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Released: 17-Sep-2024 7:30 AM EDT
Risk of Clots, Stroke From Incorrect Blood Thinner Dosing Reduced Using Online Dashboard
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Doctors and pharmacists treating people with blood thinners can reduce the rate of inappropriate dosing — as well as blood clots and strokes that can result from it — using an electronic patient management system, a study suggests. Direct oral anticoagulants can be incorrectly prescribed up to 20% of the time.

Newswise: An Unexpected Result: The Mammalian Inner Ear Is a Striking Example of Convergent Evolution
Released: 17-Sep-2024 5:00 AM EDT
An Unexpected Result: The Mammalian Inner Ear Is a Striking Example of Convergent Evolution
University of Vienna

A new study reveals the surprisingly convergent evolution in the inner ear of mammals. An international research team led by Nicole Grunstra from the University of Vienna and Anne Le Maître from the Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI) for Evolution and Cognition Research (Klosterneuburg) showed that a group of highly divergent mammals known as Afrotheria and distantly related, but ecologically very similar mammals independently evolved similar inner ear shapes. The study has just been published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.

Newswise: How AI Can Help Stop the Spread of Misinformation
Released: 16-Sep-2024 9:05 PM EDT
How AI Can Help Stop the Spread of Misinformation
University of California San Diego

Machine learning algorithms significantly outperform human judgment in detecting lying during high-stakes strategic interactions, according to new research from the University of California San Diego’s Rady School of Management. The study can have major implications for the spread of misinformation, as machine learning could be used to bolster efforts to reduce fictitious content on major platforms like YouTube, Tik-Tok and Instagram.

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Released: 16-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
دراسة لمايو كلينك تكتشف ارتباطًا بين خلايا الدم البيضاء المصابة بخلل وزيادة خطر التعرض للورم الميلانيني
Mayo Clinic

الأشخاص الذين لديهم فرط في خلايا الدم البيضاء المستنسخة، أو الخلايا الليمفاوية، التي تعيق أجهزتهم المناعية - وهي حالة تُسمى كثرة الخلايا الليمفاوية وحيدة النسيلة - قد يكونوا أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالعديد من المضاعفات الصحية، ومنها الورم الميلانيني، وهو شكل من أشكال سرطان الجلد. نُشرت النتائج التي توصل إليها علماء مايو كلينك في ورقة بحثية جديدة في مجلة علم الأورام السريري.

Newswise: In Search of New Microscopy Tools to Observe How Cells Function
Released: 16-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
In Search of New Microscopy Tools to Observe How Cells Function
University of Utah

Two labs at the University of Utah’s Department of Chemistry joined forces to improve imaging tools that may soon enable scientists to better observe signaling in functioning cells and other molecular-scale processes central to life.

Newswise: Just How Dangerous Is Great Salt Lake Dust? New Research Looks for Clues
Released: 16-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Just How Dangerous Is Great Salt Lake Dust? New Research Looks for Clues
University of Utah

As Utah’s Great Salt Lake shrinks, exposing more of its playa, concerns grow about the dust the dry lakebed emits. University of Utah scientists find sediments in the exposed lakebed show elevated 'oxidative potential,' indicating greater risk to human health.

Newswise: Blueprint MedTech continues to fuel the innovation of devices to treat and diagnose conditions affecting the nervous system
Released: 16-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Blueprint MedTech continues to fuel the innovation of devices to treat and diagnose conditions affecting the nervous system
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

Blueprint MedTech is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) technology incubator program that is part of the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research and for the past two years has provided funding and expertise to fast-track the development of therapeutic and diagnostic devices for disorders that affect the nervous or neuromuscular systems.
