Newswise — Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s leadership in embracing medical technology has once again resulted in the institution being named among the nation’s “most wired” hospitals and health systems.
The 2017 Health Care’s Most Wired Survey — released this week by the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) Health Forum and published in Hospitals and Health Networks magazine — is an industry barometer measuring information technology (IT) use and adoption among hospitals across the nation.
The survey of 698 participants, representing an estimated 2,158 hospitals — more than 39 percent of all hospitals in the U.S. — examines how organizations are leveraging IT to improve performance for value-based health care in the areas of infrastructure, business and administrative management; quality and safety; and clinical integration.
“Being selected as one of the most wired institutions is a testament to the hard work of so many at Vanderbilt who will do whatever is necessary to improve patient safety and care quality,” said Kevin Johnson, M.D., M.S., Senior Vice President for Health Information Technology. “This award clearly goes to all of our faculty and staff for demanding technological excellence, and pushing all of us to achieve it.”
Innovation in patient care embraces emerging technologies and underscores the need for secure patient information exchange, and new tools are helping patients become more actively involved in their care and maintaining their health.
“Being recognized as Most Wired is an honor and speaks to Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation and technology in patient care,” said Ken Letkeman, Chief Information Officer for VUMC.
Hospitals recognized on the Most Wired survey are using every available technology option to create more ways to reach their patients in order to provide access to care, said AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack.
“They are transforming care delivery, investing in new delivery models in order to improve quality, provide access and control costs.”
Detailed results of the survey and study can be found in the July issue of Hospitals and Health Networks magazine. The list, which is ordered alphabetically, can be seen at