes of harmful algal blooms. Harmful and nuisance algal blooms are thought to have a number of contributing causal factors, including a build-up of nutrients, unusually high water temperatures, and extreme weather events such as floods and drought. But an understanding of the connectivity between these triggers is missing, as is an ability to predict the onset of the blooms.

Released: 31-Jul-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Moving Forward on Desalination
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A Q&A with scientist Jeff Urban, who explains forward osmosis and how Berkeley Lab is pushing the frontiers of this emerging technology
