Newswise — Michigan Medicine ranked third of 100 leading healthcare institutions worldwide for scientific research in 2020, according to The Nature Index.

The Nature Index, a database compiled by Nature Research, provides an overview of research rankings for institutions and countries based on the number of scientific articles published in 82 high-quality natural-science journals. The data includes counts of both the total number of papers and the share of authorship of each paper. The 2020 tables are based on Nature Index data from January 1-December 31, 2020. 

Michigan Medicine increased its share from 2019 by 17.5 percent, the largest increase among leading healthcare institutions ranked in the top 10. Michigan Medicine has resided within or near the top 10 every year since 2015, and it previously ranked as high as fifth on this list in 2018.

The University of Michigan ranked 11th of 500 leading academic institutions and 16th of 500 leading institutions worldwide for 2020. The UM’s share increase of 11.8 percent from 2019 was the largest jump among leading academic institutions in the top 20, and second-highest leap among leading institutions in the top 20.

According to The Nature Index, the tables are intended to be one of several metrics to assess research excellence and institutional performance. Nature Index data and methods are transparent and available under a creative commons license at is external).

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