** Attention Media Covering the Shooting Incident at the U.S. Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. **
As the United States comes to grips with another tragic incident of a mass shooting, many are wondering why these events occur and what factors into someone taking such action. For members of the media interested in a Subject Area Expert who has extensive experience researching such situations, Scott Poland, Ed.D. from Nova Southeastern University can provide such insight.
Dr. Poland has led multiple national crisis teams following numerous mass shootings and has assisted schools and communities after terrorism acts in New York, Washington, D.C. and Oklahoma. He has served as the team leader of the crisis response team sent to Jefferson County Public Schools during the aftermath of the Columbine High School shootings. Dr. Poland has presented more than 1,000 workshops in all 50 states and has testified before Congress as a Subject Area Expert.
For more information about Dr. Poland, visit his Webpage at http://cps.nova.edu/faculty/profile/poland.html. In addition to the Public Affairs Office number listed above, media may contact NSU’s Subject Area Expert directly at [email protected] or (954) 262-5881.