A Rutgers expert on elder abuse is available to comment on the rise of hate crimes against elderly Asians in the San Francisco Bay area. There have been increased reports of robberies, burglaries and assaults on Asian Americans in Oakland's Chinatown in recent weeks, and growing reports of racism and discrimination against Asians across the country since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We know discrimination can have significant health impacts on Asians, particularly the elderly,” said XinQi Dong, director of the Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research (IFH). “With the rise in racist rhetoric and attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical that we understand the scope of these incidents and the impacts, and do more to protect these vulnerable populations.”

Dong is a geriatrician and population health epidemiologist with extensive research on elder abuse among Chinese Americans.



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