Newswise — WASHINGTON (June 10, 2024)-- Apple and ChatGPT-maker OpenAI are now partners. With this new partnership, Apple is hoping to contend with its competitors Microsoft and Google, whose AI capabilities and growth are increasing their sales versus Apple. Apple’s deal with OpenAI allows the company to use OpenAI’s technology in its own products, among other new AI features the iPhone maker announced alongside this partnership. 

Faculty experts at the George Washington University are available to provide context, commentary and analysis on this partnership. If you would like to speak to an expert, please contact the GW Media Relations team at [email protected]


Alicia Solow-Niederman, Associate Professor of Law at George Washington University Law School. Solow-Niederman is an expert in the intersection of law and technology. Her research focuses on how to regulate emerging technologies, such as AI with an emphasis on algorithmic accountability, data governance and information privacy. Solow-Niederman is a member of the EPIC Advisory Board and has written and taught in privacy law, government use of AI and the likes.

Bill Kovacic, Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy, Professor of Law, and Director of the Competition Law Center at the George Washington University Law. Kovacic is an expert in antitrust law, contracts, and government contracts. In addition to his expertise, Kovacic was a member of the FTC for over a decade and chaired the commission from March 2008-March 2009.
